Sedentary behavior Flashcards
CSEP 24 h movement guidelines for 5-17 yo - sweat
moderate to vigorous activity
60 min /day
Vigorous activity and muscle and bone strengthening activities should be at least 3 days / week
CSEP guidelines - step
light PA
several hours of structured and unstructured light PA
CSEP guidelines - sleep
uninterrupted 9-11h of sleep for 5-13 yo
8-10 h 14-17yo
with consistent wake up times
CSEP guidelins - sit
no more that 2h per day of recreational screen time
limited sitting for extended periods
sedentary behavior- general pop
any waking behavior characterized by and energy expenditure <= 1.5 METs, while in a sitting, reclining or lying posture
sedentary behavior - infants
any waking behavior characterized by low energy expenditure while restrained or when sedated
is tummy time sedentary behaviour
sedentary behavior pattern
the manner in which sedentary behavior is accumulated throughout the day or week while awake
Physical inactivity
insufficient physical activity level to meet present PA recommendations
physical inactivity - toddlers and preschoolers
not achieving 180 min of PA of any intensity per day
physical inactivity - children and youth
not achieving 60 min of MVPA per day
a position in chich one’s weight is supported by one’s buttocks rather than one’s feet and in which one’s back is upright
passive sitting
<1.5 METs
active sitting
> 1.5 METs
being in an horizontal position on a supporting surface