love and information scenes Flashcards
Sec 1, Scene 1 - SECRET
a long drawn out process of someone trying to tell someone else about something bad they did. the audience never finds out what, but it seems very bad, yet the doer is somewhat proud after telling.
Sec 1, Scene 2 - CENSUS
someone complaining why they have to do a census, suggesting its a sales plot and refusing to fill in the information, while the other warns them that they have to
Sec 1, Scene 3 - FAN
people discussing their infatuation with somebody else, seems very childish and hyperbolic what they know and say they will do for them, and decided they need to find out more to be better than the other.
Sec 1, Scene 4 - TORTURE
about interrogation of a convict, or possibly a mafia situation where the interrogators are struggling to find out the information and contemplate lying about it
Sec 1, Scene 5 - LAB
a conversation about the psychological experiments performed on chicks, one is clearly uncomfortable with the somewhat abusive methods used but the other seems confident that its fine in order to get the information they wan’t
Sec 1, Scene 6 - SLEEP
likely two people in bed discussing how one cant sleep, then offering methods of how to help sleep, then decides instead of talking about it to go on Facebook
Sec 1, Scene 7 - REMOTE
someone who’s in a house with someone with no technology, and no service and they say it’s nice and quiet yet the other person seems to silently disagree
Sec 2, Scene 1, - IRRATIONAL
people discussing irrational numbers and one clearly getting frustrated that the other cannot understand what they’re saying, and it gets a bit dark and ominous
Sec 2, Scene 2 - AFFAIR
one person is trying to reveal to another that they have witnessed their partner having an affair however the other person already knows and seems unphased by it
Sec 2, Scene 3 - MOTHER
about siblings, the older revealing to the younger that she is their mom, and the younger wants to pretend like they never found out
Sec 2, Scene 4 - FIRED
about a employer and employee arguing over being fired impersonally and the employer is struggling to say it to their face whilst the employee gets increasingly defensive and angry.
Sec 2, Scene 5 - MESSAGE
people discussing the message that terrorism spreads, one suggesting that it’s a way of deterring people and the other suggesting that it doesn’t achieve anything
Sec 2, Scene 6 - GRASS
about a person who made a suspicious phone call, likely telling the police about a criminal who is also their friend and their partner getting angry and concerned about the consequences of doing so
Sec 2, Scene 7 - TERMINAL
someone asking a doctor how long they have to live and the doctor saying it’ll likely be less than 3 years
Sec 3, Scene 1 - SCHIZOPHRENIC
a person talking about voices that they hear in their head, the traffic lights are telling them to kill the other character, and they don’t believe they’re ill
Sec 3, Scene 2 - SPIES
about two people discussing war, and how the war (likely with Iraq) and how it was all made up so that the Americans can go to war
Sec 3, Scene 3 - DREAM
someone has a dream about a variety of weird things that they assume means their partner is cheating on them, likely so they can sleep with the other character on stage
Sec 3, Scene 4 - RECLUSE
about 2 people inside and 1 outside, the two are hiding from the newspapers or the police and will not open the door. they’re scared people will know about them.
Sec 3, Scene 5 - GOD’S VOICE
someone claiming that God told talks to them, like an epiphany and the other character is dubious of this
a character reading a story about a boy who is never scared and his friends make him go to a scary house and he still isn’t scared and at the end he gets eaten by a lion
Sec 3, Scene 7 - STAR
two people talking about the fact that the light of the stars is probably a dead star by now
Sec 4, Scene 1 - WEDDING VIDEO
several people watching a wedding video, talking about how great it would be if there were videos of all of history, and one person says they wouldn’t remember the wedding at all if there wasn’t a video
Sec 4, Scene 2 - SAVANT
someone quizzing another person with an impecable memory on the events of random days. The memory one seems bored whist the other is fascinated
Sec 4, Scene 3 - EX
two ex’s talking about when they were together, they seem sad about the fact that it’s over, and one seems a bit more over it than the other
Sec 4, Scene 4 - MEMORY HOUSE
a person using the memory house method of remembering things, a list of random memories that they have, very random long scene
Sec 4, Scene 5 - DINNER
someone forgot about going to dinner and the other begins to argue with them and they just apologies to prevent argument
Sec 4, Scene 6 - PIANO
the scene seems repetitive, as if someone who has little memory, yet remembers how to play the piano despite saying hes never played
Sec 4, Scene 7 - FLASHBACK
someone panickin gover a relapse memory, something very dark and scary that is persistently in their head
Sec 5, Scene 1 - LINGUIST
two people talking about the different ways to say table in other languages, one seems to think that table is the traditional word for it, yet it is defined in many ways
Sec 5, Scene 2 - MATHS
someone who is different to another couple and doesn’t want to see them again due to disagreements about maths, there is also an element of jealousy
Sec 5, Scene 3 - SEX
someone talking about the biological process of sex, and the other not really caring, just seems to care about having sex
Sec 5, Scene 4 - GOD
two people discussing how God gives life purpose, one clearly an atheist taking the piss out of the other
Sec 5, Scene 5 - RASH
two people talking about probably a child with a rash, one suggesting it has more meaning, the other shrugging it off like it’s nothing
Sec 5, Scene 6 - CHILDREN
someone telling another that they can’t have children, and the other ignoring that and talking about their ex-partner having a child with another man
Sec 5, Scene 7 - SHRINK
someone trying to explain how their analysis has found meaning, and the other asking them pointless questions that don’t help them