Germany 1918-89: Education Flashcards
Which were the five schools in Weimar Germany?
Elementary, Gymnasia, Oberrealschule, Aufbauschule, Realgymnasia
6-9 years, compulsory due to the School Law of 1920, which standardised elementary education.
Taught subjects including Greek and Latin. Education provided favoured by universities. Attended by wealthy who could afford to pay.
Subjects eg Latin but no Greek and modern languages. Preparation for modern jobs.
Taught subjects such as science and maths.
Aufbauschule (new for Weimar Republic)
Offered similar education as Gymnasia but to academically gifted poorer students.
Who was Steiner and how many schools did he open?
Wanted education reforms eg utilising full body learning as well as a lack of hierarchy between students and teachers. He opened 4 schools from 1919-25.
Why was there a lack of standardised secondary education?
Some schools were private, others state run and others were run by the church. Although, they had to receive inspections.
When did the Catholic Centre Party try to gain more control of education?
1921/27, but the SPD overruled them. The church began to see democracy as anti-Christian.
What was the wealthy’s opinion of the schooling system?
They feared as more children could access education, making it less exclusive.
What were the goals for education during the Weimar Republic?
Teach moral education desire or reconciliation, vocational tuition etc
Why was education in Nazi Germany standardised?
To creat a totalitarian state as part of the Gleichaltung process.
What were the Nazi goals for education?
to produce uniformity of attitude and total commitment to the good of the ‘Aryan race’ and develop a ‘deep racial outlook’.
What happened to teachers in 1933?
They were required to join the National Socialist Teachers’ League and appear willing converts to Nazism. 20% of teachers were sacked (eg due to political views or having affiliations with Jews). Greater proportion of senior teachers. Female head teachers sacked and replaced by males.
Despite maintenance of most of the Weimar teaching system, which schools were introduced?
NAPOLAS and Adolf Hitler schools
39 created. Trained students for the SS. Similar standing as Gymnasia (wealthy).
Adolf Hitler schools
11 boarding schools. Had to pass fitness/ academic and racial purity tests (similar for NAPOLAS)
What was the Nazi teaching style?
Active, teachers should engage students with activities (similarity to Steiner).
When did Nazis introduce a new curriculum and what did this include?
- Introduced ‘racial corners’ (pure bred plant experiments, posters about hereditary weakness), maths problems involved calculations linking to war (angles for bomb trajectories), history reformed and presented as a struggle between races, geography focused on wrongs of the Treaty of Versailles, school time for PE raised to 15% (boxing compulsory for males) etc
Which organisations were responsible for new textbooks?
The Party Censorship Office examined existing textbooks and removed those which were ideologically suspect. The Ministry of Education commissioned new books eg biology textbooks rewritten to contain racial diagrams.