Secularisation Flashcards
Structural differentiation - secularisation increased due to specialised institutions replacing roles religion previously took on e.g. education via faith skls and medicine with compulsory schooling and healthcare systems - NHS
Ev: faith skls still exist but these skls need to conform to states expectations
- social action theorist, secularisation is happening bcs:
growth in science, during enlightenment period, replaced religious ways of thinking with rational thinking
past : enchanted gate w belief + explanations via gods, devils and magic
now: disenchanted e.g. plane crash now viewed as manufacturing error rather than past which would’ve seen it as gods punishment
Bruce - technological world view - we now rely on tech for explanations
- social and cultural diversity:
changes in work and life patterns meant that we were going out more now than the past. –> became more aware of others + their religions,
meant it became harder to maintain a monopoly on the truth of their religion as they become aware of alternatives
- religious diversity:
- past: religion was ‘sacred canopy’ which covered, included and explained everything.
- religion has crisis of credibility as we know alternatives exist so it is harder to maintain a religious perspective.
- we are aware of the plurality of life wants
EV: internal criticism - critiques himself - religious diversity actually makes us more religious
Postmodernists - religion not declining but changing as society develops:
- due to globalisation there has been a rise in ‘religion online’
‘Disneyfication of religion’ = religion is disembeded –> no longer have to physically attend + is no longer in original context
we can now attend services from home e.g. join message boards, online services etc
-secularisation is not significant as ppl are still taking part in religion but in a diff format.
- postmodernist : believing w out belonging
religion is not declining but becoming more privatised
Religion is no longer imposed as obligation but now a matter of personal choice - ppl no longer feel obligated to go to church, believe in certain things or behave in certain ways.
e.g. Infant Baptism seen as obligation but is declining however adult baptisms are increasing = ppl are still making the choice to be religious
Davie continued - vicarious religion + the spiritual health service
- trend toward ‘vicarious religion’ where small number of the clergy practise on behalf of a much larger number of ppl who experience it 2nd hand.
- despite low levels of attendance ppl still identify w the church
spiritual health service:
Europe - major national church seen as public utilities like a spiritual health service used when needed such as for rites of passage e.g. weddings, funerals + major national occasions i.e. the Queens funeral.
@ Queen’s + Diana’s funeral the wider public turned to churches + religion as a public service - 9.9 mil ppl streamed Queen’s funeral via BBC News
Evaluating Davie
Voas + Crockett:
Postmodernists: neither belonging nor belonging - contradict Davie
- found from 5750 respondents of survey that both belief and church attendance was low.
If Davie was right this should be increasing not declining
Day - Christians were more likely to use christianity as a way to identify themselves as White English ethnic group
- used as non religious markers of ethnic group
Hervieu Leger
- postmodernist: spiritual shopping
religion has become a personal choice and declined as an obligation - refers to ‘cultural amnesia’ = religion no longer imposed on children anymore thru socialisation + it is not being handed down from gen 2 gen.
- parents are letting their children choose what they believe
individual consumerism replaced collective tradition
spiritual shoppers - religion no longer acts as source of collective identity but rather has become spiritual journey in which we choose the elements we decide to explore + the groups we wish to join.
Stark + Bainbridge - Secularisation’s OPP
- claim secularisation is Eurocentric focusing on the decline of religion in Europe yet ignoring its continuing strength in America & elsewhere.
e.g. no televised religious inauguration at Starmer’s election Vs Trump
Stark + Bainbridge - religious market theory
- argues secularisation is Eurocentric
- individuals have the freedom to weigh up the costs and benefits of different values x beliefs within religions to find best one for them
e.g. costs may be time commitment and benefits may be future salvation - they argue secularisation occurring in countries with poor religious market e.g. one dominant religion as there is less choice meaning people may turn away from religion if this dominant religion does not match their preferences x needs.
Norris x Ingleheart - existential security
- secularisation occurring in societies w high levels of existential security as there is less need for religion with their environments being safer and protected
- sacrilisation in societies w lower levels of existential security e.g. Chad, Palestine, America etc
- due to lack of support systems + rising uncertainty due to wars etc = more ppl turn to religion + spirituality in seek of comfort in uncertain times
Europe Vs America - stark x Bainbridge & Norris duo
- America more religious than Europe (leads to sacrilisation)
bcos it offers more choice amongst religions and has smth to fit everyone needs whether this be trad religion or NAM’s that are growing in popularity
Europe only offers one dominant religion = lower levels of religiosity due to lack of choice - leads to secularisation - Secularisation in Europe as countries have higher levels of existential security. - people feel safer and more protected due to services like the NHS and welfare state getting rid of the need for religion as they face less uncertainty and fear.
Sacralisation in America due to lack of these systems and changing times sparking uncertainty and fear e.g. lack of welfare state + trumps reinstatement evoking fear in ethnic minorities - immigrants = more ppl turning to religion in times of crisis and for comfort
heelas x woodhead
- Kendall project : Cumbria, England
- found evidence of growth in NAM’s + spirituality
- religion changed forms with belief in trad religion declining
Hervieu Leger - spiritual shopping
- ‘cultural amnesia’ = children no longer socialised into believing religion as they once were
- religion no longer functions as a ‘collective identity’ - religion is a private individual choice
- ppl pick n choose aspects of religion to ‘consume’, explaining why ppl may no longer attend church
Huntington - religion in a global context
clash of the civilisations :
- wars no longer based on political reasons but rather religious
future = east Vs west moving to every religion Vs Islam
- ‘us’ Vs ‘Them’ nature
Nanda - religion in a global context
hindu ultra nationalism :
part of ‘indian’ identity is to be hindu
- india fastest growing economy but despite being modernised Hinduism is growing
- hindu’s believe it is their values that have led to economic prosperity leading to ultra nationism