Section C Flashcards
Why did nationalists believe in the stab in the back myth?
No German territory had been invaded and there were still Germ soldiers on French territory. Thought ‘November Criminals’ (Communists and Jews) had decided on dictated peace. Led to popular support for Nazi policy.
What was the impact of the Treaty of Versailles?
German people wanted to reverse the treaty, particularly Article 231 (war guilt clause)
Why could the Allies not dismantle Germany?
They wanted a bock against communism in Europe.
When was the Nazis 25 point programme created?
when did Hitler leave the League of Nations?
October 1933
When was the Saar plebiscite?
1935, 90% agreed to rejoin.
when didHitler remilitarise the Rhineland?
1936, with 20,000 soldiers
Which principle led to allow all of Anschluss with Austria and acquisition of the Sudetenland via the Munich conference in 1938?
Self-determination, legitimated demands for German speaking people to be returned to the Reich.
How was the invasion of Poland in 1939 a product of the Treaty of Versailles?
Driven by the desire o remove the Polish corridor.
Who was Arthur de Gobineau?
French count so claimed ‘Aryan race’ possessed superior superior physical and cultural characteristics.
What book did Eugen Fischer write? (Eugenicist)
Human Hereditary Theory and Racial Hygeine
What is an example of historic anti-semitism?
Jews were blamed for causing the Black Death.
WHat did the Kaiser compare Jews to?
Mosquitoes, saying hey were a nuisance and should be gotten rid of
What policy did Bulow (previous chancellor and foreign minister) follow?
Weltpolitik and flotenpolitik, dedicate to creating an empire and large navy, creating tension with Britain.
When did the right wing pressure groups of the Pan German and Navy Leagues emerge?
Late 1890s, saw patriotic fervour as unifying force (muddle class, late Nazi supporters)
What could be seen as Germany’s fist holocaust?
Only 16,000/80,000 Herero people weren’t killed when Germany tried to colonise Namibia for Lebensraum.
What was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939?
Agreement with Russia, previously ruled out inMein Kampala, showing that a master plan from this time was not being followed.
Why did Hitler want to be allied with Britain?
He believed they were also of a superior race.
How was Goering influential in foreign policy?
As had of the 4 year plan, he was blue to put pressure on Hitler to Anschluss with Austria. Hitler rather it be taken peacefully. Goering ordered the army to march to Austria.