Section B-4, B-6, G-1 Flashcards
Reinforcement and Punishment
Reinforcement (SR)
A stimulus change following a behavior that results in that behavior occuring more often
What does SR mean?
- Makes antecedent conditions relevant
- Changes what comes after behavior (consequeces) and what comes before (antecedent)
- Creates stimulus control (making responding in the precense of the SD more likely)
Discriminated Operant
A behavior that occurs in some conditions/SDs more than in others
Reinforcement can strengthen…
- Rate
- Duration
- Latency
- Magnitude
- Topography
Reinforcement Effectiveness
How many seconds most effective?
- most effective 0-sec delay
- less effectice 1-sec delay
- a response becomes more frequent in the future if preciously followed by a reinforcer or an increase in a reinforcer within 0-30 sec
Delayed consequences aren’t technically reinforcers
Is Reinforcement circular or linear?
Transient Effects
Temporary effect; when a reinforcer (or punisher) is removed, it should be expected that a change in responding can occur (for the worse) above or below baseline
Bribery vs. Reinforcement
Bribery occurs before the behavior reinforcement occurs after
Behavioral Contrast
When a behavior occurs in multiple environments, but treatment is delivered in only 1 environment, you can expect to see a change in behavior in the oppositie direction in the non-treatment environment, even though nothing changes in that environment.
Positive Behavioral Contrast
An increase in behavior which contacts reinforcement at an unchanged rate (non-treatment settting) and decreases in that same behavior in the treatment condition (DRO, extinction, punishment)
Negative Behavorial Contrast
A decrease in behavior which contacts reinforcement at an unchanged rate (non-treatment setting) and an increase in that same behavior in the treatment condition (reinforcement)
How to avoid contrast?
Program procedures in all settings in which the behavior occurs
Positive Reinforcement
A process that occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by a stimulus that increases the future frequency of that and similar behaviors in similar conditions
5 Types of Positive Reinforcers
- Edibles
- Activity
- Tangible
- Social
- Sensory
Negative Reinforcement
A process that occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by a reducion or removal of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of that and similar behaviors in similar conditions
Relief, escape, avoidance