Section A - 30 Mark Question Flashcards
What 3 feature of performance should you include
- vocal
- movement
- interaction
What should be in the introduction (5)
- context
- period of time
- style
- Stanislavski system and techniques
- subtext of monologue
What does each paragraph have to have a comprehensive understanding of (5)
- motivation
- dialogue
- speech
- language
- the objective of the rehearsal techniques
What should the conclusion have (2)
- link between rehearsal techniques and interpretation of the text
- summary of how the techniques benefit the actor
One handed conversation
Actors hold a conversation using only the actions of one hand, therefore limiting the communication ability
This forces actors to draw on physical impulses
Stanislavski emotion memory
The actor uses an emotion that once felt and applies it to how the character is feeling
Units of motivation
The actor decides on the motive for each characters line, attempting to present that motivation within acting
Magic if
The character should answer the question “what would I do if I was in the situation” this technique means that the actor puts themselves into the characters situation
Hot seating
Actor must stay in character while being asked a series of questions which elaborate on life experiences - Create a more realistic character
Le Coqs stick
A pan must hold either end of a meter stick and push/pull through space with it, this shows tension of characters through proxemics and attaches emotions to different movements
7 levees of tension
The actors begin at level one working their way up to level 7 to explore the different ways of presenting a character – one equals exhausted, seven equals passionately tragic
Choral line le coq
Two people stand in a line, the person at the back must whisper lines echoes by the person in front, the line gets longer. It helps establish character as chorus leader and help work as an ensemble
Le coqs mask and neutrality
Actors wear a mask and at the Steine the loss of facial expressions will drive them to communicate meaning through physical movements
Valley of giants le coq
Actor pretends he/she is a giant, interacting with others as if they were smaller, taking heavy steps and pushing/pulling with his body
Unified walking pace
Actors walk around the room and stop without saying anything or any command; improves focus on establishes relationships with members in the group
Also good for chorus work
Bigger and bigger
Playing a character with huge emotion; each time bigger is commanded, the actor must respond by exaggerating more and more
Artaud impossible task
Actors also just a task which they believe is impossible, and are pushed to extreme limits in order to try to complete that task
Colombian hypnosis Boal
Actors power up, and one actor becomes hypnotised by the others hand following around. This allows actors to manipulate one another
Artauds non-language argument
Actors argue in a series of noises such as grunts and shouts but still portraying emotion, using universal language