Sectional Conflict and the Causes of the Civil War Flashcards
What was the Wilmot Provisio?
Congressman David Wilmot proposed a bill that outlawed slavery in all territories acquired from Mexico.
Southerners believed, in regards to slavery in the newly acquired territories from Mexico that
Congress had no right to prohibit any type of property.
Antislavery northerners believed, in regards to slavery in the newly acquired territories from Mexico that
Congres had the right to make what laws it saw fit for the territories
President James Polk favored this compromise in regards to slavery in the newly acquired territories from Mexico
An extension of the 36*30 line of the Missouri Compromise
The other compromise solution in regards to slavery in the newly acquired territories from Mexico was
To grant squatter sovereignty which meant residents of each state would decide for themselves.
Who was Zachary Taylor?
A war general from the Mexican War who had no experience in politics, but gained popularity because he took no position on slavery in the territories.
What made the question of slavery in the western territories more immediate in 1848?
Gold was discovered in California and its population swelled from 14k to 100k. Since few slaveholders risked going west, California sought admission as a free state.
What was the compromise of 1850?
Admitted Cali as a free state, NM and UT as TBD territories, Texas-Mexico border, outlawing slave trade in D.C. and tightened Fugitive Slave laws
How did Stephen Douglas promote the passing of the 1850 compromise?
He broke the compromise into its component parts to pass it through Congress. Most of the country received it with joy.
Describe Franklin Pierce’s Young America stance
Turned attention to railroads, cotton and commerce, opened trade to Japan, opened trade to Canada.
Why was Franklin Pierce called doughface
A northern man with southern principles.
Describe the economic growth of the mid-19th century
Railroads created a nationwide market and linked the midwest to the northeast rather than the south, the factory system and machinery.
What two issues intensified the slavery debate after the compromise of 1850
The fugitive slave law brought the debate to everyone’s doorstep by denying trial by jury and requiring all U.S. citizens to aid. it polarized people. Secondly, Uncle Tom’s Cabin became very popular and turned people actively against slavery.
Describe the Kansas-Nebraska Act
It called for an explicit repeal of the Missouri Compromise and allowed the new territories to decide by popular vote. North and South competed to send the most. Full scale guerrilla warfare erupted.
What unified the new Republican Party?
Firm belief that slavery should be banned and confined.
What was the Dred Scott vs. Sanford case?
Supreme court case involving runaway slave suing for his freedom because of living with owner in North. Buchanan urged the court not to rule the case as ineligible. The court ruled in favor of slavery, resulting in increased northern agitation.
What was the Lecompton constitution?
Constitution allowing slavery in Kansas. Finally repealed by voters who chose to remain a free territory rather than slave state.
What was the panic of 1857?
Severe depression lasting three years because of over-speculation, faulty banking and decreased european investment.
What was the significance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
Douglas believed in popular sovereignty and refused to declare slavery as immoral. Lincoln said it was immoral. Debates gave Lincoln national merit.
What was John Brown’s Raid?
Attempting to incite a slave uprising at Harpers Ferry in WV, John Brown was arrested and hanged. In the north, a martyr. Southerners were fearful that Northerners approved of Brown and also of a slave revolt.
What two things feared Southerners after John Brown’s Raid?
Slaves would revolt and that white who did not own slaves would turn on them.
What was Hinton Rowan’s Helper’s Book
He argued that slavery was economically harmful to the south.
What was Abraham Lincoln’s platform in the 1860 election?
something for all northerners - provisions for a transcontinental railroad and the containment of slavery
Describe the Secession Crisis
On December 20, 1860 South Carolina Seceded and by February 6 more had gone that way.
What was President Buchanan’s response to the secession?
In a lame duck session and believing it was unconstitutional for the federal government to do anything to stop states from leaving.
What was the compromise proposed to the secession in Congress?
Prohibiting the meddling of the feds in the slavery issue and extending the Missouri Compromise to the Pacific.