Section C - British Film: This Is England (Meadows, 2006) & Fish Tank (Arnold, 2009) Flashcards
Temporal Duration
How long story goes on for uninterrupted
Ellipsis (in film)
Paused created by editing transition
Framing narrative
Smaller stories within a narrative
What is the difference between story and plot?
Story = series of events recorded in chronological order
Plot = series of events deliberately arranged in an order to create significance
Falklands War
10 week war between Britain & Argentina over Falkland islands
How does the Falklands War relate to This Is England?
War of ownership and belonging (film’s themes)
Shaun’s dad died in war
Combo and Nationalists see it as pointless - government focusing elsewhere, not in own country
Policies brought in by Thatcher, including privatising industries
How does Thatcherism relate to This Is England?
Industries no longer needed
Less jobs in the North
3.5 mil unemployed
Cultural group within a larger culture
Has seperate interests and beliefs
How does the idea of subculture relate to This Is England?
Skinhead subculture: Shaun wants to join Woody’s gang
All 80s subcultures = rebellion
Dependency culture
Way of life characterised by depending on state benefits
How does the idea of dependency culture relate to This Is England?
Majority of characters unemployed
No income, relying on state benefits
People living together in a relatively ordered community
How does the idea of society relate to This Is England?
Society basically gone, divided into subcultures and ethnic groups
Social realist aesthetic
Art movement drawing attention to everyday conditions of working class and the poor
How does a social realist aesthetic relate to This Is England and Fish Tank?
Independent British films tend to be gritty, relatable and show truth
The Bourgeoisie
Small section of society that owns most of the wealth
How does the idea of the bourgeoisie relate to This Is England and Fish Tank?
Government & company owners unseen in ‘This Is England’ and ‘Fish Tank’
The Proletariat
Majority of the population who own little and are exploited
How does the idea of the proletariat relate to This Is England and Fish Tank?
Shaun, Combo and skinheads exploited by government’s privatisation
Mia exploited by Connor
How does the North/South divide relate to This Is England and Fish Tank?
‘This Is England’ set in the North - lower wages, poorer health care, lower house prices
‘Fish Tank’ set in South, but in a council estate. Against posh stereotypes
How are P.O.V. shots used to create meaning?
This Is England
P.O.V. shots from Milky in assault scene
Aligns audience with him, greater emotional impact
Film is against racism/nationalism
How is a handheld camera used to create meaning?
This Is England & Fish Tank
Social realist aesthetic
Unprofessional, feels like it’s filmed on someone’s phone
Straight from the scene, almost like a documentary
How are big close-ups used to create meaning?
This Is England
Used sparingly and powerfully
Combo & Shaun’s in car - growing intimacy between them, relationship getting closer
Combo is grooming Shaun to join right-wing nationalism
How is the St. George’s cross used to create meaning?
This Is England
Prop illustrates Shaun’s engagement with nationalism
Steals one and gives it to Combo to show his loyalty to the National Front
It goes into Combo’s flat as a centerpiece - oversees Milky’s assault
Shaun throws it into ocean at end of film
How is the the idea of a uniform used to create meaning?
This Is England
Skinhead uniform - bonds of gang members.
Shave Shaun’s head, give him the shirt - accept him as one of their own
Combo gives him a coat when he joins National Front; accepting him into their gang
How is graffiti used to create meaning?
This Is England
Political views of neighbourhood: “Maggie is a twat”. Clearly against conservative government & Thatcherism
When National Front spray paints side of the Mr Sandhu’s shop:
Shaun’s innocence - spray paints own name
Combo’s gang uneducated - ‘Nashnil Front’
How are montages used to create meaning?
This Is England
3 montages = each stage in Shaun’s journey
First = extreme long shots, mute colours, convey Shaun’s isolation
Second = Woody’s gang dressed colourfully, upbeat music (Louie Louie). Happy, fun
Third = ‘trained’ by Combo -> racist. St George’s cross superimposed on top
How is archive footage used to create meaning?
This Is England
Opens film - sets scene for narrative
Social & political context - Thatcher, Falklands War
Spectator draws ideological parallels between this & events in Shaun’s life
What are the five levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy?
1 = Physiological needs (food, water, shelter, clothes, sleep) 2 = Safety & security (health, employments, property, family/social stability) 3 = Love & belonging (friendship, family, intimacy, sense of connection) 4 = Self-esteem (confidence, achievement, respect of others, need to be unique) 5 = Self-actualisation (morality, creativity, purpose, acceptance)
How does the idea of Maslow’s Hierarchy relate to This Is England?
Shaun starts at 2nd level - has food, clothes, shelter and a house, but nothing else (alone at school)
Joins skinheads - moves onto 3rd or 4th level
End - moves back to where he was. Potentially lost it all
What are the five main factors of the North/South divide?
North-East = lowest growth economically
South-East = highest growth economically
- Worse health conditions
- More spending on health
- Cheaper houses
- Government spending higher relative to tax revenues
- More Labour supporters than South (conservative)
What are the three types of film (in terms of ideology)?
1) Film has dominant ideology throughout, pure & unchanged. Doesn’t seem to be aware of it
2) Film ATTACKS dominant ideology, dealing with extremely political subject, breaking fourth wall by exposing film as an ideological construct
3) Seems to support dominant ideology at first, but turns out to be ambiguous. Film has obstacles in way of ideology, sways it off course.
Which type of film is ‘This Is England’ (in terms of ideology)?
Type 3: seems to be fully against nationalism, yet sympathises with Combo. We learn he may be attacking others due to coming from a broken family
Syd Field - 3 Act Structure
Act 1: Set up established. Eng of act = change in film’s direction
Act 2: Confrontation. Protagonist faces series of challenges. End of act signalled by 1 huge final problem
Act 3: All plots and subplots resolved
How does ‘This Is England’ relate to Syd Field’s 3 Act Structure?
Act 1: Start -> Combo crashes party
Act 2: National Front -> Milky’s attack
Act 3: Post attack -> end
Chris Vogler - Hero Model
- Ordinary world. Hero given quest
- Meets someone/given something to help quest
- New world, new rules: tests, enemies, allies
- Greatest ordeal. Nearly fails, lives to continue
- Returns to ordinary world changed
How does ‘This Is England’ relate to Chris Vogler’s Hero Model?
- Ordinary world: Shaun struggling cope with bullies
- Meets someone: Skinheads
- New world: Joins National Front
- Greatest ordeal: Milky’s assault
- Returns to ordinary world: At beach
Todorov’s Theory of Narrative
Equilibrium - protagonist & antagonist’s conflicting desires in balance
Disruption to equilibrium
Quest - seek to rectify the disruption
New equilibrium - protagonist & antagonist’s conflicting desires in balance, but everything has changed
How does ‘This Is England’ relate to Todorov’s Theory of Narrative?
Equilibrium - Shaun & skinheads hanging out
Disruption - Combo crashes party
Quest - Shaun joins National Front, skinheads try to talk him out of it
New equilibrium - Post Milky’s assault