Section 9 Flashcards
> wf
Emotion (n) - Cảm xúc /ɪˈmoʊʃn/
> Love is an e________ we all feel.
Emotional (adj) - Thuộc về cảm xúc, dễ xúc động /ɪˈmoʊʃənl/
> She felt very e________ after hearing the news.
Emotionally (adv) - Về mặt cảm xúc /ɪˈmoʊʃənəli/
> He spoke e________ about his family.
> wf
Surprise (v) - Làm ngạc nhiên /sərˈpraɪz/
> The gift will s________ her.
Surprise (n) - Sự ngạc nhiên /sərˈpraɪz/
> She got a big s________ at the party.
Surprising (adj) - Đáng ngạc nhiên /sərˈpraɪzɪŋ/
> The result was quite s________.
Surprised (adj) - Ngạc nhiên /sərˈpraɪzd/
> He looked very s________ when we arrived.
Surprisingly (adv) - Một cách đáng ngạc nhiên /sərˈpraɪzɪŋli/
> The food was s________ good.
> wf
Disgust (v) - Làm ghê tởm /dɪsˈɡʌst/
> The smell d________ everyone.
Disgust (n) - Sự ghê tởm /dɪsˈɡʌst/
> He showed d________ for their behavior.
Disgusted (adj) - Cảm thấy ghê tởm /dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/
> She was d________ by his actions.
Disgusting (adj) - Ghê tởm /dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/
> The food smelled d________.
Disgustedly (adv) - Một cách ghê tởm /dɪsˈɡʌstɪdli/
> He walked away d________.
Disgustingly (adv) - Một cách kinh tởm /dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋli/
> The room was d________ dirty.
> wf
Stress (v) - Nhấn mạnh hoặc gây căng thẳng /stres/
> She always s________ the importance of hard work.
Stress (n) - Sự căng thẳng /stres/
> Too much s________ can harm your health.
Stressed (adj) - Bị căng thẳng /strest/
> He felt very s________ before the exam.
Stressful (adj) - Gây căng thẳng /ˈstresfl/
> Moving to a new house can be s________.
> wf
Worry (v) - Lo lắng /ˈwɜːri/
> Parents often w________ about their children.
Worry (n) - Sự lo lắng /ˈwɜːri/
> He expressed his w________ about the plan.
Worrying (adj) - Đáng lo ngại /ˈwɜːriɪŋ/
> The news was very w________.
Worried (adj) - Lo lắng /ˈwɜːrid/
> She looked w________ about the future.
Worryingly (adv) - Một cách đáng lo ngại /ˈwɜːriɪŋli/
> The situation has become w________ worse.
Worriedly (adv) - Một cách lo lắng /ˈwɜːridli/
> He waited w________ for the results.
> wf
Annoy (v) - Làm phiền /əˈnɔɪ/
> Loud noises can a________ people easily.
Annoyance (n) - Sự phiền phức /əˈnɔɪəns/
> His constant interruptions caused a________.
Annoyed (adj) - Cảm thấy khó chịu /əˈnɔɪd/
> She was a________ by the delay.
Annoying (adj) - Gây khó chịu /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/
> The buzzing sound was very a________.
Annoyingly (adv) - Một cách khó chịu /əˈnɔɪɪŋli/
> He a________ tapped his pen on the table.
> wf
Anger (n) - Sự tức giận /ˈæŋɡər/
> His a________ was obvious from his voice.
Angry (adj) - Tức giận /ˈæŋɡri/
> She felt a________ when they ignored her.
Angrily (adv) - Một cách tức giận /ˈæŋɡrəli/
> He spoke a________ to the manager.
> wf
Embarrass (v) - Làm bối rối /ɪmˈbærəs/
> His joke might e________ her in front of everyone.
Embarrassment (n) - Sự bối rối /ɪmˈbærəsmənt/
> She felt e________ after falling in public.
Embarrassing (adj) - Gây bối rối /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/
> It was an e________ moment for him.
Embarrassed (adj) - Bị bối rối /ɪmˈbærəst/
> She looked e________ when her name was called.
Embarrassingly (adv) - Một cách bối rối /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋli/
> He e________ forgot his lines during the play.
> wf
Fear (n) - Nỗi sợ /fɪr/
> Her greatest f________ is speaking in public.
Fearless (adj) - Không sợ hãi /ˈfɪrləs/
> He is a f________ leader who takes risks.
Fearful (adj) - Đầy sợ hãi /ˈfɪrfl/
> She felt f________ when the storm began.
Fearlessness (n) - Sự không sợ hãi /ˈfɪrləsnəs/
> His f________ inspired the team to keep going.
Fearfulness (n) - Sự sợ hãi /ˈfɪrflnəs/
> The horror movie filled the audience with f________.
Fearlessly (adv) - Một cách không sợ hãi /ˈfɪrləsli/
> He climbed the mountain f________.
Fearfully (adv) - Một cách sợ hãi /ˈfɪrflɪ/
> She looked around f________ in the dark forest.
> wf
Boredom (n) - Sự buồn chán /ˈbɔːrdəm/
> He felt b________ during the long meeting.
Bored (adj) - Cảm thấy chán /bɔːrd/
> She looked b________ while waiting in line.
Boring (adj) - Gây chán /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/
> The lecture was so b________ that many students left early.
Boringly (adv) - Một cách nhàm chán /ˈbɔːrɪŋli/
> He spoke b________ about the topic.
> wf
Sympathize (v) - Đồng cảm /ˈsɪmpəˌθaɪz/
> I can s________ with her because I have been in her situation.
Sympathy (n) - Sự đồng cảm /ˈsɪmpəθi/
> She expressed her s________ to the family of the victim.
Sympathetic (adj) - Biết đồng cảm /ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk/
> He was very s________ when I told him my problem.
Sympathetically (adv) - Một cách đồng cảm /ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪkli/
> She listened s________ to his story.
> wf
Excite (v) - Kích thích, gây hứng thú /ɪkˈsaɪt/
> The new movie trailer will e________ the audience.
Excitement (n) - Sự hứng thú /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/
> The kids could not hide their e________ about the trip.
Excited (adj) - Hào hứng /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/
> She was e________ to start her new job.
Exciting (adj) - Gây hào hứng /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/
> The football match was really e________.
Excitedly (adv) - Một cách hào hứng /ɪkˈsaɪtɪdli/
> The children ran e________ to the park.
> wf
Relax (v) - Thư giãn /rɪˈlæks/
> He decided to r________ after a long day at work.
Relaxation (n) - Sự thư giãn /ˌriːˌlæksˈeɪʃn/
> Yoga is a great way for r________.
Relaxing (adj) - Gây thư giãn /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/
> The music was very r________ to listen to.
Relaxed (adj) - Cảm thấy thư giãn /rɪˈlækst/
> She felt r________ after her vacation.
> wf
Psychologist (n) - Nhà tâm lý học /saɪˈkɑːlədʒɪst/
> The p________ helped her deal with her anxiety.
Psychology (n) - Tâm lý học /saɪˈkɑːlədʒi/
> She is studying p________ at university.
Psychological (adj) - Thuộc tâm lý /ˌsaɪkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/
> The illness caused p________ stress.
Psychologically (adv) - Một cách tâm lý /ˌsaɪkəˈlɑːdʒɪkli/
> She was p________ prepared for the challenge.
> wf
Identify (v) - Nhận diện /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/
> Can you i________ the person in this photo?
Identification (n) - Sự nhận diện /aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/
> The police needed i________ of the suspect.
> wf
Please (v) - Làm hài lòng /pliːz/
> She always tries to p________ everyone around her.
Pleasure (n) - Niềm vui, sự hài lòng /ˈplɛʒər/
> It’s a p________ to meet you.
Pleasantry (n) - Lời nói vui vẻ, xã giao /ˈplɛzəntri/
> They exchanged p________ before starting the meeting.
Pleasant (adj) - Dễ chịu /ˈplɛznt/
> We had a p________ evening together.
Pleasantly (adv) - Một cách dễ chịu /ˈplɛzntli/
> She smiled p________ at the guests.
Pleased (adj) - Hài lòng /pliːzd/
> He was p________ with the results of his exam.
Pleasurable (adj) - Mang lại niềm vui /ˈplɛʒərəbl/
> It was a very p________ experience.
Pleasurably (adv) - Một cách vui vẻ /ˈplɛʒərəbli/
> They spent the day p________ exploring the city.
> wf
Exact (adj) - Chính xác /ɪɡˈzækt/
> We need the e________ time of the meeting.
Exactness (n) - Sự chính xác /ɪɡˈzæktnəs/
> The scientist’s work showed e________ in every detail.
Exactly (adv) - Một cách chính xác /ɪɡˈzæktli/
> That is e________ what I wanted to say.
> wf
Investigate (v) - Điều tra /ɪnˈvɛstəˌɡeɪt/
> The police will i________ the crime scene thoroughly.
Investigation (n) - Sự điều tra /ɪnˌvɛstəˈɡeɪʃn/
> The i________ into the case is ongoing.
Investigator (n) - Người điều tra /ɪnˈvɛstəˌɡeɪtər/
> The i________ found new evidence in the case.
Investigative (adj) - Thuộc điều tra /ɪnˈvɛstəˌɡeɪtɪv/
> She has strong i________ skills for this job.
> wf
Intend (v) - Dự định /ɪnˈtɛnd/
> I i________ to finish my homework tonight.
Intention (n) - Ý định /ɪnˈtɛnʃn/
> Her i________ was to help those in need.
Intentional (adj) - Có chủ ý /ɪnˈtɛnʃənl/
> The mistake was not i________; it was an accident.
Intentionally (adv) - Một cách cố ý /ɪnˈtɛnʃənəli/
> He i________ ignored the warning signs.
> wf
Philosopher (n) - Nhà triết học /fɪˈlɒsəfər/
> The p________ wrote many books about life and happiness.
Philosophy (n) - Triết học /fɪˈlɒsəfi/
> She studied p________ in university.
Philosophical (adj) - Thuộc về triết học /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkl/
> He gave a very p________ explanation of the issue.
Philosophically (adv) - Một cách triết học /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkli/
> They discussed the matter p________ for hours.
> wf
Interest (v) - Gây hứng thú /ˈɪntrəst/
> The teacher tried to i________ the students in science.
Interest (n) - Sự hứng thú /ˈɪntrəst/
> His main i________ is playing the guitar.
Interesting (adj) - Thú vị /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/
> This is a very i________ book.
Interested (adj) - Quan tâm, thích thú /ˈɪntrəstɪd/
> She is i________ in learning new languages.
Interestingly (adv) - Một cách thú vị /ˈɪntrəstɪŋli/
> I________, he decided to stay despite the problems.
> wf
Advertise (v) - Quảng cáo /ˈædvərtaɪz/
> They a________ their products on TV.
Advertisement (n) - Mẩu quảng cáo /ədˈvɜːrtɪsmənt/
> The a________ for the new car was very creative.
Advertiser (n) - Người quảng cáo /ˈædvərtaɪzər/
> The a________ designed a great campaign.
Advertising (n) - Nghề quảng cáo /ˈædvərtaɪzɪŋ/
> She works in a________ for a big company.
> wf
Behave (v) - Cư xử /bɪˈheɪv/
> Children should b________ well in class.
Behavior (n) - Hành vi, cách cư xử /bɪˈheɪvjər/
> His b________ was very polite.
> wf
Die (v) - Chết /daɪ/
> Flowers d________ without water.
Death (n) - Cái chết /dɛθ/
> The d________ of the tree was caused by disease.
Dead (adj) - Chết, không còn sống /dɛd/
> The plant is d________ because it was not watered.
Deadly (adj) - Chết người, nguy hiểm /ˈdɛdli/
> The snake’s bite is d________.
> wf
Mechanize (v) - Cơ giới hóa /ˈmɛkənaɪz/
> The factory m______ its production process to save time.
Mechanic (n) - Thợ cơ khí /məˈkænɪk/
> The m______ fixed my car quickly.
Mechanical (adj) - Cơ khí /mɪˈkænɪkəl/
> The m______ system broke down after years of use.
Mechanistically (adv) - Một cách cơ học /mɪˈkænɪstɪkli/
> The process was completed m________.
> wf
Sadden (v) - Làm buồn /ˈsædən/
> The news will s______ you.
Sadness (n) - Nỗi buồn /ˈsædnəs/
> Her face showed great s______ after hearing the news.
Sad (adj) - Buồn /sæd/
> She felt s______ after her dog ran away.
Sadly (adv) - Một cách buồn bã /ˈsædli/
> He walked away s______ after the argument.
> wf
Conclude (v) - Kết luận /kənˈkluːd/
> I will c______ the meeting now.
Conclusion (n) - Kết luận /kənˈkluːʒən/
> The c______ was that the plan was successful.
Conclusive (adj) - Mang tính kết luận /kənˈkluːsɪv/
> The evidence was c______ and clear.
Conclusively (adv) - Một cách kết luận /kənˈkluːsɪvli/
> The results showed the experiment was c________ a success.
> wf
Intelligence (n) - Trí tuệ /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns/
> Her i________ is exceptional in science.
Intelligent (adj) - Thông minh /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒənt/
> He is an i________ student in class.
Intelligently (adv) - Một cách thông minh /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəntli/
> She spoke i________ about the topic.
> wf
Possible (adj) - Có thể /ˈpɒsɪbəl/
> It is p______ to solve this problem if we work together.
Possibility (n) - Khả năng /ˌpɒsɪˈbɪləti/
> There is a p______ of rain this afternoon.
Possibly (adv) - Có thể /ˈpɒsɪbli/
> She might p______ come to the party later.
> wf
Certainty (n) - Sự chắc chắn /ˈsɜːtənti/
> There is no c______ about tomorrow’s weather.
Certainly (adv) - Chắc chắn, dĩ nhiên /ˈsɜːtnli/
> I will c______ help you with your homework.
> wf
Mouse (n) - Con chuột (số ít) /maʊs/
> The m______ ran across the kitchen floor.
Mice (n) - Con chuột (số nhiều) /maɪs/
> The farmer set traps to catch the m______ in the barn.
> wf
Personalize (v) - Cá nhân hóa /ˈpɜːsənəlaɪz/
> You can p______ your notebook by adding stickers.
Personality (n) - Tính cách, nhân cách /ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti/
> She has a cheerful p______ that makes everyone like her.
Personal (adj) - Cá nhân, riêng tư /ˈpɜːsənl/
> This is my p______ opinion on the matter.
Personally (adv) - Cá nhân, về mặt cá nhân /ˈpɜːsənəli/
> I p______ prefer tea over coffee.
> wf
Confide (v) - Tâm sự /kənˈfaɪd/
> She confided in me about her plans for the future.
Confidence (n) - Sự tự tin /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/
> He spoke with great c______ during the presentation.
Confident (adj) - Tự tin /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/
> She feels c______ about passing the exam.
Confidently (adv) - Một cách tự tin /ˈkɒnfɪdəntli/
> He answered the questions c________ without hesitation.
> wf
Shyness (n)- Sự nhút nhát /ˈʃaɪnəs/
> Her s______ makes it hard for her to speak in public.
Shy (adj) - Nhút nhát /ʃaɪ/
> He is too s______ to talk to strangers.
Shyly (adv) - Một cách nhút nhát /ˈʃaɪli/
> She smiled s______ when she received the compliment.
> wf
Aggression (n) - Sự hung hăng /əˈɡrɛʃən/
> His a______ towards his classmates was unacceptable.
Aggressive (adj) - Hung hăng /əˈɡrɛsɪv/
> She was an a______ driver on the road.
Aggressively (adv) - Một cách hung hăng /əˈɡrɛsɪvli/
> The dog acted a______ when it saw the stranger.
> wf
Assert (v) - Khẳng định /əˈsɜːt/
> He asserted his rights to speak freely.
Assertion (n) - Sự khẳng định /əˈsɜːʃən/
> Her a______ was backed up by facts and evidence.
Assertive (adj) - Quả quyết /əˈsɜːtɪv/
> She is an a______ leader who always speaks her mind.
Assertively (adv) - Một cách quả quyết /əˈsɜːtɪvli/
> He spoke a______ in the meeting to ensure his opinion was heard.
> wf
Obvious (adj) - Rõ ràng, hiển nhiên /ˈɒbviəs/
> It was o______ that she was upset after hearing the news.
Obviousness (n) - Sự rõ ràng /ˈɒbviəsnəs/
> The o______ of the mistake made everyone laugh.
Obviously (adv) - Một cách rõ ràng /ˈɒbviəsli/
> O______, the test was difficult for most students.
> wf
Consider (v) - Xem xét, cân nhắc /kənˈsɪdə(r)/
> You should c______ all the options before making a decision.
Consideration (n) - Sự cân nhắc, sự xem xét /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/
> After careful c______ of the proposal, they decided to approve it.
Considerate (adj) - Chu đáo, ân cần /kənˈsɪdərət/
> She is very c______ towards her coworkers.
Considerably (adv) - Đáng kể, một cách đáng chú ý /kənˈsɪdərəbli/
> The cost of living has increased c______ over the past year.
Considerately (adv) - Một cách chu đáo /kənˈsɪdərətli/
> He helped me c______ by giving clear instructions.
> wf
Concentrate (v) - Tập trung /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt/
> Please c______ on your studies during class.
Concentration (n) - Sự tập trung /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃn/
> His c______ was broken by the loud noise.
> wf
Argue (v) - Tranh cãi /ˈɑːɡjuː/
> They often a______ about small issues.
Argument (n) - Cuộc tranh luận, lý lẽ /ˈɑːɡjumənt/
> The couple had an a______ over money.
Argumentative (adj) - Hay tranh cãi, thích tranh luận /ˌɑːɡjuˈmentətɪv/
> She is known for being a______ during meetings.
> wf
Patient (adj) - Kiên nhẫn /ˈpeɪʃnt/
> Be p______ while waiting for your turn.
Patience (n) - Sự kiên nhẫn /ˈpeɪʃns/
> He shows great p______ when teaching children.
Patiently (adv) - Một cách kiên nhẫn /ˈpeɪʃntli/
> She p______ waited in line for her coffee.
> wf
Discuss (v) - Thảo luận /dɪsˈkʌs/
> Let’s d______ the details of the project tomorrow.
Discussion (n) - Cuộc thảo luận /dɪsˈkʌʃən/
> We had a productive d______ about the new strategy.
> wf
Explain (v) - Giải thích /ɪksˈpleɪn/
> Could you e______ how this machine works?
Explanation (n) - Sự giải thích /ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃən/
> His e______ was clear and easy to understand.
> wf
Instruct (v) - Hướng dẫn /ɪnˈstrʌkt/
> The teacher will i______ you on how to complete the assignment.
Instruction (n) - Hướng dẫn, chỉ thị /ɪnˈstrʌkʃən/
> The i______ was simple and easy to follow.
Instructor (n) - Người hướng dẫn /ɪnˈstrʌktə(r)/
> The driving i______ gave clear directions to the students.
> wf
Improve (v) - Cải thiện /ɪmˈpruːv/
> She wants to i______ her English skills.
Improvement (n) - Sự cải thiện /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/
> There has been a significant i______ in his performance.
> wf
Imagine (v) - Tưởng tượng /ɪˈmædʒɪn/
> Can you i______ living on a different planet?
Image (n) - Hình ảnh /ˈɪmɪdʒ/
> She has a clear i______ of what her future career will look like.
Imagination (n) - Sự tưởng tượng /ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃən/
> Children often have a vivid i______ when telling stories.
Imaginary (adj) - Tưởng tượng, không có thật /ɪˈmædʒɪnəri/
> The book was about an i______ world full of magical creatures.
Imaginative (adj) - Sáng tạo, giàu tưởng tượng /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/
> She has an i______ mind that comes up with unique ideas.
Imaginatively (adv) - Một cách sáng tạo /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪvli/
> The artist worked i______ to create a masterpiece.
> wf
Slight (adj) - Nhỏ, nhẹ, không đáng kể /slaɪt/
> There was a s______ delay in the delivery of the package.
Slightly (adv) - Một chút, nhẹ nhàng /ˈslaɪtli/
> The temperature has s______ increased since this morning.
> wf
Respect (v) - Tôn trọng /rɪˈspɛkt/
> We should r______ other people’s opinions.
Respectful (adj) - Lịch sự, tôn trọng /rɪˈspɛktfʊl/
> He was very r______ to the elderly woman in the park.
Respectfully (adv) - Một cách tôn trọng /rɪˈspɛktfʊli/
> She spoke r______ to her teacher during the discussion.
> wf
Conversation (n) - Cuộc trò chuyện /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/
> They had a long c______ about their plans for the future.
Conversationalist (n) - Người giao tiếp giỏi /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənəlɪst/
> He’s a great c______ who can talk to anyone easily.
Conversationally (adv) - Một cách giao tiếp /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənəli/
> She spoke c______ with the guests at the party.