Security Management...Garima's Deck Flashcards
Which actions are most successful in preventing theft?
- Identifying risks, ranking and addressing risks.
- Backing up technology with governance, expertise and monitoring
- Taking notice.
How to develop a detailed response strategy (after insider theft)?
- Convening a quick response team
- Creating a cross divisional team to establish the facts of the case.
- Investigate why the theft occurred.
- Conducting a root cause analysis
- Developing a remediation process.
What are the 10 steps of a comprehensive theft and fraud prevention?
- Prevention Program
- Incident
- Incident reporting
- Investigation
- Action
- Resolution
- Analysis
- Publication
- Implementation of controls
- Testing for compliance and training.
What are the components of preventive education?
- Screening for past trust violation
- Policies detailing prohibited activities and actions to be taken in case of violation
- Setting up shipping, receiving and warehousing
- Specific accountability systems for each vulnerable function
- Periodic employee communication to demonstrate company vulnerabilities and management actions.
- Theft and fraud prevention training
- Avenues for employees to report concerns
- Audits & security reviews of high value inventory and operations.
Which is the most common and serious motive for employee theft?
gambling addiction
ABC Inc decided to reduce the risk of theft by spreading valuable assets to various locations, while applying target hardening strategies and counter measures. However, a risk of theft remains. This is referred to as
Residual Risk (not risk spreading, risk threat, or risk impact)
What was the Counterintelligence Strategic Partnership Program earlier known as?
Developing Espionage and Counterintelligence Awareness (DECA) program and then
Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR)
An information protection strategy is designed to support what?
An organization’s goals, strategy and timelines.
What are the three types of Information Asset Protection (IAP) threats?
- Intentional threats
- Natural threats
- Inadvertent threats
What are other noteworthy IAP threats besides intentional, natural and inadvertent threats?
- Data mining
- Insiders
- Counterfeiting and piracy
Fill in the blanks:
Risk assessments should identify risks, quantify them, and prioritize them according to an organization’s _________
criteria for risk acceptance.
What are the top business impacts to watch out for while conducting risk assessments (for IAP)?
- Loss of company reputation/image/goodwill;
- Loss of competitive advantage in one product/service;
- Reduced projected/anticipated returns or profitability;
- Loss of core business technology or process; and
- Loss of competitive advantage in multiple products/services
What are the benefits of IAP for businesses?
- Enhances fiduciary oversight, control, and stewardship of key assets
- Aligns information assets with business operations and the organization’s strategic vision;
- Offers efficient allocation of traditional and IT security resources;
- Allows timely pursuit of information asset compromises and intellectual property rights (IPR) violations;
- Helps to negotiate coverage and premiums for intellectual property (IP) and information technology IT insurance;
- Provides consistency in regulatory reporting of assets;
- Standardizes internal and external asset handling
- Identifies key internal and external sources of assets and intellectual capital.
What are the steps for developing an IAP policy?
- Leadership to provide resources and ask all business units to develop strategies to align business and protection goals.
- A dedicated team should be tasked with policy management and auditing
- All should adhere to the policy
- There should be IAP training
- IAP training should be documented.
What must IAP protection measures ensure?
confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, recoverability, auditability, and non- repudiation of information in both the physical and cyber environment
Many businesses divide information into three categories. Which three categories are there?
- External release (unrestricted access),
- Internal (limited to employees and contractors), and 3. Confidential (limited by a specific need to know).
True or False:
Layered Protection (Defense in Depth) applies to both physical security and IAP
In IAP, what does defense in depth imply?
- Increasing level of trust for those who are given access to successive layers
- Different security technologies or measures that operate in concert.
- Successive layers employed to delay, detect and deter intruders.
What should a security professional do to implement layered technology?
- Apply multiple levels to critical assets
- Ensure successive layers compliment each other
- Built a coordinated strategy that integrates different protective measures.
What are the protective steps recommended to manage documents and records?
1.Place shredders or secure collection receptacles near printers, copiers, and fax machines.
2.Place signs in such areas to remind employees that overruns and misprints must be destroyed.
3.Where appropriate, document any transfers (internal and external) of sensitive records or documents.
4.Carefully select any contractors that destroy records, documents, or sensitive information.
5.Destroy records and sensitive information in a manner that precludes reconstruction consistent with its level of sensitivity, and document the date and place of destruction.
6.Destroy obsolete records regularly, according to a record retention schedule.
7.Destroy incidental and duplicate records on a regular basis.
8.Store media awaiting destruction in secure containers.
9.If possible, avoid discarding destroyed media in trash receptacles accessible to the public.
10.Give categories of access to the documentation, such as public use or restricted use.
11.When records and information are being transported, protect them with locked containers, seals, escorts, radio frequency identification tags, transportation logs, and other means.
What should be done to maintain IAP privacy protection?
- Evaluate privacy information
- Ensure systems are in place to safeguard such information.
- Establish specific privacy policies and designate someone for implementation and management.
- Device a mechanism to investigate priacy breaches
- Review applicable regulatory laws and guidelines and ensure compliance.
- Be transparent about privacy information, accessibility to individuals, notifications and associated actions
- Conduct program audits to ensure proper implementation of privacy policies
What steps can be taken to harmonize IAP and business principles?
- Coordinate IAP matters with all business units.
- Incorporate IAP into business continuity plan
- Employee onboarding, training and professional development programs should include IAP related material
- Communicate IAP issues to all levels of management.
What steps should be taken in OPSEC or information risk management?
- Develop tailored IAP policies for key projects.
- Ensure that peripheral information, facility enhancements and other observable activities, do not provide valuable intelligence to others
- Consider the vulnerability of information released to outside but related entities as these may not have sufficient IAP measures.
- Review the company’s and it partner’s publicly available information to determine if it reveals sensitive information.
- Assess vulnerabilities by taking the adversary’s perspective.
- Implement an approval process for any presentations, papers, or articles that may contain information pertinent to sensitive activities or plans.
How can IAP professionals prevent and detect counterfeiting and illegal copying?
- Monitor the Internet for counterfeit products.
- Train employees to watch for counterfeit products
- Require all to sign nondisclosure agreements (NDAs).
- Employ anti-counterfeiting technology.
- Number all technical memoranda and reports.
- Conduct compliance and inventory control audits
- Work with law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies
How can organization protect its trade secrets?
- Document the identification and valuation of the trade secrets, their role in establishing competitive advantage in the industry, and the full scope of protection measures instituted to protect them.
- Ensure that measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access.
- Conduct periodic, random audits
- Execute nondisclosure agreements
- Establish need-to-know criteria to ensure that individuals have limited access
- Institute effective information warning notifications
- Properly discard what is no longer needed.
How is decision making helpful?
Decision making serves to:
1. Guard against errors in judgement
2. Ask important questions
3. Access information
4. Recognize & assess assumptions, implications and consequences.
5. Come to well reasoned conclusions
6. Achieve commitment & understanding
7. Solve the problem in question.
What is critical thinking?
Process by which knowledge & intelligence are used effectively to arrive at the most reasonable and justifiable positions on issues. A thinker identifies and overcomes hinderances to thinking.
What is a strategy?
A goal oriented set of plans & actions that enables a business to compete effectively. It is also known as a theory about how to gain a competitive advantage.
What does evaluating the external macro environment in business entail?
- Recognize risks or factors which have strategic significance.
- Diagnose the competitive conditions in the industry.
- Map the market position of key industry rivals.
- Use multiple frameworks to determine whether an industry provides sufficient opportunities for growth and profitability.
What are the components of external analysis of macro level environment?
- Economic
- Demographic
- Socio-cultural
- Politico-legal
- Technological
- International-global
What is monopoly and perfect competition?
When threats are very high, the approach is called perfect competition. When threats are low, the approach is called monopoly.
What is Monopolistic competition?
It is when an industry has large numbers of competing firms and a low cost of entry into and out of the industry. Like toothpaste, shampoo, golf balls.
What are oligopolies?
Oligopolies are characterized by a small number of competing firms with homogenous products and high industry entry and exit costs. For example, coca-cola.
Actions firms take to gain competitive advantage by operating in multiple markets or industries simultaneously. This is called
Corporate level strategies.
Action arrived at by a set of decisions made by management that enable the company to successfully compete in a single product market or industry.
Business level strategies
Why does a company opt out of domestic market?
- To gain new customers.
- To achieve lower costs
- To access low cost inputs of production
- To exploit its own competencies.
- To access resources and capabilities in foreign locations.
What is considered the DNA of a company?
Corporate culture
What is emergency management?
The planning and activity associated with detecting, containing, and dealing with the immediate impact of an event.
What are the elements of emergency management?
- Mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
What is the goal of business continuity planning?
- Save lives and reduce injuries
- Protect assets
- Restore critical business processes and systems
- Restore the length of business interruptions
- Protect reputational damage
- Control media coverage
- Maintain customer relations
What should be included in a BCP?
- Team members;
- Alternate locations or transportation needs;
- Checklists for preparing for a disruption;
- Checklists for responding during a disruption;
- Checklists for returning to normal operations after a disruption;
- Lists of needed resources;
- Communications paths and templates;
- Financial considerations; and
- Plans for specific disruptions that require special response.
How to decide what preventive and response measures are appropriate?
- Identify the likelihood of crisis incidents
- Identify the potential consequences should a crisis event take place.
How can the likelihood of an incident be estimated?
Assess the organization’s changing profile and security measures already in place.
How can the potential consequences of a crisis incident be estimated?
It may be assessed based on the knowledge of the asset at risk.
What is the purpose of an emergency plan?
- Highlight the problems that decision makers or emergency management personnel will face
- Prepare ahead how to act should an emergency develop.
What are the types of crisis?
- Natural or environmental
- Human
- Active
- Cyber based threats
What are pre incident considerations?
- Select threat management team members.
- Establish roles, responsibilities, procedures and trainings for key response personnel
- Create alert, warning and emergency notification systems.
- Conduct awareness, education and trainings
- Provide emergency response equipment
- Liaise with official public safety bodies
- For direction coordination and communication set up EOC and ICC
- Establish a media staging area and family notification area.
- Considering psychological impact, have a team ready.
What are post incident considerations?
- Immediate phase: life safety, accounting for all individuals
- Short-term phase: preserve crime scene, monitor individuals for signs of psychological trauma, assist individuals in reunification and other incident-related efforts, continue to communicate information.
- Long-term phase: conduct post-incident debrief, replenish supplies, and continue communications with appropriate groups.
What is an investigation?
A process of logically, methodically, and lawfully gathering and documenting information for the specific purpose of objectively developing a reasonable conclusion based on the facts learned through this process.
What is the purpose of an investigation?
- Investigating:
- Incidents 2. undesirable situations with nefarious activities 3. misconduct and inappropriate behaviour 4. suspects involved in crime or misconduct 5. allegations
- Make a decision regarding individual or organization
- Perform threat assessment
- Collect crime data
What are the five attributes of an investigation?
objectivity, thoroughness, relevance, accuracy, and timeliness.
How is the value of private sector investigative capabilities measured?
In terms of recovery, risk reduction, restitution and mitigation of liabilities.
What are the basic functions of management (also applicable to managing investigations)?
What are the three levels of investigative management?
Strategic Level
Operational Level
Case Level
What are the four phases of an investigation?
- The initial process
- The investigation itself
- Reporting the findings
- Use of the results.
What are the three I’s used during an investigation?
What are the two basic categories of evidence?
Direct and indirect
What are the four types of investigative reports?
Initial, progress, special and final
What is usually the costliest item in an organization’s security budget?
Security officers
What are the duties of a security officer?
- Control of entrances and movement of pedestrian and vehicle traffic;
- Patrol
- Escort
- Inspection
- Monitoring assets
- Emergency response;
- Dealing with disruptive people;
- Observing and reporting
- Safety and accident prevention;
- Public relations; and
- Special assignments.
What are the three major categories of security consultants?
- Security management consultants
- Technical security consultants
- Security forensic consultants
What is the critical detection point?
The point when the delay time remaining exceeds the response force time.
What are the three primary components of physical security?
- Structural security
- Electronic security systems
- Human element
What are the three underlying elements of CPTED?
- Territoriality
- Surveillance
- Access control.
What are the three types of CPTED measures?
- Mechanical
- Organizational
- Natural
What are the steps involved in system implementation?
- Site preparation
- Contractor coordination
- Installation
- Testing and warranty issues
- Training
What is a standard?
a set of criteria, guidelines, and best practices that can be used to enhance the quality and reliability of products, services, or processes.