section A practices Flashcards
2 types of worship
4 things that happen during eucharist
- confession of sins
- readings and a sermon, Nicene creed or apostle’s creed
- priest says prayer over bread and wine
- Lord’s Prayer, shakes hands, shares bread and wine
what is the catholic penitential rite
confession of sin and request for gods mercy
what is liturgy of the word
readings and sermon
what is liturgy of the eucharist
priest says prayers over bred and wine
what is sharing the peace
shaking hands during eucharist
what is catholic rite of communion
congregation receives bread and wine
Matthew 18:20, communion
‘for where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.’
what is the purpose of public worship
for christians to feel involved in a wider Christian community
what do catholics call the eucharist
what denominations use non-liturgical worship
evangelical churches
how do quakers use non-liturgical worship
worshippers sit together in silence, but they are free to pray or speak out loud
what does liturgical mean
the service follows a set pattern written out by the church
how do methodists use non-liturgical worship
services feature hymns, readings a sermon and prayer
the eucharist takes place but not every week
how do evangelicals use non-liturgical worship
worshippers believe they’re inspired by the spirit, inspiring them to pray, clap, dance or shout
what is evangelical worship called
charismatic worship
why do christians like non-liturgical worship
enjoy freedom of worshipping god in a less-structured way, maybe feels more personal
why do some christians not enjoy non-liturgical worship
believe its unsuitable for the level of respect that religious services require
what is a sacrament
a ceremony through which christians believe they receive god’s grace
which denomination believe in the 7 sacraments
Roman Catholic
which sacraments do protestants believe in
baptism and eucharist
what do quakers believe about the sacraments
they don’t celebrate the sacraments as they believe they are necessary symbols for the inward acceptance of god’s grace
what are the seven sacraments
- baptism
- confirmation
- reconciliation
- anointing the sick
- matrimony
- holy orders
- eucharist
John 3:5, baptism heaven
‘no one can enter the kingdom of god unless they are born of water and the spirit.’
Matthew 28:19, baptism
‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.’
what is the purpose of baptism
makes someone a member of god’s family
cleanses of original sin
what do baptists and pentecostals believe about baptism
they believe in believers’ baptism, where adults who wish to join the church are baptised by total immersion.
2 types of baptism
sacramental baptism
believers’ baptism
catechism of the catholic church, sacraments
‘the seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life.’
what is confirmation
a ceremony where a christian renews the vows made on their behalf at baptism. it strengthens the ties of the confirmed to the church of god
what is reconciliation
confession, contrition, penance and absolution. obtaining forgiveness for the sins committed
what is anointing the sick
a priest anoints a seriously unwell person with the oil of the sick, renewing the person’s faith and strength to cope with their illness and accept their suffering
what is matrimony
it is believe that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding, believe that god is present at the ceremony and promises are made before him
what are holy orders
the process by which men are ordained as deacons, priests or bishops. it is a commitment for life
what is the eucharist
receiving the body and blood of christ joins people together in their faith and gives them the strength to live christian lives and face any problems they may encounter
lumen gentium chapter 1, eucharist bread
‘in the breaking of the eucharist bread, we are taken up into communion with him and with one another.’
Roman Catholics view of the eucharist
believe that every mass in a re-enactment of christ’s sacrifice. the believe that they are receive the saving power of Jesus into themselves through the bread and wine
lords prayer
our father in heaven hallowed be thy name your kingdom done yours will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us lead us not into temptation buy deliver us from evil for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours forever and ever
why is the Lord’s Prayer important
it is based on the words Jesus used when he told his disciples how to pray
what are 2 ways christians may strengthen their relationship with god
prayer and pilgrimage
what is the purpose of pilgrimages
to seek healing or forgiveness, to connect to god or to deepen faith
what does the journey of a pilgrimage reflect
the path they’re trying to follow towards god
Luke 2:41-43 pilgrimage story
sorry of the pilgrimage Jesus and his parents made to Jerusalem
popular catholic pilgrimage locations
Jerusalem, lourdes
popular protestant pilgrimage location
why do some christians dislike modern Christmas traditions and customs
they believe they devalue the true meaning of christmas
corinthians 15:14, importance of resurrection
‘and if christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.’
what is the most important christian festival
why is easter so important to christians
it marks a number of important events
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
good Friday
Easter Day
what is Palm Sunday
christians remember Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, his final week before crucifixion
what is maundy Thursday
commemorates the last supper held off the night before Jesus died
what is good Friday
Jesus’ crucifixion
what does easter day celebrate
Jesus’ resurrection
what is the role of the church
to put christian faith into action
peter 5:2-3, leaders of the church
‘be shepherds of god’s flock that is under your care, watching over them being examples to the flock.’
Matthew 5:9, reconciliation
‘blessed are the peacemakers’
2 organisations that work for reconciliation
corrymeela community
pax christi
what does evangelism mean
spreading the christian message with the aim of converting people
mark 16:15, evangelism
‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’
what are missionaries
people that spread the christian message abroad, many use their skills to help disadvantaged people
3 christian charities
christian aid
parable of the Good Samaritan
encourages others to love your neighbour as ourselves
what is the story of the sheep and goats Matthew 25:31
people who have been good (sheep) will be looked after by god whereas people who haven’t (the goats) will suffer