Section 1B Flashcards
decline fūr in the singular (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
fūr, fūrem, fūris, fūrī, fūre
decline fūr in the plural (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
fūrēs, fūres, fūrum, fūribus, fūribus
what are the vocatives, singular and plural, of fūr?
fūr, fūrēs
decline aedis in the singular (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl)
aedis, aedem, aedis, aedī, aede (aedī)
decline aedis in the plural (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
aedēs, aedīs (aedēs), aedium, aedibus, aedibus
what are the vocatives, singular and plural, of aedis?
aedis, aedēs
give the nominative singular of multus
multus, multa, multum
give the accusative singular of multus
multum, multam, multum
give the genitive singular of multus
multī, multae, multī
give the dative singular of multus
multō, multae, multō
give the ablative singular of multus
multō, multā, multō
give the nominative plural of multus
multī, multae, multa
give the accusative plural of multus
multōs, multās, multa
give the genitive plural of multus
multōrum, multārum, multōrum
give the dative plural of multus
multīs, multīs, multīs
give the ablative plural of multus
multīs, multīs, multīs
give the vocative singular of multus
multe, multa, multum
give the vocative plural of multus
multī, multae, multa
decline somnium in the singular (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
somnium, somnium, somnī or somniī, somniō, somniō
decline somnium in the plural (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
somnia, somnia, somniōrum, somnīs, somnīs
what are the vocatives, singular and plural, of somnium
somnium, somnia
decline deus in the singular (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
deus, deum, deī, deō, deō
decline deus in the plural (nom. acc. gen. dat. abl.)
dī, deōs, deōrum, dīs, dīs
what are the vocatives, singular and plural, of deus?
deus, dī