Film Terminology Flashcards
Terms used in cinema
Depth of Field
Range of clear focus on shot
Effect of contrasted light
Subjective Camera
Camera takes on P.O.V of character
Focus Pull
Alternating between deep and shallow focus
Deep focus
Focusing on background
Shallow focus
Focusing on foreground
Dolly camera movement
Camera physically moves closer to the subject
Camera zoom
Camera zooms in without physically moving
Crane camera movement
Camera lowered into action
Ped camera movement
Camera on pedestal: physically moves up and down
Track camera movement
Camera on rails - moves along with action
Crab camera movement
Camera moves horizontally and keeps stopping, like crab walk
Canted angle
Camera on an angle
Eye-level shot
Shot level with subject’s eye
Birds eye shot
Shot from far above subject
Worms eye shot
Shot from ground
Expressive miss-en-scene
Setting, props, costume and makeup effectively conveys thought and feeling
Naturalistic mise-en-scene
Setting, props, costume and makeup closely imitates real life
Period of instability/insecurity in narrative
Objects within film used to evoke particular meanings
Kuleshov effect
Film editing effect: viewer derives more meaning from interaction between 2 sequential shots than 1 on it’s own
Ambient sound
Background sounds in scene/location
Foley sound
Reproducing sound effects to be added in post
Contrapuntal Sound
Sound/music used contrasts with scene
Asynchronous sound
Sound where source not see
Method acting
Actor lives life as character until end of filming for authentic performance
Cross dissolve
One shot fades into another
Shot fades to black or white
180 degree rule
Only film from one side of the scene, otherwise it flips
Eyeline Match
Shows character looking at something, then what they’re looking at
Match on action
Carry action across from 1 cut to another
How close text is to reality
Jump cuts
Remove frames from continuity sequences, breaking it -> jumpy
Freeze Frame
Stops for moment
Montage Editing
Short cuts demonstrate progress of character over time