Section B-4, B-6, G-1 Flashcards
Reinforcement and Punishment
Reinforcement (SR)
A stimulus change following a behavior that results in that behavior occuring more often
What does SR mean?
- Makes antecedent conditions relevant
- Changes what comes after behavior (consequeces) and what comes before (antecedent)
- Creates stimulus control (making responding in the precense of the SD more likely)
Discriminated Operant
A behavior that occurs in some conditions/SDs more than in others
Reinforcement can strengthen…
- Rate
- Duration
- Latency
- Magnitude
- Topography
Reinforcement Effectiveness
How many seconds most effective?
- most effective 0-sec delay
- less effectice 1-sec delay
- a response becomes more frequent in the future if preciously followed by a reinforcer or an increase in a reinforcer within 0-30 sec
Delayed consequences aren’t technically reinforcers
Is Reinforcement circular or linear?
Transient Effects
Temporary effect; when a reinforcer (or punisher) is removed, it should be expected that a change in responding can occur (for the worse) above or below baseline
Bribery vs. Reinforcement
Bribery occurs before the behavior reinforcement occurs after
Behavioral Contrast
When a behavior occurs in multiple environments, but treatment is delivered in only 1 environment, you can expect to see a change in behavior in the oppositie direction in the non-treatment environment, even though nothing changes in that environment.
Positive Behavioral Contrast
An increase in behavior which contacts reinforcement at an unchanged rate (non-treatment settting) and decreases in that same behavior in the treatment condition (DRO, extinction, punishment)
Negative Behavorial Contrast
A decrease in behavior which contacts reinforcement at an unchanged rate (non-treatment setting) and an increase in that same behavior in the treatment condition (reinforcement)
How to avoid contrast?
Program procedures in all settings in which the behavior occurs
Positive Reinforcement
A process that occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by a stimulus that increases the future frequency of that and similar behaviors in similar conditions
5 Types of Positive Reinforcers
- Edibles
- Activity
- Tangible
- Social
- Sensory
Negative Reinforcement
A process that occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by a reducion or removal of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of that and similar behaviors in similar conditions
Relief, escape, avoidance
2 Types of Negative Reinforcement
- Escape
- Avoidance
* Discriminative Avoidance
* Free Operant Avoidance
A behavior that stops an ongoing aversive stimulus/unpleasant situation
A response that prevents or postpones the presentation of an aversive stimulus/unpleasant situation
Discriminative Avoidance
The preventation of the onset of an aversive stimulus in the presence of a signal/SD
Free Operant Avoidance
The prevention of the onset of an aversive stimulus without the presence of a signal/SD
Automatic Reinforcement
- When behavior is evoked, shaped, maintained, or weakened by environmental variables that happen without other’s manipulation.
- Reinforcement that occurs without the social mediation of others (others do not deliver consequences at all)
Automatic Punishment
Punishment that occurs without the social mediation of others (others do not deliver consequences at all)
Socially Mediated Contingency
When another person controls your access to reinforcement/punishment
oppositie of automatic reinforcement/punishment
Unconditioned Reinforcer/Reinforcement (UCR)
A stimulus change that increases the future frequency of behavior without prior pairing with any other form of reinforcement
No learning history required
Primary Reinforcer, Unlearned Reinforcer
Conditioned Reinforcer/Reinforcement (CR)
When previously neutral stimulus acquires the ability to function as a reinforcer through stimulu-stimulu pairing with 1 or more unconditioned or conditoned reinforcers
Learning history required
Secondary reinforcer, learned reinforcer
Generalized Conditioned Reinforcer
A type of conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with many unconditioned and conditioned reinforcers
Doesn’t depend on MO for effectiveness
Likely reinforcing any time to anyone
Money, love, social praise
Rule Governed Behavior
Learning the rules: behavior comes under the control of consequences that are too delayed to influence your behavior directly
Studying, passing an exam
Being pregnant, buying baby clothes
Contingency Shaped Behavior
When a behavior is directly controlled by the contingency, not rules
A behavorial contingency is the occassion for an occassion for response (SD) - the response - the outcome of the response
Consequence must occur within 0-30 sec following the response
Medicine on a cut, relieve the pain