What is GECSP?
It is the Global Essential Comp[liance an Security Policies. These policies are created to standardize and increase security measures around TP.
What are the policy objectives?
- Secure access to TP sites
- Protect data and confidential information
- Prevent fraudulent activities
Policy 1
Always make sure you have your ID badge worn at all times from the moment you enter the company premises until you leave the office.
Policy 2
Your ID badge enables you to access the places you are allowed and needed to be in. Always watch your surroundings and discourage tailgating.
Policy 3
Make sure to clear your desks with items that can be used for fraudulent purposes.
Policy 4
Sharing, transmitting or disclosing sensitive information to other employees are prohibited. DO NOT share your logins and passwords to anyone!
Policy 5
Be aware of the existing policies and reporting channels to report possible fraudulent activities.
Policy 6
Never expose client names or client-identifying information on social media!
Policy 7
Part of my job is to ensure that everyone is trained and aware of the GECSP and GDPR.
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation is a legal framework that carries provisions that require businesses to protect personal data and privacy of U.S citizens for transactions that occur within US member states. Since TP has presence in EU countries, has more than 250 employees and posesses personal info within EU states.