Section III - Appendix A Flashcards
The modern method of constructing high-rise buildings is commonly called “_______ _____________”.
“core construction”
p 180
Core construction has less mass than old-style construction and is more?
vulnerable to heat from a fire
p 180
The ___________ ________ of a high rise building is the skeleton of the structure that supports not only the dead load of the building itself, but it also supports live loads such as ____________ and ____________ contents.
structural frame / occupants and building
p 180
The most common systems in high-rise buildings use either of the following as the basis for forming the building skeleton:
- ______________ ___________ (old style)
- _____________ __________ (new style)
- Reinforced concrete
- Structural steel
p 180
The ___________ span the horizontal distance between the columns and support structural beams.
p 181
To achieve the fire protection required by building codes for Type 1 (fire-resistive) construction, steel frame members in high-rise buildings are fire proofed by encasing them in __________ or ________ _______ or by spraying them with a ___________ __________.
concrete or sheet rock / protective coating
p 181
___________ has the advantage of being the most permanent type of, but it’s use is limited due to the effect that it has on the dead weight of a building.
p 181
Some older style high-rise buildings were constructed with bearing walls made of ___________. Most of these buildings were constructed of ____________ ____________.
masonry / reinforced concrete
p 180
______________ frame structures tend to resist the effects of fire better than _________ frame structures, but they are less resistant to the effects of earthquakes.
Concrete / steel
p 181
The exterior walls of an old-style high-rise are part of the ___________ members.
p 181
The exterior walls of modern high rise buildings are commonly _______________ and are typically lighter in __________ than those in older buildings.
prefabricated / weight
p 181
A complete __________ ________ consist of a panel with finished surfaces and a means for attaching it to the building frame.
curtain wall
p 181
The outside finish of a modern high rise building is often referred to as the _______, and usually consists of decorative materials such as _____________, ______________ _________, or light weight ___________ with large window areas.
skin / aluminum / stainless steel / concrete
p 182
High rise residential buildings normally have ___________ windows made from regular plate glass.
p 182
Windows in high rise office buildings are often _____________.
p 182
When a _____________ glass window is broken, it will shatter into very small pieces, providing a degree of safety that is not offered by ________ glass under the same circumstances.
tempered / plate
p 182
Roofs on high rise buildings are required to have at least a _____-hour fire resistive rating.
p 183
Shaft enclosures in high-rise buildings are required to have a minimum of a _____-hour fire resistive rating.
p 183
High rise building stair shafts are often built into the ________ _______.
center core
p 183
As a rule, stair shaft systems in high rise buildings are not designed to handle the total occupant load of the building ________________.
p 184
Floors in high rise buildings are also required to have a minimum of a _____-hour fire resistive rating.
p 184
After the concrete has set, holes are bored in the concrete to allow for the passage of various utility lines or equipment between floors. This procedure is called _______-__________ construction.
p 184
Most recent codes require that poke-through openings be sealed with a material that?
reestablishes the two hour fire resistiveness
p 184
What are the two general floor layouts in high-rise buildings?
compartmentation and open space
p 185
An example of compartmentation floor layout would be a typical high-rise ______________ building.
p 185
Examples of the open-space concept are high-rise _________ buildings where floors are virtually wide open.
p 185
Much of the electrical equipment in a high rise building is likely to be located in the _____________ of the building.
p 186
Who should do a shutdown in electrical vaults?
utility company or the building engineer
p 186
______________ are vertical shafts in which elevator cars travel.
p 187
Smoke and its toxic products account for more than ______ percent of the fire deaths in the US.
p 188
____________ greatly increase the volume and the toxicity of smoke.
p 188
What are examples of passive smoke control measures?
Barriers / curtains / gravity venting / smoke-proof towers / smoke removal shafts
p 188
Examples of active smoke control systems are?
Stairway-pressurization systems / building, zone, corridor, elevator or atrium smoke control systems
p 189
For reasons of economy and efficiency, HVAC systems operate on the concept of ?
recirculating most of the air within the building
p 189
In HVAC systems what are smoke activated and control the spread of fire products from the area of origin to other parts of the building?
p 189
For many years ______ inch ______ standpipe systems have been used in high rise buildings.
1 1/2 inch wet standpipe
p 190
The _____ inch ______ standpipe systems are used in many older buildings and in some cases, in new buildings that do not exceed specific heights.
2 1/2 inch dry standpipe
p 190
The _____ inch _____ standpipe systems are required by code in all new high rise buildings over certain heights.
2 1/2 inch wet standpipe
p 191
Fire pumps for high-rise buildings are usually multistage ______________ _________.
centrifugal pumps
p 191
What are two drawbacks to the orifice plate and other pressure restricting devices?
- These devices have no effect on static pressure
- They do not allow for multiple hoselines because of limited flow that comes through the orifice opening
p 192
As a rule, radio frequencies in the _______ band are very ineffective.
p 193
Radio frequencies in the _______ band are fairly ineffective in most situations.
p 193
Radio frequencies in the _______ ____________ band produce the most consistent results although they are not perfect.
800 megahertz
p 193
High-rise fires:
Life safety can be enhanced by timely control of the _________ system.
HVAC system
p 194
Failure to control __________ movement within the building can put many lives at great risk.
p 194
The behavior of occupants during a high rise fire is largely _________________.
p 194
If occupants are going to be evacuated from the building, it is critical that they use stair shafts that are not ?
contaminated with smoke and heat
p 194
As long as the air inside the building is hotter than the atmospheric air outside the building, ventilation will occur by having fresh air drawn in through lower building openings and discharged through the top. This is considered the ?
normal stack effect
p 194
When the outside air temperature is higher than the inside air temperature at the buildings upper levels, a ____________ stack effect may take place.
p 195
________ extension occurs when the fire generates enough heat to break out windows and the fire “rolls out” of the fire floor and up the outside of the building.
p 195
A space created between floor assemblies and the curtain wall if not sealed during construction or under heavy fire conditions may allow vertical spread of the fire through this space known as ?
curtain wall extension
p 195
What are some features incorporated into high rise design and construction that contribute to vertical fire extension: ?
- stair, elevators shafts
- electrical chase ways
- plumbing, electrical, data poke-throughs
- HVAC supply/return shafts
- mail/trash chutes
- access stairs
p 195
A fire that reaches the __________ area around the center core of a high-rise can spread in that _________ area.
plenum / plenum
p 195
When fire is predicted to be in the plenum area, responders entering the corridor from a stair shaft should remove the __________ ________ in both directions before advancing.
ceiling tiles
p 196
Because of high heat and lack of effective ventilation in high-rise buildings, ______________ at Staging is critical.
p 196