Secularization ( Theme 2 - Extent of worship today) Flashcards
What is Secularization according to Wilson?
Refers to the process in which religious insitutions, practices, beliefs lose their social significance or importance.
What are 2 ways religion can be defined?
Excluvist model of religion
Incluvist religion
What is Excluvist model of religion?
narrow definition of what constitutes to religion ( e.g. orthodox = jews.
What is Incluvist religion?
much broader including political movements and value systems like humanism.
Wilson identifies 3 aspects of secularisation which are?
Religious beliefs
Religious pratice
Religious insitutions
What is Religious beliefs ?
the influence of religion on people’s beliefs and values, such as the importance of religion in their lives,
What is Religious Pratice?
he things people do to carry out their religious commitment, such as the extent to which they take part in acts of religious worship
What is Religious insitutions?
the extent to which religious institutions have maintained their social influence in wider society,
What are 2 main approaches to Secularization ?
The institutional approach? ( which focuses on the church and attendance. The assumption is that if this is falling then religion is declining) . A03: different forms of religion)
The societal approach ( studies the role and impact of religion on society and individual. ( They would say secularization isn’t occurring. Religion is in a different form)
Why is the issue of defining secularisation so important?
It affects the outcome of the research
societies may experience the process of secularization in different ways.
Church attendance in Britain has been declining so according to what sociologist what was the 19th century?
Crockett ( 1998) estimates that in 1851, 40% or more of the adult population of britian attended church on a Sunday, which led some to claim that the 19th century was a ‘golden age of religiosity’
Since the 19th century which is described as the ‘golden age’ from Crockett what changes in religion in the UK today? 3 changes
1) A decline in the proportion of people going to church
2) Fewer baptisms and church services
3) Greater religious diversity, including non-christian religions.
Sociologists have put forward what?
different explanations of these trends and reached different conclusions about whether, and how far, religion is declining.
Who argues that Western societies have been undergoing a long term process of secularrisation?
Wilson ( 1966)
What does Wilson ( 1966) argue?
Argues that western societies have been undergoing a long term process of secularization, where ‘religious beliefs, religious institutions and practices loses social significance’
What is example of showing that western societies have been undergoing long term process of secularisation?
Church attendance in England and wales had fallen from 40% of the populationn in the mid-19th century to 10-15% by the 1960s. Wilson concludes that Britain had become a secular society.
What is an A03 evaluation against Wilson’s view western societies have been undergoing a long term process of secularization?
Religion may have declined in Europe but not necessarily in America or elsewhere, so secularization may not be universal.
What are some interesting facts about church attendance?
Only 6% of the adult population attended church on sundays in 2005, halving since 1960s and likely to fall further.
Sunday school attendance, church weddings and bapitsms are declining.
3) Religious affiliation ( membership) is declining. Since the 1983, adults with no religion has risen from a third to a half.
Have small organisations grown?
Some organisations have grown. The number of Catholics has increased slightly due to East european immigration ( although membership of small religious organisations has grown, this has not made up for the decline in the large ones, so overall trend still declining. )
From Guardian ‘Attendance at Church of England’s Sunday services falls again’ what is the decline in the Church of England attendance? 2018
The number of people attending the Church of England’s Sunday services fell again last year, to 722,000 – 18,000 fewer than in 2016 – continuing a trend seen over recent decades.
However from the ‘Attendance at Church of England’s Sunday services falls again’ what has increased and suggests what?
attendance at Christmas services in 2017 was the highest in a decade, at 2.68 million, suggesting that services are increasingly seen as an element of festivities rather than regular religious worship
What statistic shows that Religious belief is in decline?
Evidence from 80 years of surveys shows a decline in belief in God
On the Guardian article ‘UK secularism on rise as more than half say they have no religion’ how many young people between 18-24 idenitfy which Church of England and what abour over 75s?
Only 1% of people aged 18-24 identify as Church of England, according to the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey for 2018. Even among over-75s, the most religious age group, only one in three people describe themselves as C of E.
What sociologists talks about Religious institutions and agrees with Wilson?
Bruce (2002) agrees with Wilson that all evidence on secularisation has show that ‘there is a steady and unremiiting decline’
What does Bruce claim about religious institutions?
The influence of religion as a social insitution is declining. Religion once affected every aspect of life, but now is relegated to the private sphere of individual and family.
What has the state taken over from religion?
The state has taken over many of the functions the church used to perform e,g, schooling.
Although the state has taken over from religion what has been increasing?
Although there is an increase in faith schools in the Uk - implying continued religious involvement in education - they are mainly state funded and must conform to the state.
What does Bruce predict by 2030?
The Methodist church will fold and the Church of England will be a small voluntary organisation with a large amount of heritage poverty.
From Guardian article may 2017 ‘ Nearly 50% are of no religion- but has britain hit is peak secular’? what is an interesting stat about 2009?
The year 2009 was the first year in which nones outnumbered all chrisitans put together.
From Birtish social attitdues survey in 2017 have christian deminonations fallen?
No they have remained fairly stable over the last 30 year Roman catholics and those grouped as other such as Methodists make up 8% and 17% of the population remaining similar to 1983. Showing a critque to secularization.
From the British atttitues survey table ‘Self assessed relgiousity from 1998-2018 what is the difference in those who have stated they are very or extremely non-religious?
There has been an increase from 1998 where it was 14 to 33 in 2018
What does this stat show Self assessed relgiousity from 1998-2018 about how religious britions are?
Traditional religion is in decline due to alternative empirical ways to prove laws of nature.
What are the 5 explanations of secularisation?
1) Rationalization
2) Structural differentiation
3) Social and cultural diversity
4) Religious diversity
5) Cultural defense and cultural transition
What is Rationalization?
The process by which rational ways of thinking replace religious ones. This stated with the protestant reformation.
What did Max Weber (1905) argue that the western society had undergone?
argues that Western society has undergone a process of rationalization in the last few centuries.
What did the protestant reformation in the 16th century do?
The 16th century reformation undermined the religious worldview of the middle ages, replacing it with a modern rational scientific outlook.
How did the Medieval church see the world?
They saw it as an ‘enchanted ( or magical) garden’ in which God changed the course of events through their supernatural powers.
What did the Protestant reformation bring about ( Disenchament)?
The protestant reformation brought about a new worldview that saw God as existing above and outside the world, not intervening in it. The world had become disenchanted, left to run according to the laws of nature.
Who does Max weber argue started the protestant reformation?
Martin Lurther in the 16th century.
As a result of disenchantment (new worldview) how could events be explained??
They were no longer explained by unpredictable supernatural beings but through reason and science humans can discover laws of nature and predict how world works.
What happens to science if things are longer explained by unpredictable supernatural beings?
This enables science to grow, giving humans more power to control nature, further undermining religious view.
Who argues that technological worldview has replaced religious ones?
Bruce he argues technological worldview has replaced religious explanations of why things happen ( e.g. plane crash isn’t because of Gods punishment but can be explained with science) . This encourages people to take religion less seriously.
Where is religious worldviews effective where technology worldview isn’t?
e.g. praying for help if you are suffering from an incurable illness.
Although do scientific explanations challenge religious beliefs directly?
No they greatly reduce the scope for religious explanations.
What is another evaluation of Rationalization?
The idea that society has become more rational is difficult to measure and evaluate.
Who is the sociologists who talks about structural differentation and explain it?
Parsons defines structural differentation as a process that occurs with industrialization as many specialized institutions develop to carry out different functions previously performed by a single institution, ( church)
In Pre industrial society did religion dominate?
Yes it did, but with industrialization it has become a smaller and more specialized institution
What does Structural differentiation mean for religion’s function?
Structural differentiation means that religion’s functions are transferred to other institutions such as state such as education and it has become disconnected from wider society.
What is religion becoming more now according to Structural differentiation ( including sociologist)
Bruce : Religion is privitased and a matter of choice. Even where religion is involved in education, it must conform to secular controls ( e.g. faith schools teachers must have qualifications recognized by state.
What is Social and Cultural diversity all about?
Wilson argues Decline in community from pre- industrial society due to industrialization = lack of value consensus= loss of religion’s hold over people.
What does Industialisation mean for small communities of valued consensus religion ( Social and cultural diversity)
Industrialization means small communities become large with diversity of beliefs undermining the believablity of religion
What has also risen leading to decline in community based religion? ( Social and cultural diversity)
Rise in individualism leads to a decline in community based religious belief and practice.
What is an A03 evaluation against the the view that community based religions have to be in locality?
Aldridge points out that a community does not have to be in particular locality. Religion can be a shared source of identity on a wider scale e.g. Jewish communities.
What is Religious diversity about?
Berger argues there are many interpretations of faith ( religious diversity) from the middle ages where catholic church had an absolute monopoly.
Since the protestant reformation what has it meant for the catholic church monopoly?
Since 16th century Protestant reformation, the number of religious organisations have grown, each with different version of the truth.
What does different versions of the truth mean for catholic religion?
Creates a plurality of life worlds’ ie different interpretations of the truth and undermines religions ‘ plausibility structure ( why people believe in religion). People begin to question religions when there is so many alternatives.
What is A03 evaluation of lack of monopoly for Religious diversity?
It depends how the evidence is interpreted, since opposing views can strengthen a religious group’s commitment to its existing beliefs rather than undermining it.
What is Cultural defense and cultural transition all about?
Bruce identifies two counter trends that seem to contradict the secularization theory which are Cultural defense and cultural transition.
What is Cultural defense and Cultural transition?
Cultural defense : Religion provides a focal point for the defense of an identity against an external force.
Cultural transition : Religion provides a sense of community for ethnic groups living in a different country and culture.
However what does bruce argue about CD AND CT?
it doesn’t contradict secularization theory, since religion only survives in these situations as a focus for group identity and not as an expression of religious faith e.g. once communism had fallen in Poland, church attendance declined.
How would liberal feminists say about secularization?
say that there is less fixed gender roles as we are experiencing a march of progress which means that there is less influence from religious stereotypes because secularization is occurring
Who talks about Secularization in the USA and explain?
In 1962, 45% Americans attended church on Sundays but this is because it is Americans way of life rather than strong belief. For Wilson America is now a secular society because religion has become superficial ( external)
Bruce shares Wilson’s view and uses 3 sources of evidence to support his view which are?
1) Declining church attendance
2) Secularisation from within
3) Religious diversity and relativism
What is Declining church attendance all about including sociologist ?
Hadaway et al ( 1993) head counts and interviews suggested church attendance was 83% higher than estimated but people have exaggerated church attendance since 1970s
What does Hadaway et al show?
shows the problem of asking people whether they go church. The 40% rate of self-reported attendance masks a decline in actual attendance in the USA, because many people who have stopped going will still say they attend if asked.
What is Secularization from within mean including sociologist?
Bruce: religions go through a process of internal secularization in order to stay relevant in modern society and remain popular.
What is Religious diversity and relativism about including 2 sociologists?
Bruce found a trend towards practical relativism - acceptance that others can hold different beliefs.
Lynd and Lynd ( 1929) in 1924, 94% of young churchgoers believed that ‘ Christianity is the one true religion.’ By 1977 only 41% agreed.
How does this Religious diversity and relativism link to Berger plausibility structure
Absolutism is eroded, undermining that traditional tradition is true.
From the ‘UK among most secular nations ‘ A survey of peoples religious beliefs in 10 countries, what countries believed in God or a higher power?
Less developed countries such as Nigeria and Indonesia ( 98-100%) compared to Uk which is 67%. This shows that countries with a higher Standard of living don’t need a sense of belonging, also in less developed countries they may not have a choice.
What are 4 criticisms of the secularization theory?
1) Religion is not decling but simply changing in its form ( PM)
2) Far from causing a decline, religious diversity increases particptation because it offers choice. There is no overall downwards trend. Religion trends in different directions.
3) Secularization theory is one sided. It focuses on decline and ignores religious revivals and growth of new religions.
4) Church attendance ignores people who believe but do not go to church