Sector 1 Road Knowledge Sydenham - Hurstville Flashcards
What is the PONR to stop at Wolli Creek on the up Illawarra local?
SM 670 IL or 2nd signal after Arncliffe
At Rockdale what are the platform numbers for the following lines?
Up Illawarra local Platform 2
Down Illawarra local Platform 3
Up Illawarra Platform 4
Down Illawarra Platform 5
Where do the up and down Illawarra local lines start and finish?
Up 2nd signal after Penshurst to Central platform 20
Down Central platform 22 to Hurstville platform 2
Where do the Illawarra lines start on the down and finish on the up?
Up 4th signal after Redfern platform 9
Down 3rd signal after Central platform 22
What is fitted to permissive signals SM 845 I, SM 847 IL, SM840 I and SM 842 IL at Rockdale?
Signal switch keys or Worksite protection keys
What authority do you require to pass signals SM 845 I, SM 847 IL, SM840 I and SM
842 IL at Rockdale when the worksite protection key is removed?
The hand signaller acting on authority of the protection officer
What are the PONRs for East Hills?
Down Illawarra - SM 621 I or 2nd signal after Sydenham platform 6
Down Illawarra local - SM 659 IL or 2nd signal after Tempe platform 2
When travelling in the up direction what are the PONR to terminate at Sydenham?
Up Illawarra - SM 650 I or 1st signal after Tempe Platform 3
When tabled to stop at Wolli Creek can a turnout indication be accepted on the 2nd signal
after platform 6 at Sydenham and explain why?
Yes, you can cross back from the Illawarra local at SM639IL 4th signal after Sydenham
What platform/s at Sydenham can be accessed from signal SM 616 IL on the up Illawarra
Platforms 3 and 4
What platform/s at Sydenham may be used to terminate in the down direction and how do
you return on the up?
Platforms 4 - Change end and return on signals
Platforms 6 - Detrain and shunt to down Illawarra local Tempe north and return
When terminating on platform 3 at Sydenham what indication do you get on SM 611 IL to go
to Tempe? Bankstown?
Tempe - Turnout indication with “L” in the route indicator
Bankstown - Turnout indication with “B” in the route indicator
When terminating on platform 3 at Sydenham where can you return to?
Down Bankstown line or Down Illawarra local line
Which platform/s can you terminate on at Sydenham under normal conditions?
Platforms 3 and 4