Sectional Chart Flashcards
Airports having control towers are shown in _________ (color).
Airports having NO control towers are shown in _________ (color).
A blue open circle
Airport with other than hard-surfaced runways and a control tower.
A magenta open circle
Non-control tower airport with other than hard-surfaced runways.
Hard-surfaced runways 1500 ft - 8069 ft in length with control tower.
Hard-surfaced runways 1500 ft - 8069 ft in length with NO control tower.
Hard-surfaced runways greater than 8069 ft or some municipal runways less than 8069 ft with a control tower.
Hard-surfaced runways greater than 8069 ft or some municipal runways less than 8069 ft with NO control tower.
Open dot within blue hard-surfaced runway configuration indicates…
approximate location of VOR, VOR-DME or VORTAC at airport with a control tower.
Open dot within magenta hard-surfaced runway configuration indicates…
Approximate location of VOR, VOR-DME or VORTAC at airport with NO control tower.
Private “(Pvt)” - non-public use having emergency or landmark value.
Military - Other than hard-surfaced; all military airports are identified by abbreviations AFB, NAS, AAF, etc. with a control tower.
Military - Other than hard-surfaced; all military airports are identified by abbreviations AFB, NAS, AAF, etc. with NO control tower.
Heliport Selected
Abandoned - paved having landmark value, 3000 ft or greater
Ultralight Flight Park Selected
Basic airport symbol depicted with ticks
Fuel - available Mon thru Fri 1000 to 1600 hours.
Class B Airspace
Class C Airspace
Class D Airspace
Ceiling of Class D Airspace in hundreds of feet. (A minus ceiling value indicates surface up to but not including that value.)
Class E (sfc) Airspace
Class E Airspace with floor 700 ft above surface that laterally abuts Class G Airspace.
Class E Airspace with floor 700 ft above surface that laterally abuts 1200 ft or higher Class E Airspace
Class E Airspace with floor 1200 ft or greater above surface that laterally abuts Class G Airspace
Differentiates floors of Class E Airspace greater than 700 above surface
Prohibited, Restricted, and Warning Areas; Canadian Advisory, Danger, and Restricted Areas
Alert Area and MOA - Military Operating Area
Special Airport Traffic Area (see FAR 93 for details)
National Security Area
Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)
Military Training Routes