Security Management Flashcards
"From an organizational standpoint the head of security should report to a Superintendent of buildings b Manager of buildings and grounds c Head housekeeper d A vice president or higher"
D A vice president or higher
"The most conspicuous role of the security department in any organization is that of a Educational services b Management services c Special services d Protective services"
D Protective Services
From an organizational standpoint the head of security should report to
a Superintendent of buildings
b Manager of buildings and grounds
c Head housekeeper
d A vice president or higher
D A vice president or higher
The most conspicuous role of the security department in any organization is that of
a Educational services
b Management services
c Special services
d Protective services
D Protective Services
Training sessions consisting of a security awareness program for new employees should be conducted by
a Special training officers
b Security personnel
c Consultants skilled in training
d Member of management
B Security Personnel
There are necessary and legitimate exceptions to the principle of unity of command One condition which sometimes allows for shifting in supervision is
a When order is given by the rank of captain or above
b When order is given by the head of a department
c When the order is given by the head of internal affairs
d During emergencies
D During Emergencies
Perhaps the most common shortcoming in the security industry is
a Lack of support by top management
b Failure to properly prepare and equip new supervisors with tools to discharge their important responsibilities supervisory training
c Lack of planning
d Lack of monetary resources
B Failure to properly prepare and equip new supervisiors with the tools to discharge their important responsibilities
Which of the following is not recommended policy with regard to security manuals
a It must be updated on regular basis
b Employee should not be allowed to have possession of it
c The manual should be put in the hands of all regular security personnel
d It should include procedural instructions for specific incidents
B Employee should not be allowed to have possession of it
Which of the following is not an advantage of using in house career personnel
a Career personnel develop a loyalty to the department
b Career personnel tend to be more ambitious
c There is more stability among career personnel
d Career personnel constitute a fixed limited cadre or pool of manpower resources
D Career personnel consitute a fixed limited cadre or pool of manpwer resources
Which of the following is known to be one of the disadvantages of contract security services
a Turnover
b Cost
c Manpower resource
d Skills
A Turnover
Ideally the person who should conduct the inspection of a security department is
a An outside consultant
b The second ranking person
c The security director or security manager
d The ranking sergeant
C The security Director or Security Manager
The process of determining the probability and cost of potential loss is known as
a Probability analysis
b Risk assessment
c Potential loss analysis
d Physical survey
B Risk Assessment
The ultimate responsibility for the internal security in a department should rest with
a The president
b Chairman of the board
c Security director
d The line supervisor
D The line supervisor
The issuance of weapons to guards is usually not justified
a In a situation where deterrence is needed in handling control of large amounts of cash
b In situations in which terrorism is a real threat
c In a situation where there would be greater danger to life safety without weapons than with them
d In a situation where there is no danger to life safety
D In a situation where there is no danger to life saftey
In issuing policy statements regarding the handling of disturbed persons the primary consideration is
a Legal liability to the disturbed
b Reducing the disturbed person to a form of benevolent custody and eliminating the immediate danger
c Legal liability to employees and third persons if restraint not achieved
d Employee community public relations
B Reducing the disturbed person to a form of benevolent custody and eliminating the immediate danger
Spotting the individual loss events that might take place is the primary step in dealing with security vulnerability This process is called
a Loss event probability
b Threat assessment process
c Loss event profile
d Actual threat analysis
C Loss event profile
The likelihood or probability of risks affecting the assets becoming actual loss events is known as
a Loss event probability
b Loss event profile
c Treat analysis control
d Threat target control
A Loss event probability
The impact or effect on the enterprise if the loss occurs is known as
a Loss event profile
b Loss event probability
c Loss event criticality
d Security survey analysis
C Loss event criticality
Which of the following is considered to be one of the three basic functions of risk management
a Lock control
b Barrier control
c Disaster management
d Loss control
D Loss Control
18 Oscar Newman published a classic in which he presented ideas and applied strategies from the New York public housing project to aid in reducing the risk of being victimized and reducing fear of crime when on the streets What is the name of this book
a Crime Prevention
b Crime Reduction
c Defensible Space
d Crime in Architectural Planning
C Defensible Space
From a security perspective what is the first factor to be considered in facility construction
a The identity of experienced consultants
b An effective security plan
c An architect with knowledge of physical security
d The building site itself
D The building itself
A critical on site examination and analysis of an industrial plant business home or public or private institution to ascertain the present security status to identify deficiencies or excesses to determine the protection needed and to make recommendations to improve the overall security is the definition of
a Security survey
b Risk analysis
c Full field inspection
d Crime prevention assessment
A Security Survey
There are two generally accepted definitions of risk These are most commonly known to risk managers and security officers as
a Potential risk and dynamic risk
b Profit risk and dynamic risk
c Potential risk and pure risk
d Pure risk and dynamic risk
D Pure risk and dynamic risk
The most effective deterrent to shoplifting is
a Highly competent and educated security officers
b Widespread use of sensor devices
c Well positioned CCTVs
d Well trained personnel
D Well trained personnel
A simplified answer to the question of why employees steal is
a Sickness in family
b To feed drug habit
c To live on a higher level
d The theft triangle
D The theft triangle
Many experts agree that the most important deterrent to internal theft is
a Threat of dismissal
b Fear of discovery
c Threat of prosecution
d Conscience pangs
B Fear of Discovery
Crime analysis is a key element in focusing the use of police and security resources to address crime problems Data collection and analysis are two specific steps The other two are
a Inspection and discovery of facts
b Response and feedback
c Feedback and corrective action
d Dissemination and feedback
D Dissemination and feedback
It is generally accepted that insurance rates are dependent upon two primary variables These are
a Cost of claims and competitors rates
b Competition among insurance companies and frequency of claims
c Cost of claims and frequency of claims
d Cost of claims and government regulations
C Cost of claims and frequency of claims
The basic types of protection which security personnel realize as best can be described by the following
a Fidelity Bonds
b Surety Bonds
c Burglary Robbery Theft Insurance
d All of the above
D All of the above
Bonds which require that an employee be investigated by the bonding company to limit the risk of dishonesty and if that trust is violated the insurance company must indemnify the employer are called
a Surety Bonds
b Fidelity Bonds
c Insurance Bonds
d Blanket Bonds
B Fidelity Bonds
Protection for a corporation if there is a failure to perform specified acts within a certain period of time is known as a
a Contract Bond
b Blanket Bond
c Surety Bond
d Fiduciary Bond
C Surety Bond
The urban planning and design process which integrates crime prevention techniques with neighborhood design is known as
a Urban Development Planning
b Conceptual Modeling in Architecture
c Environmental Design
d Environmental Security E S
D Environmental Security E S
The ability of design to counteract the perception that the area is isolated and criminally vulnerable is known as
a Natural Surveillance Techniques
b Image and Milieu
c Soft Area Protection
d Territoriality Cleansing
B Image and Milieu
The greatest ongoing threat to any business is
a Shoplifting
b Shrinkage
c Internal Theft
d Pilferage
C Internal Theft
Pilferage is defined as stealing in small quantities over a long period of time The taking of property entrusted to someones care is called
a Mistake of fact
b Misprison of a felony
c Uttering
d Embezzlement
D Embezzlement
The theft triangle consists of the following components
a Desire skill and training
b Motivation skill and opportunity
c Opportunity desire and skill
d Motivation opportunity and rationalization
D Motivation opportunity and rationalization
A key element in focusing the use of police and security resources to address crime problems is commonly called
a Data collection and analysis
b Systematic evaluation of data available
c Crime analysis
d Analysis and feedback
C Crime analysis
The practice of preventing unauthorized persons from gaining information by analyzing electromagnetic emanations from electronic equipment is often termed
a Tempest
b Veiling
c Bugging
d Hardening
A Tempest
Which of the following is not a correct statement with regard to narcotics
a The term narcotic in its medical meaning refers to opium and opium derivatives of synthetic substitutes
b They are the most effective agents known for the relief of intense pain
c They have been used for a long period of time as a remedy for diarrhea
d They tend to intensify vision and increase alertness
D They tend to intensify vision and increase alertness
Which of the following characteristics does not pertain to morphine
a It is the principal constituent of opium
b Its legal use is restricted primarily to hospitals
c It tastes sweet and is marketed in the form of yellow crystals
d Tolerance and dependence develop rapidly
C It tastes sweet and is marketed in the form of yellow crystals
Most of this substance is produced from morphine but it is often combined with other products such as aspirin or Tylenol It is often used for relief of coughs and it is by far the most widely used naturally occurring narcotic in medical treatment It is
a Barbiturates
b Mescaline
c Chloral Hydrate
d Codeine
D Codeine
German scientists synthesized methadone during World War II because of a shortage of morphine Which of the following is not characteristic of methadone and its usage
a Although chemically unlike morphine and heroin it produces many of the same effects
b It was distributed under such names as amidone dolophine and methadone
c It was widely used in the 1960s in the treatment of narcotic addicts
d It is only effective when administered by injection
D It is only effective when administered by injection
Which of the following characteristics do not pertain to the use or effects of depressants generally
a The usual methods of administration are oral or injected
b Excessive use results in drunken behavior similar to that of alcohol
c There is no danger of tolerance developing
d Taken as prescribed they may be beneficial for the relief of anxiety and tension
C Thre is no danger of tolerance development
Another widely abused depressant is methaqualone All of the following are factually descriptive of methaqualone except one Identify this exception
a It is chemically unrelated to the barbiturates
b It was once mistakenly thought to be effective as an aphrodisiac
c It is administered orally
d It is one of the depressants that does not lead to tolerance and dependence
D It is one of the depressants that does not lead to tolerance and dependance
All of the following are controlled substances grouped as stimulants except one Identify the exception
a Cocaine
b Amphetamines
c Phenmetrazine
d Mescaline
D Mescaline
All of the following are factual statements descriptive of illicit cocaine except one which is
a It is distributed on the street as a white to dark brown powder
b It is often adulterated to about half its volume by a variety of other ingredients
c This substance is only used through the process of injection
d It is popularly accepted as a recreational drug
C This substance is only used through the process of injection
Which of the following is another name for cocaine
a Adipex
b Bacarate
c Piegine
d Snow
D Snow
Which of the following statements does not pertain to cocaine
a It has a medical use as a sedative
b There is a possibility that sustained use could result in physical dependence
c There is a high possibility that sustained use could result in psychological dependence
d Tolerance is a distinct possibility
A It has a medical use as a sedative
The effects of illusions and hallucinations with poor perception of time and distance possibly indicates the use of which of the following substances
a Cannabis
b Hallucinogen
c Stimulants
d Depressants
B Hallucinogens
All of the following are hallucinogens except
b Marihuana
c Mescaline
d Phencyclidine
B Marijuana
The source of marihuana is the
a Peyote cactus
b Mushrooms
c Coca plant
d Cannabis plant
D Cannabis Plant
Cannabis products are usually taken
a Through sniffing
b Injection
c Smoking
d By rubbing into the skin
C Smoking
The condition whereby a user develops an attachment to the use of a substance due to its ability to satisfy some emotional or personality need of the person is known as
a Tolerance
b Physical dependence
c Addiction
d Psychological Depend
D Psychological dependance
The state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a substance is known as
a Tolerance
b Addiction
c Habituation
d Drug dependence
B Addiction
What is SWOT
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunties and Threats in business venture
What is SMART
Specific Measurable Attainable Relavent and Time bound
What is the Primary resource of a business
its people
Second most valuable resource to a company
corporate knowledge
What are current accounts
assets and liabilities that can be converted quickly
Borrowing Capital to purchase assets that can increase revenue
What are the 9 main types of standards
basic product design process specification code management systems conformity assessment and personnel certification
What is a comprehensive assessment
predetermined threshold has been reached additional information is gathered and implementation of a non immediate emergency resolution plan
What is a threshold assessment
Determines whether an assessment should continue or only requires monitoring
First level of assessing workplace violence
Initial Assessment determine whether there is an immediate risk of harm
Alcohol valium Librium Quaaludes
Schedule IV Drugs
Darvon Darvocet phenobarbital and valium low dependency
Schedule I drugs
Hash MJ Heroin LSD No medical use
Schedule II Drugs
Cocaine morphine amphetamine and PCP accepted medical use with severe restrictions
Schedule III Drugs
Codeine Tylenol with Codeine Vicodin potential for abuse but accepted medically
what are the three principles of asset protection
five avenues to address risk balancing security and legal considerations and the five ds
what are the five avenues to address risk
risk avoidance risk transfer risk spreading risk reduction amd risk acceptance
what are the five D s
deter deny detect delay and destroy
what are the four major areas of asset protection in telecom
information security network security fraud prevention and physical security
What are the five forces shaping asset protection
technology and touch globalization in business standards and regulations convergence of security solutions and homeland security and the international security environment
what is NISPOM
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
what three things are needed for success in managing asset protection
technical expertise management ability ability to deal with people
five basic functions of managing
planning organizing directing coordinating controlling
maslows hierarchy of needs
self actualization esteem affiliation security physiological
When buying insurance what should you look for
Perils property losses people locations time period covered and what hazards are excluded
a loss that occurred during the period the policy was in force would be covered no matter when the occurenct was discovered even after the policy expired
Occurrence loss
a physical loss of or damage to the object concerned
Direct loss
reduction of net income due to loss of the use of the damaged or destroyed object
loss of use
the cost of defending a liability suit and paying judgment or hospital and medical expenses following a personal accident
extra expense loss
what is WAECUP
waste accidents error crime unethical practices
what is SWOT
strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats
what is thr STEP
social technological environmental and political
common law definition of theft
the dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of rightful possession or use of it
definition of fraud
intentional deception perpetrated for the purpose of unlawfully taking anothers property theft by deception
define employee theft
the unauthorized taking control or transfer of money and or property of the formal work organization that is perpetrated by an employee during the course of occupational activity
what are the four characteristics involved in internal theft scams
diversion conversion disguise divergence
the logical examination of crimes which have penetrated preventative measures including the frequency of specific crimes each incidents temporal details time and day and the risk posed to a propertys inhabitants as well as the application of revised security standards and preventive measure that if adhered to and monitored can be the panacea for a given crime dilemma
Crime analysis
six principles of Executive protection
to achieve notoriety or fame bring attention to a personal or public problem avenge a perceived wrong end personal pain be removed from society or be killed save the country or the world develop a special relationship with the target mae money bring political change
What are assassins motives
prevent and avoid danger realize that anyone can protect anyone dont stop to think keep clients out of trouble understand the security vs convenience continuum rely on brains not technology
From an organizational standpoint the head of security should report to
a Superintendent of buildings
b Manager of buildings and grounds
c Head housekeeper
d A vice president or higher
D A vice president or higher
The most conspicuous role of the security department in any organization is that of
a Educational services
b Management services
c Special services
d Protective services
D Protective Services
Training sessions consisting of a security awareness program for new employees should be conducted by
a Special training officers
b Security personnel
c Consultants skilled in training
d Member of management
B Security Personnel
There are necessary and legitimate exceptions to the principle of unity of command One condition which sometimes allows for shifting in supervision is
a When order is given by the rank of captain or above
b When order is given by the head of a department
c When the order is given by the head of internal affairs
d During emergencies
D During Emergencies
Perhaps the most common shortcoming in the security industry is
a Lack of support by top management
b Failure to properly prepare and equip new supervisors with tools to discharge their important responsibilities supervisory training
c Lack of planning
d Lack of monetary resources
B Failure to properly prepare and equip new supervisiors with the tools to discharge their important responsibilities
Which of the following is not recommended policy with regard to security manuals
a It must be updated on regular basis
b Employee should not be allowed to have possession of it
c The manual should be put in the hands of all regular security personnel
d It should include procedural instructions for specific incidents
B Employee should not be allowed to have possession of it
Which of the following is not an advantage of using in house career personnel
a Career personnel develop a loyalty to the department
b Career personnel tend to be more ambitious
c There is more stability among career personnel
d Career personnel constitute a fixed limited cadre or pool of manpower resources
D Career personnel consitute a fixed limited cadre or pool of manpwer resources
Which of the following is known to be one of the disadvantages of contract security services
a Turnover
b Cost
c Manpower resource
d Skills
A Turnover
Ideally the person who should conduct the inspection of a security department is
a An outside consultant
b The second ranking person
c The security director or security manager
d The ranking sergeant
C The security Director or Security Manager
The process of determining the probability and cost of potential loss is known as
a Probability analysis
b Risk assessment
c Potential loss analysis
d Physical survey
B Risk Assessment
The ultimate responsibility for the internal security in a department should rest with
a The president
b Chairman of the board
c Security director
d The line supervisor
D The line supervisor
The issuance of weapons to guards is usually not justified
a In a situation where deterrence is needed in handling control of large amounts of cash
b In situations in which terrorism is a real threat
c In a situation where there would be greater danger to life safety without weapons than with them
d In a situation where there is no danger to life safety
D In a situation where there is no danger to life saftey
In issuing policy statements regarding the handling of disturbed persons the primary consideration is
a Legal liability to the disturbed
b Reducing the disturbed person to a form of benevolent custody and eliminating the immediate danger
c Legal liability to employees and third persons if restraint not achieved
d Employee community public relations
B Reducing the disturbed person to a form of benevolent custody and eliminating the immediate danger
Spotting the individual loss events that might take place is the primary step in dealing with security vulnerability This process is called
a Loss event probability
b Threat assessment process
c Loss event profile
d Actual threat analysis
C Loss event profile
The likelihood or probability of risks affecting the assets becoming actual loss events is known as
a Loss event probability
b Loss event profile
c Treat analysis control
d Threat target control
A Loss event probability
The impact or effect on the enterprise if the loss occurs is known as
a Loss event profile
b Loss event probability
c Loss event criticality
d Security survey analysis
C Loss event criticality
Which of the following is considered to be one of the three basic functions of risk management
a Lock control
b Barrier control
c Disaster management
d Loss control
D Loss Control
18 Oscar Newman published a classic in which he presented ideas and applied strategies from the New York public housing project to aid in reducing the risk of being victimized and reducing fear of crime when on the streets What is the name of this book
a Crime Prevention
b Crime Reduction
c Defensible Space
d Crime in Architectural Planning
C Defensible Space
From a security perspective what is the first factor to be considered in facility construction
a The identity of experienced consultants
b An effective security plan
c An architect with knowledge of physical security
d The building site itself
D The building itself
A critical on site examination and analysis of an industrial plant business home or public or private institution to ascertain the present security status to identify deficiencies or excesses to determine the protection needed and to make recommendations to improve the overall security is the definition of
a Security survey
b Risk analysis
c Full field inspection
d Crime prevention assessment
A Security Survey
There are two generally accepted definitions of risk These are most commonly known to risk managers and security officers as
a Potential risk and dynamic risk
b Profit risk and dynamic risk
c Potential risk and pure risk
d Pure risk and dynamic risk
D Pure risk and dynamic risk
The most effective deterrent to shoplifting is
a Highly competent and educated security officers
b Widespread use of sensor devices
c Well positioned CCTVs
d Well trained personnel
D Well trained personnel
A simplified answer to the question of why employees steal is
a Sickness in family
b To feed drug habit
c To live on a higher level
d The theft triangle
D The theft triangle
Many experts agree that the most important deterrent to internal theft is
a Threat of dismissal
b Fear of discovery
c Threat of prosecution
d Conscience pangs
B Fear of Discovery
Crime analysis is a key element in focusing the use of police and security resources to address crime problems Data collection and analysis are two specific steps The other two are
a Inspection and discovery of facts
b Response and feedback
c Feedback and corrective action
d Dissemination and feedback
D Dissemination and feedback
It is generally accepted that insurance rates are dependent upon two primary variables These are
a Cost of claims and competitors rates
b Competition among insurance companies and frequency of claims
c Cost of claims and frequency of claims
d Cost of claims and government regulations
C Cost of claims and frequency of claims
The basic types of protection which security personnel realize as best can be described by the following
a Fidelity Bonds
b Surety Bonds
c Burglary Robbery Theft Insurance
d All of the above
D All of the above
Bonds which require that an employee be investigated by the bonding company to limit the risk of dishonesty and if that trust is violated the insurance company must indemnify the employer are called
a Surety Bonds
b Fidelity Bonds
c Insurance Bonds
d Blanket Bonds
B Fidelity Bonds
Protection for a corporation if there is a failure to perform specified acts within a certain period of time is known as a
a Contract Bond
b Blanket Bond
c Surety Bond
d Fiduciary Bond
C Surety Bond
The urban planning and design process which integrates crime prevention techniques with neighborhood design is known as
a Urban Development Planning
b Conceptual Modeling in Architecture
c Environmental Design
d Environmental Security E S
D Environmental Security E S
The ability of design to counteract the perception that the area is isolated and criminally vulnerable is known as
a Natural Surveillance Techniques
b Image and Milieu
c Soft Area Protection
d Territoriality Cleansing
B Image and Milieu
The greatest ongoing threat to any business is
a Shoplifting
b Shrinkage
c Internal Theft
d Pilferage
C Internal Theft
Pilferage is defined as stealing in small quantities over a long period of time The taking of property entrusted to someones care is called
a Mistake of fact
b Misprison of a felony
c Uttering
d Embezzlement
D Embezzlement
The theft triangle consists of the following components
a Desire skill and training
b Motivation skill and opportunity
c Opportunity desire and skill
d Motivation opportunity and rationalization
D Motivation opportunity and rationalization
A key element in focusing the use of police and security resources to address crime problems is commonly called
a Data collection and analysis
b Systematic evaluation of data available
c Crime analysis
d Analysis and feedback
C Crime analysis
The practice of preventing unauthorized persons from gaining information by analyzing electromagnetic emanations from electronic equipment is often termed
a Tempest
b Veiling
c Bugging
d Hardening
A Tempest
Which of the following is not a correct statement with regard to narcotics
a The term narcotic in its medical meaning refers to opium and opium derivatives of synthetic substitutes
b They are the most effective agents known for the relief of intense pain
c They have been used for a long period of time as a remedy for diarrhea
d They tend to intensify vision and increase alertness
D They tend to intensify vision and increase alertness
Which of the following characteristics does not pertain to morphine
a It is the principal constituent of opium
b Its legal use is restricted primarily to hospitals
c It tastes sweet and is marketed in the form of yellow crystals
d Tolerance and dependence develop rapidly
C It tastes sweet and is marketed in the form of yellow crystals
Most of this substance is produced from morphine but it is often combined with other products such as aspirin or Tylenol It is often used for relief of coughs and it is by far the most widely used naturally occurring narcotic in medical treatment It is
a Barbiturates
b Mescaline
c Chloral Hydrate
d Codeine
D Codeine
German scientists synthesized methadone during World War II because of a shortage of morphine Which of the following is not characteristic of methadone and its usage
a Although chemically unlike morphine and heroin it produces many of the same effects
b It was distributed under such names as amidone dolophine and methadone
c It was widely used in the 1960s in the treatment of narcotic addicts
d It is only effective when administered by injection
D It is only effective when administered by injection
Which of the following characteristics do not pertain to the use or effects of depressants generally
a The usual methods of administration are oral or injected
b Excessive use results in drunken behavior similar to that of alcohol
c There is no danger of tolerance developing
d Taken as prescribed they may be beneficial for the relief of anxiety and tension
C Thre is no danger of tolerance development
Another widely abused depressant is methaqualone All of the following are factually descriptive of methaqualone except one Identify this exception
a It is chemically unrelated to the barbiturates
b It was once mistakenly thought to be effective as an aphrodisiac
c It is administered orally
d It is one of the depressants that does not lead to tolerance and dependence
D It is one of the depressants that does not lead to tolerance and dependance
All of the following are controlled substances grouped as stimulants except one Identify the exception
a Cocaine
b Amphetamines
c Phenmetrazine
d Mescaline
D Mescaline
All of the following are factual statements descriptive of illicit cocaine except one which is
a It is distributed on the street as a white to dark brown powder
b It is often adulterated to about half its volume by a variety of other ingredients
c This substance is only used through the process of injection
d It is popularly accepted as a recreational drug
C This substance is only used through the process of injection
Which of the following is another name for cocaine
a Adipex
b Bacarate
c Piegine
d Snow
D Snow
Which of the following statements does not pertain to cocaine
a It has a medical use as a sedative
b There is a possibility that sustained use could result in physical dependence
c There is a high possibility that sustained use could result in psychological dependence
d Tolerance is a distinct possibility
A It has a medical use as a sedative
The effects of illusions and hallucinations with poor perception of time and distance possibly indicates the use of which of the following substances
a Cannabis
b Hallucinogen
c Stimulants
d Depressants
B Hallucinogens
All of the following are hallucinogens except
b Marihuana
c Mescaline
d Phencyclidine
B Marijuana
The source of marihuana is the
a Peyote cactus
b Mushrooms
c Coca plant
d Cannabis plant
D Cannabis Plant
Cannabis products are usually taken
a Through sniffing
b Injection
c Smoking
d By rubbing into the skin
C Smoking
The condition whereby a user develops an attachment to the use of a substance due to its ability to satisfy some emotional or personality need of the person is known as
a Tolerance
b Physical dependence
c Addiction
d Psychological Depend
D Psychological dependance
The state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a substance is known as
a Tolerance
b Addiction
c Habituation
d Drug dependence
B Addiction
What is SWOT
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunties and Threats in business venture
What is SMART
Specific Measurable Attainable Relavent and Time bound
What is the Primary resource of a business
its people
Second most valuable resource to a company
corporate knowledge
What are current accounts
assets and liabilities that can be converted quickly
Borrowing Capital to purchase assets that can increase revenue
What are the 9 main types of standards
basic product design process specification code management systems conformity assessment and personnel certification
What is a comprehensive assessment
predetermined threshold has been reached additional information is gathered and implementation of a non immediate emergency resolution plan
What is a threshold assessment
Determines whether an assessment should continue or only requires monitoring
First level of assessing workplace violence
Initial Assessment determine whether there is an immediate risk of harm
Alcohol valium Librium Quaaludes
Schedule IV Drugs
Darvon Darvocet phenobarbital and valium low dependency
Schedule I drugs
Hash MJ Heroin LSD No medical use
Schedule II Drugs
Cocaine morphine amphetamine and PCP accepted medical use with severe restrictions
Schedule III Drugs
Codeine Tylenol with Codeine Vicodin potential for abuse but accepted medically
what are the three principles of asset protection
five avenues to address risk balancing security and legal considerations and the five ds
what are the five avenues to address risk
risk avoidance risk transfer risk spreading risk reduction amd risk acceptance
what are the five D s
deter deny detect delay and destroy
what are the four major areas of asset protection in telecom
information security network security fraud prevention and physical security
What are the five forces shaping asset protection
technology and touch globalization in business standards and regulations convergence of security solutions and homeland security and the international security environment
what is NISPOM
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
what three things are needed for success in managing asset protection
technical expertise management ability ability to deal with people
five basic functions of managing
planning organizing directing coordinating controlling
maslows hierarchy of needs
self actualization esteem affiliation security physiological
When buying insurance what should you look for
Perils property losses people locations time period covered and what hazards are excluded
a loss that occurred during the period the policy was in force would be covered no matter when the occurenct was discovered even after the policy expired
Occurrence loss
a physical loss of or damage to the object concerned
Direct loss
reduction of net income due to loss of the use of the damaged or destroyed object
loss of use
the cost of defending a liability suit and paying judgment or hospital and medical expenses following a personal accident
extra expense loss
what is WAECUP
waste accidents error crime unethical practices
what is SWOT
strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats
what is thr STEP
social technological environmental and political
common law definition of theft
the dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of rightful possession or use of it
definition of fraud
intentional deception perpetrated for the purpose of unlawfully taking anothers property theft by deception
define employee theft
the unauthorized taking control or transfer of money and or property of the formal work organization that is perpetrated by an employee during the course of occupational activity
what are the four characteristics involved in internal theft scams
diversion conversion disguise divergence
the logical examination of crimes which have penetrated preventative measures including the frequency of specific crimes each incidents temporal details time and day and the risk posed to a propertys inhabitants as well as the application of revised security standards and preventive measure that if adhered to and monitored can be the panacea for a given crime dilemma
Crime analysis
six principles of Executive protection
to achieve notoriety or fame bring attention to a personal or public problem avenge a perceived wrong end personal pain be removed from society or be killed save the country or the world develop a special relationship with the target mae money bring political change
What are assassins motives
prevent and avoid danger realize that anyone can protect anyone dont stop to think keep clients out of trouble understand the security vs convenience continuum rely on brains not technology
From an organizational standpoint the head of security should report to
a Superintendent of buildings
b Manager of buildings and grounds
c Head housekeeper
d A vice president or higher
D A vice president or higher
The most conspicuous role of the security department in any organization is that of
a Educational services
b Management services
c Special services
d Protective services
D Protective Services
Training sessions consisting of a security awareness program for new employees should be conducted by
a Special training officers
b Security personnel
c Consultants skilled in training
d Member of management
B Security Personnel
There are necessary and legitimate exceptions to the principle of unity of command One condition which sometimes allows for shifting in supervision is
a When order is given by the rank of captain or above
b When order is given by the head of a department
c When the order is given by the head of internal affairs
d During emergencies
D During Emergencies
Perhaps the most common shortcoming in the security industry is
a Lack of support by top management
b Failure to properly prepare and equip new supervisors with tools to discharge their important responsibilities supervisory training
c Lack of planning
d Lack of monetary resources
B Failure to properly prepare and equip new supervisiors with the tools to discharge their important responsibilities
Which of the following is not recommended policy with regard to security manuals
a It must be updated on regular basis
b Employee should not be allowed to have possession of it
c The manual should be put in the hands of all regular security personnel
d It should include procedural instructions for specific incidents
B Employee should not be allowed to have possession of it
Which of the following is not an advantage of using in house career personnel
a Career personnel develop a loyalty to the department
b Career personnel tend to be more ambitious
c There is more stability among career personnel
d Career personnel constitute a fixed limited cadre or pool of manpower resources
D Career personnel consitute a fixed limited cadre or pool of manpwer resources
Which of the following is known to be one of the disadvantages of contract security services
a Turnover
b Cost
c Manpower resource
d Skills
A Turnover
Ideally the person who should conduct the inspection of a security department is
a An outside consultant
b The second ranking person
c The security director or security manager
d The ranking sergeant
C The security Director or Security Manager
The process of determining the probability and cost of potential loss is known as
a Probability analysis
b Risk assessment
c Potential loss analysis
d Physical survey
B Risk Assessment
The ultimate responsibility for the internal security in a department should rest with
a The president
b Chairman of the board
c Security director
d The line supervisor
D The line supervisor
The issuance of weapons to guards is usually not justified
a In a situation where deterrence is needed in handling control of large amounts of cash
b In situations in which terrorism is a real threat
c In a situation where there would be greater danger to life safety without weapons than with them
d In a situation where there is no danger to life safety
D In a situation where there is no danger to life saftey
In issuing policy statements regarding the handling of disturbed persons the primary consideration is
a Legal liability to the disturbed
b Reducing the disturbed person to a form of benevolent custody and eliminating the immediate danger
c Legal liability to employees and third persons if restraint not achieved
d Employee community public relations
B Reducing the disturbed person to a form of benevolent custody and eliminating the immediate danger
Spotting the individual loss events that might take place is the primary step in dealing with security vulnerability This process is called
a Loss event probability
b Threat assessment process
c Loss event profile
d Actual threat analysis
C Loss event profile
The likelihood or probability of risks affecting the assets becoming actual loss events is known as
a Loss event probability
b Loss event profile
c Treat analysis control
d Threat target control
A Loss event probability
The impact or effect on the enterprise if the loss occurs is known as
a Loss event profile
b Loss event probability
c Loss event criticality
d Security survey analysis
C Loss event criticality
Which of the following is considered to be one of the three basic functions of risk management
a Lock control
b Barrier control
c Disaster management
d Loss control
D Loss Control
18 Oscar Newman published a classic in which he presented ideas and applied strategies from the New York public housing project to aid in reducing the risk of being victimized and reducing fear of crime when on the streets What is the name of this book
a Crime Prevention
b Crime Reduction
c Defensible Space
d Crime in Architectural Planning
C Defensible Space
From a security perspective what is the first factor to be considered in facility construction
a The identity of experienced consultants
b An effective security plan
c An architect with knowledge of physical security
d The building site itself
D The building itself
A critical on site examination and analysis of an industrial plant business home or public or private institution to ascertain the present security status to identify deficiencies or excesses to determine the protection needed and to make recommendations to improve the overall security is the definition of
a Security survey
b Risk analysis
c Full field inspection
d Crime prevention assessment
A Security Survey
There are two generally accepted definitions of risk These are most commonly known to risk managers and security officers as
a Potential risk and dynamic risk
b Profit risk and dynamic risk
c Potential risk and pure risk
d Pure risk and dynamic risk
D Pure risk and dynamic risk
The most effective deterrent to shoplifting is
a Highly competent and educated security officers
b Widespread use of sensor devices
c Well positioned CCTVs
d Well trained personnel
D Well trained personnel
A simplified answer to the question of why employees steal is
a Sickness in family
b To feed drug habit
c To live on a higher level
d The theft triangle
D The theft triangle
Many experts agree that the most important deterrent to internal theft is
a Threat of dismissal
b Fear of discovery
c Threat of prosecution
d Conscience pangs
B Fear of Discovery
Crime analysis is a key element in focusing the use of police and security resources to address crime problems Data collection and analysis are two specific steps The other two are
a Inspection and discovery of facts
b Response and feedback
c Feedback and corrective action
d Dissemination and feedback
D Dissemination and feedback
It is generally accepted that insurance rates are dependent upon two primary variables These are
a Cost of claims and competitors rates
b Competition among insurance companies and frequency of claims
c Cost of claims and frequency of claims
d Cost of claims and government regulations
C Cost of claims and frequency of claims
The basic types of protection which security personnel realize as best can be described by the following
a Fidelity Bonds
b Surety Bonds
c Burglary Robbery Theft Insurance
d All of the above
D All of the above
Bonds which require that an employee be investigated by the bonding company to limit the risk of dishonesty and if that trust is violated the insurance company must indemnify the employer are called
a Surety Bonds
b Fidelity Bonds
c Insurance Bonds
d Blanket Bonds
B Fidelity Bonds
Protection for a corporation if there is a failure to perform specified acts within a certain period of time is known as a
a Contract Bond
b Blanket Bond
c Surety Bond
d Fiduciary Bond
C Surety Bond
The urban planning and design process which integrates crime prevention techniques with neighborhood design is known as
a Urban Development Planning
b Conceptual Modeling in Architecture
c Environmental Design
d Environmental Security E S
D Environmental Security E S
The ability of design to counteract the perception that the area is isolated and criminally vulnerable is known as
a Natural Surveillance Techniques
b Image and Milieu
c Soft Area Protection
d Territoriality Cleansing
B Image and Milieu
The greatest ongoing threat to any business is
a Shoplifting
b Shrinkage
c Internal Theft
d Pilferage
C Internal Theft
Pilferage is defined as stealing in small quantities over a long period of time The taking of property entrusted to someones care is called
a Mistake of fact
b Misprison of a felony
c Uttering
d Embezzlement
D Embezzlement
The theft triangle consists of the following components
a Desire skill and training
b Motivation skill and opportunity
c Opportunity desire and skill
d Motivation opportunity and rationalization
D Motivation opportunity and rationalization
A key element in focusing the use of police and security resources to address crime problems is commonly called
a Data collection and analysis
b Systematic evaluation of data available
c Crime analysis
d Analysis and feedback
C Crime analysis
The practice of preventing unauthorized persons from gaining information by analyzing electromagnetic emanations from electronic equipment is often termed
a Tempest
b Veiling
c Bugging
d Hardening
A Tempest
Which of the following is not a correct statement with regard to narcotics
a The term narcotic in its medical meaning refers to opium and opium derivatives of synthetic substitutes
b They are the most effective agents known for the relief of intense pain
c They have been used for a long period of time as a remedy for diarrhea
d They tend to intensify vision and increase alertness
D They tend to intensify vision and increase alertness
Which of the following characteristics does not pertain to morphine
a It is the principal constituent of opium
b Its legal use is restricted primarily to hospitals
c It tastes sweet and is marketed in the form of yellow crystals
d Tolerance and dependence develop rapidly
C It tastes sweet and is marketed in the form of yellow crystals
Most of this substance is produced from morphine but it is often combined with other products such as aspirin or Tylenol It is often used for relief of coughs and it is by far the most widely used naturally occurring narcotic in medical treatment It is
a Barbiturates
b Mescaline
c Chloral Hydrate
d Codeine
D Codeine
German scientists synthesized methadone during World War II because of a shortage of morphine Which of the following is not characteristic of methadone and its usage
a Although chemically unlike morphine and heroin it produces many of the same effects
b It was distributed under such names as amidone dolophine and methadone
c It was widely used in the 1960s in the treatment of narcotic addicts
d It is only effective when administered by injection
D It is only effective when administered by injection
Which of the following characteristics do not pertain to the use or effects of depressants generally
a The usual methods of administration are oral or injected
b Excessive use results in drunken behavior similar to that of alcohol
c There is no danger of tolerance developing
d Taken as prescribed they may be beneficial for the relief of anxiety and tension
C Thre is no danger of tolerance development
Another widely abused depressant is methaqualone All of the following are factually descriptive of methaqualone except one Identify this exception
a It is chemically unrelated to the barbiturates
b It was once mistakenly thought to be effective as an aphrodisiac
c It is administered orally
d It is one of the depressants that does not lead to tolerance and dependence
D It is one of the depressants that does not lead to tolerance and dependance
All of the following are controlled substances grouped as stimulants except one Identify the exception
a Cocaine
b Amphetamines
c Phenmetrazine
d Mescaline
D Mescaline
All of the following are factual statements descriptive of illicit cocaine except one which is
a It is distributed on the street as a white to dark brown powder
b It is often adulterated to about half its volume by a variety of other ingredients
c This substance is only used through the process of injection
d It is popularly accepted as a recreational drug
C This substance is only used through the process of injection
Which of the following is another name for cocaine
a Adipex
b Bacarate
c Piegine
d Snow
D Snow
Which of the following statements does not pertain to cocaine
a It has a medical use as a sedative
b There is a possibility that sustained use could result in physical dependence
c There is a high possibility that sustained use could result in psychological dependence
d Tolerance is a distinct possibility
A It has a medical use as a sedative
The effects of illusions and hallucinations with poor perception of time and distance possibly indicates the use of which of the following substances
a Cannabis
b Hallucinogen
c Stimulants
d Depressants
B Hallucinogens
All of the following are hallucinogens except
b Marihuana
c Mescaline
d Phencyclidine
B Marijuana
The source of marihuana is the
a Peyote cactus
b Mushrooms
c Coca plant
d Cannabis plant
D Cannabis Plant
Cannabis products are usually taken
a Through sniffing
b Injection
c Smoking
d By rubbing into the skin
C Smoking
The condition whereby a user develops an attachment to the use of a substance due to its ability to satisfy some emotional or personality need of the person is known as
a Tolerance
b Physical dependence
c Addiction
d Psychological Depend
D Psychological dependance
The state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a substance is known as
a Tolerance
b Addiction
c Habituation
d Drug dependence
B Addiction
What is SWOT
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunties and Threats in business venture
What is SMART
Specific Measurable Attainable Relavent and Time bound
What is the Primary resource of a business
its people
Second most valuable resource to a company
corporate knowledge
What are current accounts
assets and liabilities that can be converted quickly
Borrowing Capital to purchase assets that can increase revenue
What are the 9 main types of standards
basic product design process specification code management systems conformity assessment and personnel certification
What is a comprehensive assessment
predetermined threshold has been reached additional information is gathered and implementation of a non immediate emergency resolution plan
What is a threshold assessment
Determines whether an assessment should continue or only requires monitoring
First level of assessing workplace violence
Initial Assessment determine whether there is an immediate risk of harm
Alcohol valium Librium Quaaludes
Schedule IV Drugs
Darvon Darvocet phenobarbital and valium low dependency
Schedule I drugs
Hash MJ Heroin LSD No medical use
Schedule II Drugs
Cocaine morphine amphetamine and PCP accepted medical use with severe restrictions
Schedule III Drugs
Codeine Tylenol with Codeine Vicodin potential for abuse but accepted medically
what are the three principles of asset protection
five avenues to address risk balancing security and legal considerations and the five ds
what are the five avenues to address risk
risk avoidance risk transfer risk spreading risk reduction amd risk acceptance
what are the five D s
deter deny detect delay and destroy
what are the four major areas of asset protection in telecom
information security network security fraud prevention and physical security
What are the five forces shaping asset protection
technology and touch globalization in business standards and regulations convergence of security solutions and homeland security and the international security environment
what is NISPOM
National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
what three things are needed for success in managing asset protection
technical expertise management ability ability to deal with people
five basic functions of managing
planning organizing directing coordinating controlling
maslows hierarchy of needs
self actualization esteem affiliation security physiological
When buying insurance what should you look for
Perils property losses people locations time period covered and what hazards are excluded
a loss that occurred during the period the policy was in force would be covered no matter when the occurenct was discovered even after the policy expired
Occurrence loss
a physical loss of or damage to the object concerned
Direct loss
reduction of net income due to loss of the use of the damaged or destroyed object
loss of use
the cost of defending a liability suit and paying judgment or hospital and medical expenses following a personal accident
extra expense loss
what is WAECUP
waste accidents error crime unethical practices
what is SWOT
strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats
what is thr STEP
social technological environmental and political
common law definition of theft
the dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of rightful possession or use of it
definition of fraud
intentional deception perpetrated for the purpose of unlawfully taking anothers property theft by deception
define employee theft
the unauthorized taking control or transfer of money and or property of the formal work organization that is perpetrated by an employee during the course of occupational activity
what are the four characteristics involved in internal theft scams
diversion conversion disguise divergence
the logical examination of crimes which have penetrated preventative measures including the frequency of specific crimes each incidents temporal details time and day and the risk posed to a propertys inhabitants as well as the application of revised security standards and preventive measure that if adhered to and monitored can be the panacea for a given crime dilemma
Crime analysis
six principles of Executive protection
to achieve notoriety or fame bring attention to a personal or public problem avenge a perceived wrong end personal pain be removed from society or be killed save the country or the world develop a special relationship with the target mae money bring political change
What are assassins motives
prevent and avoid danger realize that anyone can protect anyone dont stop to think keep clients out of trouble understand the security vs convenience continuum rely on brains not technology