Section1C Flashcards
what are the present active imperatives of amō
amā, amāte
what are the present active imperatives of habeō
habē, habēte
conjugate eō in the present active indicative singular
eō, īs, it
conjugate eō in the present active indicative plural
īmus, ītis, eunt
what are the present active imperatives of eō?
ī, īte
give the nominative singular of miser
miser, misera, miserum
give the accusative singular of miser
miserum, miseram, miserum
give the genitive singular of miser
miserī, miserae, miserī
give the dative singular of miser
miserō, miserae, miserō
give the ablative singular of miser
miserō, miserā, miserō
give the nominative plural of miser
miserī, miserae, misera
give the accusative plural of miser
miserōs, miserās, misera
give the genitive plural of miser
miserōrum, miserārum, miserōrum
give the dative plural of miser
miserīs, miserīs, miserīs
give the ablative plural of miser
miserīs, miserīs, miserīs
give the vocative singular of miser
miser, misera, miserum
give the vocative plural of miser
miserī, miserae, misera
decline ego (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
ego, mē, meī, mihi (mī), mē
decline tū (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
tū, tē, tuī, tibi, tē