Security Agreement
A security agreement is a contract b/w creditor & debtor where creditor gives some value to debtor in exchange for debtor’s promise to perform (repay) & in which creditor takes a security interest on the debtor’s collateral.
Seller-Financed where secured party sells debtor collateral & retains security interest in item.
Financer-Financed where secured party gives loan to debtor that enables him to buy specific collateral & creditor takes security interest that specific collateral. Loan must be used to buy it.
Goods – Type of Collateral
Consumer Goods used or bought for use primarily for personal, family, household purposes. Equipment used or bought for use primarily in business. Farm Products are crops, livestock, supplies used or produced in farm operations. Inventory held for sale or lease, or materials used/consumed in business for short period of time.
Instruments – Type of Collateral
Any writing evidencing right to payment & in ordinary course of business transferred by delivery.
Chattel Paper – Type of Collateral
Promissory note that is coupled with a security interest
Accounts – Type of Collateral
A right to payment NOT evidenced by an instrument or chattel paper for goods or services (account receivable).
Deposit Accounts – Type of Collateral
A non-consumer bank account and such accounts that are claimed as proceeds of other collateral.
Commercial Tort Claims – Type of Collateral
Tort claim where P is an organization OR if individual & claim arose in his business & not for PI or death.
General Intangibles – Type of Collateral
Personal property no coming within the scope of other collateral definitions (software/patent/goodwill).
Security Interest Disguised as Lease
Even if the terms of contract state that it is a lease, it is a Security Interest if, at the time of contract, it was not reasonably likely that “lessor” would get item back when it still had meaningful economic value.
Must have security agreement, consideration (even past), & collateral that debtor has rights to. Security instrument must be (1) in writing, (2) signed by debtor, & (3) describe with reasonable identification.
After- Acquired Property – Not Applicable for Tort Claims
Unless otherwise explicit, security interest only reaches collateral debtor had rights in at the time he signed agreement. Exceptions: (1) courts imply if collateral is rapidly depleted/replenished, or (2) if consumer goods, this clause does not apply unless debtor acquires rights in them w/in 10 days after secured party gives value.
Proceeds are whatever is received upon sale, exchange, or disposition of collateral or proceeds. Unless opt out, SI automatically gives secured party a right to identifiable proceeds. Identifiable means that creditor can prove that proceeds came from its original collateral; thus, secured party has burden of proof.
Proceeds Comingled
If proceeds comingled in acct with non-proceeds, under the lowest-intermediate balance test, the secured party’s identifiable proceeds = LOWEST amount in acct beginning at time proceeds deposited & ending at time of test.
Automatic Perfection
With PMSI on consumer goods, the security interest is automatically perfected upon attachment.
Perfection by Control
Security interest in non-consumer bank accts can only be perfected by control. To obtain, the account must be placed in secured party’s name or by executing a control agreement with debtor & bank. Bank has auto control.
Perfection of Automobile
Secured party perfects by noting its lien on certificate of title. If leased or inventory, must file finance statement.
Perfection by Filing Financing Statement – Form UCC 1
Must contain (1) creditor & debtor’s name, & (2) a reasonable description of collateral. No signature, but debtor must authorize it which is automatic upon signing security agreement (ipso facto auth).
Contents of Financing Statement – Debtor’s Name
Not responsible for filing officer. If change, effective to perfect in collateral acquired by debtor 4 months after.
Contents of Financing Statement – Secured Party’s Name
Although secured party’s name must be on filing, any error is not misleading as its indexed under debtor name.
Contents of Financing Statement – Description of Collateral
It must reasonably identify, but broad language with filing statement is fine (all assets & all personal property).
Contents of Financing Statement – Real Property Related
With fixtures, financing statement must reasonably describe the realty too, & filed in ROD where property is.
Where to File Financing Statement
State debtor is located. Individual: principle residence. Corp: organized state. Partnership: principle place.
Debtor Moves
If out of state, secured party unperfected 4 months after unless it files in new state before 4 month period ends.
Collateral Moves
If moves into NC, secured party unperfected 1 year after it moves unless files in NC before 1 year period ends.
Termination of Financing Statement
Effective for 5 years, but can be extended by filing continuation statement w/in last 6 months of 5 year term.
No obligation for secured party to terminate it unless debtor makes signed/written demand to do so; then secured party must provide debtor w/ a termination statement w/in 20 days. However, consumer goods, secured party MUST file termination statement within 1 month after obligation ends or w/in 20 days after demand.
Perfecting Proceeds
If perfected, it automatically transfers to proceeds for 20 days unless it perfects again. NOT applicable for identifiable cash proceeds OR if trading collateral for equipment (same office rule).
Secured Party v. Secured Party
The general rule is that the first to file OR perfect, whichever occurs first, has priority. If neither party files, the first to attach gets priority. Look for (1) filing before attachment, and (2) PMSI in consumer goods is automatic.
PMSI in Goods other than Inventory or Livestock
A PMSI in goods has priority over a conflicting security interest in same goods or its proceeds, if the PMSI is perfected at the time the debtor received possession of the collateral or within 20 days thereafter.
PMSI in Inventory or Livestock
A PMSI in inventory/livestock has priority over a conflicting security interest in same goods or identifiable proceeds if, before debtor receives possession, secured party (1) perfects, & (2) sends signed notification to holders of previously filed conflicting security interests in the same collateral.
Seller PMSI v. Financer PMSI
Seller has priority over financer (B buys 10k equip from S & borrows 500 down from F, both PMSI, S will win)
Investment Property
A security interest perfected by control has priority over a security interest perfected by any other method.
Deposit Accounts
Security interest perfected by control has priority over one perfect by proceeds. If control by name, he wins.
Purchaser of Instruments
Has priority over perfected security interest in the instrument if purchaser gives value & takes possession of the instrument in good faith & without knowledge that the purchase violated the rights of the secured party.
Secured Party v. Buyer of the Collateral
If authorized by secured party, Buyer takes free of SI; implied based on type of sale or seller conduct/waiver.
Unauthorized Sale of Collateral
Buyer in ordinary course takes free of SI created by his seller even though its perfected and buyer knows of it.
Ordinary Course: B buys goods in good faith, w/o knowledge that sale violates rights of another in goods, & in the ordinary course from person in business of selling goods of kind (knowledge is fine; business to consumer)
Buyers NOT in Ordinary Course of Business: take subject to perfected security interest. Free from if not perfected unless they know of the security interest (Look for consumer selling goods to a business).
Consumer to Consumer Sales
With consumer goods, buyer takes free of SI even though perfected if he buys without knowledge of the SI UNLESS the secured party has filed a financing statement covering such goods prior to the sale.
Secured Party v. Judgment Lien Holders
If SI is perfected before the lien is levied (by sheriff), the security interest has priority & vice-versa.
PMSI v. Lien Creditor
If secured party files with respect to a PMSI w/in 20 days after debtor receives possession of the collateral, the PMSI party takes priority over the rights of alien creditor which arises after delivery but before filing.
Priority for Future Advances
Future advance has priority over lien creditor if advance is made (1) w/o knowledge of the lien, OR (2) within 45 days of the lien arising, OR (3) pursuant to a commitment entered into without knowledge of the lien.
Default Generally
Absent a provision in SI, default is restricted to failure to perform/pay obligation when due. Look for waiver.
Self Help Repossession
Secured party can repo if it can be done w/o breach of the peace which is any conduct that has potential to lead to violence. Presence by debtor plus verbal objection is enough to create BOP. Commercial property less likely.
Resale of Collateral
Secured party must sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of collateral in condition when repossessed or after reasonable preparation. The sale discharges the security interest.
Resale Procedure
Signed notice must be given to debtor, surety & other perfected secured parties, and sent w/in reasonable time before sale (10 days). If public, provide time/place. If private, notice of time after sale will occur (after May 1). Every aspect of sale, including the method, manner, time, place, & terms, must be commercially reasonable.
Secured Party Buying Collateral
Yes at any public sale; may buy at private sale if collateral is of a type customarily sold in a recognized market.
Secured Party Right to Deficiency
Yes, unless secured party fails to conduct commercially reasonable sale. Creates rebuttable presumption that sale proceeds EQUAL the amount of the debt; thus, no deficiency unless he overcomes the presumption.
Right to Redeem
Debtor may redeem any time before collateral is resold or creditor has entered into contract for its disposition.
A good that has become so related to particular real property that an interest in it arises under real property law. Generally, it must be attached to real estate w/ the intent it become permanent part of it.
Perfection of Fixture
To perfect a SI in a fixture, must file fixture filing in the ROD office where property is located.
Priority – Secured Party v. Subsequent Real Estate Interest
Security interest in fixture has priority over any real estate interest that arises after perfection of fixture SI.
Secured Party v. Prior Real Estate Interest
Prior real estate interest, properly recorded, has priority over fixture SI that arises after. HOWEVER, a PMSI takes priority over an earlier real estate interest if perfected before goods become fixture or w/in 20 days thereafter. NOTE: CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE TAKES PRIORITY OVER EVERYTHING
Fixture Filing Unnecessary
A fixture filing not required as to readily removable (1) factor or office machines, (2) unordinary equipment used or leased on real estate, or (3) replacement of domestic appliances which are consumer goods.
Accessions are goods that are physically united with other goods in such a manner that the identity of them is lost (tires on a car). Same rules apply EXCEPT with cars & removal may be done if does not damage the whole.