Jacksonian Democracy and Westward Expansion Flashcards
To foreign visitors, how was the U.S. viewed in the mid 1800’s?
equality of condition and egalitarian spirit - the age of the common man.
What contributed to 1824 being the most enthusiastic national election to date?
Most states had eliminated property qualifications for voting and the electoral college was almost universally elected by the people.
Who won the election of 1824?
Andrew Jackson won 43 percent of the votes, but not enough electoral votes. The House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams.
What were John Quincy Adams’ presidential objectives?
Internal improvements and Indian affairs.
What was John Calhoun’s concurrent majority policy?
A federal law that was deemed harmful to a state could be declared null and void within that state by a convention of the people.
Describe the presidency of Andrew Jackson?
Elected in 1828, Andrew Jackson was popular with the common man. A self-made westerner he used the veto power more than any previous president. By the end of his second term he was known as King Andrew because of this.
What was Jackson’s indian policy?
He supported the removal of Indian tribes to west of the Mississippi. The Cherokee nation won a case with the supreme court declaring them a sovereign political entity, but Jackson vetoed their ruling which resulted in the Trail of Tears.
Describe the Tariff conflict between Andrew Jackson and his vice president John Calhoun
Jackson was a defender of the state rights, but within the context of a dominant union. Jackson supported higher taxes and Calhoun resigned. Calhoun drafted a bill in his home state of South Carolina that ordered officials to stop collecting taxes. Jackson collected the taxes by force while gradually reducing taxes.
What was the central issue of Jackson’s second term
Jackson voiced antagonism toward the national bank and his intention to destroy it. The Secretary of Treasury tightened credit and a recession ensued. Jackson forced credit policies to relax and the government offered western land for cheap. The National Bank demanded payment in cash and depression ensued. Americans were frustrated.
Who became president after Andrew Jackson?
William Henry Harrison died a month after inauguration
How did the age of Jackson change the political landscape of the U.S.?
The modern 2-party system emerged and emotional appeal became the accepted style.
What were the two parties that emerged during the Jackson administration?
The democrats opposed big government and were supported by the working class. Whigs promoted government participation and were cautious of expansion. They were supported by big industry.
Describe the American state of affairs in 1840
Transition and instability with many seeking reform and others seeking order and control. The population was restless, committed to progress, hard working and hard playing with a lean toward violence.
Describe the Romantic culture of the Jacksonian era
In response to the enlightenment, Romanticism believed in the innate goodness of man and therefore the ability to improve. Literature reflected this with themes of independence, individualism and the value of tradition.
Describe southern literature in the Romantic Jacksonian era
Edgar Allen Poe wrote in darkness, others defended the slave system and others used vulgar, earthy language to paint the common southerner
What was the Hudson River School?
During the Romantic period, the Hudson River School was a school of painters who painted the awesome landscape of the U.S.
What was transcendentalism?
Originating in the Northeast, transcendentalists sought to transcend the bounds of the intellect and strive for emotional understanding, to attain unity with God, without the help of the organized church.
Who were two major writers of the mid 19th century American Literature?
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
Describe the increase in utopian societies in the mid 19th century
The Romantic belief of the goodness of man and ability to improve prompted people to form societies that attempted to improve the life of the common man in the face of increasing impersonal industrialism.
Describe the birth of the Mormon religion
Joseph Smith received his writings in 1830 but was killed by a mob before being led by Brigham Young to Salt Lake City. The church was successful because it was highly organized and centrally controlled. It provided security and order.
Describe the increase of public schools in the mid-19th century.
Some wanted students to learn self-fulfillment and how to succeed in a republic. Others wanted schools to be agencies of social control. The state purpose was to instill thrift, order, discipline and democracy.
Describe other reforms during the mid-19th century
higher education increased, more humane treatment for mentally ill, prisons began to rehabilitate, feminism gained some traction
Describe the abolitionist movement that began in 1831
William Lloyd Garrison called for immediate emancipation and Fredrick Douglas became a voice as an escaped slave. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was influential.
Describe how the adult public was educated in the mid-19th century
The golden age of oratory, newspapers and magazines multiplied, women read magazines, colleges sprang up, lyceums became popular
Describe daily life in the south in the mid-1800’s
Primitive housing, corn and pork diet (vitamin deficiencies) and Rickets was common.
What was the southern response to the antislavery movement?
The south became more defensive of their position and used the Bible to justify it. The gag rule forbade any discussion of slavery on the house floor. Westward expansion intensified the debate.
What was manifest destiny?
The belief that American liberty should be spread to all and that the U.S. should occupy the entire continent.
Why did the far west become intriguing to Americans?
Fur and other trades with the orient made the western ports appealing.
What was the Adams-Onis treaty of 1819?
The U.S. and Britain agreed on a joint occupation of the disputed Oregon territory.
What was the Texas question of the early 19th century?
Texas needed a larger population to pay for its young government, by ‘35 there were 35k Americans living there. Mexican officials sought to keep control of there ever-americanizing territory so they restricted immigration and increased taxes. Sam Houston defeated the Mexicans in 1836 and Texas was liberated.
Describe the William Henry Harrison administration.
The shortest, lasting only one month, Harrison relied on Whig advice from Henry Clay but his successor John Tyler rejected the Whig agenda.
Describe the John Tyler Administration.
Taking over after William Henry Harrison, John Tyler rejected the Whig agenda and passed the Preemption act of 1841 which allowed settlers who had squatted on unsurveyed federal lands the first chance to buy the land when the government sold it.
What was the Webster-Ashburton treaty?
During the Tyler administration, the treaty addressed the Canada-Maine border, the Caroline Affair and other British naval incidents. It established an atmosphere of compromise between the two.
Describe the Polk presidency
An adept politician and effective president, James Polk was a Jacksonian who favored low taxes. He successfully navigated the Mexican-American war.
What was the Oregon Treaty?
In 1846 the current U.S.-Canada boundary east of the Rockies was extended to the Pacific (49*)
Why did Mormons migrate west?
John Smith announced a new doctrine of Polygamy which upset both Mormons and non-mormons. He was killed in Jail and Brigham Young led the colony to Utah where he was made Governor until the Mormon War (confrontation of the Mormon Militia with federal troops.)
What sparked American interest in southwestern lands held by Mexico?
Trading on the Santa Fe trail, the success of trappers and guides, whaling ships on the Pacific.
What led to conflict with Mexico?
Mexico’s government was ineffective and unable to protect Americans, they were bitter about the loss of Texas, the boundary of Texas was still disputed, Mexico had inflamed its people against Americans. Also, Americans feared that Britain would take California from the Mexicans.
What caused Mexico to break diplomatic relations with the U.S.?
Texas’ admission to the Union.
Describe the Mexican-American War
Polk skillfully designed a three-pronged attack. After success on the Pacific, in the west and southward into Mexico, the Mexicans still refused to negotiate. Polk began to march inland to take Mexico City. When they reached the city, Mexico still refused to negotiate. Finally, after entering the city the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed (1848).
What was agreed upon at the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?
In 1848 the U.S. took the California Territory including the harbors of San Diego and San Francisco.