Section 7 Flashcards
Biểu tượng địa vị
A luxury car is a “s______ symbol”.
Status symbol
/ˈsteɪtəs ˈsɪmbəl/
Kỳ lạ
They serve e______ dishes from around the world.”
Tương đương
A dollar is the e______ of 100 cents.
The equivalent of
I r______ an apartment.
Có khả năng chi trả
I can a______ to buy a new phone.
Trong liều lượng nhỏ
Take medicine in “small d______”.
In small doses
Nọc độc
A snake’s v______ can be dangerous.
Vấn đề sức khỏe
He has several “m______ problems”.
Medical problems
Bọ cạp
A s______ can sting.
Giá trị
This painting has great v______.
It costs a______ $20.
I earn $10 p______ hour.
I drink one l______ of water daily.
Món hời
I found a b______ at the store.
Tiết kiệm
You can “save ____” your electricity bill by turning off lights.
Save on
Lừa đảo, cắt cổ
Buying drinks at the concert was a total “rip-____”. It was too expensive
Tính toán
I need to c____ how much money I will spend.
Sự xa xỉ
Traveling first class is a l______.
Người tiêu dùng
C____ often compare prices before making a purchase.
Hương liệu
She loves different f______.
Ngành kinh doanh lớn
Beauty is a b______.
Big business
Đáng giá
The painting is w______ $1,000.
Gấp ba lần
This shirt costs “three t____ more than” the one I bought last week.
Three times more than
Ngành quảng cáo
She works in a____ and creates catchy slogans.
Nhà sản xuất
The p____ organized the entire event smoothly.
Người bán lẻ
Small r____ often compete with larger chain stores.
Thương hiệu
Nike is a popular b______.
Quảng cáo
A_____ for toys always look colorful and fun.
Người nổi tiếng
Many c_____ use social media to connect with fans.
Buổi ra mắt phim
The “film p______” was exciting.”
Film premieres
Lễ kỷ niệm
We attended several c______.
Hàng trăm đô la
It costs “h______ of dollars”.
Hundreds of dollars
Đáng để chi tiêu
“It’s worth _____ (spend)” some time each day to exercise.
It’s worth spending …
Chi tiền vào
I “spend money ___” books.
Spend money on …
Người có sức ảnh hưởng
An i______ can impact trends.
Tạo xu hướng
Celebrities can “s____ the trends” in beauty and style.
Set the trends
Chuyên gia
They hired a marketing s_____ to improve their sales.
Có ảnh hưởng đến
Books can “have i____ on” how we think and feel.
Have influence on
Rõ ràng
O______ this is a good idea.
Quảng cáo
Companies a______ their goods.
Người đăng ký
She has many s______.
Kênh sắc đẹp
She runs a “b______ channel”.
Beauty channel
Game thủ
Some g____ prefer playing solo, while others like teamwork.
Sự phổ biến
The product’s p______ is growing.
Gợi ý
I r______ this book.
Trả cho ai
I will p______ you $10.
Pay sb (some money)
phổ biến
This brand is really ____ at the moment
Nhảy theo bài hát
Let’s dance ____ the song.”
Dance to the song
Trả tiền cho cái gì
I will “pay ___” dinner.
Pay for st
Đề cập
He will m___ the event at the next team meeting.
Đồ vật
I need to pack my s____ for the trip.
Tối thiểu
I need “a m______ of” $5.”
A minimum of
Qua một đêm là được
Success doesn’t “happen o______”.
Happen overnight
Kiếm nhiều tiền
Many people believe that investing wisely can help you “earn b___ money”.
Earn big money
video blogger
She is a popular v______.
Khổng lồ
They faced a m____ challenge during the project.
Tiếp cận khách hàng trẻ
They created fun ads to “r____ young customers” effectively.
Reach young customers
Trung thành với thương hiệu họ thích
She prefers to “s____ with the brands” she likes for her skincare products.
Stick with the brands
Hiệu quả
The plan is e______.
Kiếm tiền
She decided to “___ money” by selling handmade crafts.
Make money
Ngành công nghiệp
The fashion i______ is growing.
Diễn viên hài
The c______ makes people laugh.
Hướng dẫn
She made a t______ on cooking.
Đến nơi đúng giờ
We need to “r______ the destination on time”.
Reach the destination on time
Tắc đường
We were stuck in a “terrible traffic j______”.
Terrible traffic jam
Rào cản ngôn ngữ
She faced “a language b____” when traveling to a new country.
Language barrier
Ly hôn
They decided to “get d______”.
Get divorced
Chuyến bay bị hủy
When “the f____ was cancelled”, the airline offered us a refund.
The flight was cancelled
Điều kiện khí hậu khắc nghiệt
Farmers must plan carefully for “h____ climate conditions”.
Harsh climate conditions
Sự lười biếng
His l____ made it hard to finish the project on time.
Tập trung vào công việc
You need to “c______ on the work”.
Concentrate on the work
Sự thiếu hụt
“The l______ of” resources is a problem.
The lack of
Vật liệu cần thiết
The teacher provided the “necessary m_____ “ for the art class.
Necessary materials
/ˈnɛsəsəri məˈtɪəriəlz/
Được thăng chức
She hopes to “get a p______”.
Get a promotion
Cảm thấy hài lòng
I “feel p______ with” my work.
Feel pleased with
Lương thấp
He has “a low s______”.
Low salary
Thi rớt kỳ thi vào đại học
She “failed the university e____ exam”.
Fail the university entrance exam
Thắng chức vô địch
He hopes to “win the c______”.
Win the championship
Tham gia cuộc họp
I will “a______ the meeting”.
Attend the meeting
Mất cơ hội
If you don’t apply now, you might “l___ the opportunity”.
Lose the opportunity
Cất cánh (máy bay)
The plane “take ____”.
Take off (the plane)
Giao hàng
They will d______ the package.
Trao đổi
We decided to e____ gifts for the holiday.
Read the l______ carefully.
Thử (quần áo)
I will t______ these shoes.
Try on (clothes)
Đi dạo (qua các cửa hàng)
Window shopping is a fun way to see new styles without spending money.
Window shopping
Quét mã vạch trên sản phẩm
At the store, you need to “scan the bar c____ “ on products to check prices.
Scan the bar codes
Trả lại
I want to r______ this dress.
Hóa đơn
Keep your r______ for returns.
Rẻ hơn bình thường
This sale is c______ than usual.
Cheaper than usual
đúng kích thước
We need to check if the furniture “be the right size” for the room.
Be the right size
Vừa vặn với bạn
These shoes “f______ you perfectly”.
Fit you perfectly
Phòng thử đồ
I need a “c______ room”.
Changing room
Tại quầy thanh toán
Pay at the c______.
At the checkout
It’s important to m____ the room before buying new furniture.
Measure (v)
Chất đầy kệ
We need to “f____ the shelves” with new books for the library.
Fill shelves
Máy bay không người lái
D______ are used for delivery.
Cửa hàng ảo
You can shop at “v______ store”.
Virtual stores
Phát hiện
With practice, you can learn to d____ different flavors in food.
Nhận diện khuôn mặt
“F______ recognition” is used for security.”
Facial recognition
/ˈfeɪʃəl ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃən/
Trả tiền qua điện thoại
You can “pay ____ phone” at most stores now.
Pay by phone
Không cần
I have everything, so there’s “no n____ for” extra supplies.
No need for
Rời khỏi (để tới)
We will “leave f_____” Paris.”
Leave for
Bạn có kế hoạch gì cho
“Have you got any p____ for” this weekend?
Have you got any plans for …
Chúng ta gặp sau ha?
Why not ___ (meet) us later
Why not meet us later
Tổng thống
The p______ gives a speech.
Xe đẩy (trong siêu thị)
Put it in the t______.
Di động, cầm tay
This speaker is p______.
Điện tử
I bought an e______ device.
Đa năng
This tool is v______.
Có giá tốt
This product is “good v______”.
Good value
Ngược lại
The city is busy; “in c____ “, the countryside is quiet.
In contrast
Thuyết trình
I will “give a p______”.
Give a presentation
Khán giả
The a______ enjoyed the show.
Giao tiếp bằng mắt
“Make eye c______” with the crowd.”
Make eye contact
Tôi muốn nói chuyện với bạn về
“I’d like to t___ to you about” our plans.”
I’d like to talk to you about
Để tôi bắt đầu bằng cách cho bạn thấy
“Let me start by s______ you” the report.”
Let me start by showing you ….
Trước hết
“F______ of all”, I want to thank you.
First of all
Như bạn có thể thấy
“___ you can see” from the map, the park is just down the street.
As you can see
Một lợi thế khác là
“Another a______ is that” this method saves time.
Another advantage is that
Cũng nên nói cho mọi người biết là
“It’s also worth m____ that” the event is free for everyone.
It’s also worth mentioning that
Cuối cùng, một lợi thế lớn của
“Finally, one big a____ of” learning online is the convenience.
Finally, one big advantage of …
Tôi nghĩ bạn sẽ đồng ý rằng
“I think you’ll a___ that” laughter makes life better.
I think you’ll agree that
Gây ấn tượng
The performance will i______ the audience.
Đã lâu rồi chúng ta không nói chuyện
“It’s been a w____” since we last talked.”
It’s been a while since we last talked
Hy vọng bạn đang có
“H___ you’re having” fun at the party!
Hope you’re having …
Kế hoạch nghề nghiệp tương lai
She has big “future c____ plans” to work in medicine.
Future career plans
Cũng như
She enjoys reading “as ___ as” writing.
As well as
Đưa ra một vài lời khuyên
She loves to “give some p____ of advice” on cooking.
Give some pieces of advice
Tôi luôn luôn là
“I’ve a______ been” passionate about this.”
I have always been
Ngành chăm sóc sức khỏe
“The h______ industry” is important for society.
The healthcare industry
Giúp đỡ những người cần
Doctors help “people ___ need”.”
Help people in need
Sau nhiều suy nghĩ và xem xét
“After much thought and c____”, he chose to follow his passion.
After much thought and consideration
Theo đuổi sự nghiệp ….
I want to “p______ a career in” medicine.”
Pursue a career in …
Ngành điều dưỡng
She works in n______.
Đáng giá
Teaching is a r______ job.
Đầy thử thách
This job is c______.
Tạo ra ảnh hưởng tích cực đến
I want to “make positive i____ on” people’s lives.”
Make positive impacts on
Cuộc sống của mọi người
Doctors improve “people’s l______”.
People’s lives
Vui mừng, phấn khích
She is “t______ about” her new job.”
Thrilled about
Triển vọng
The job has good p______.
Môi trường năng động
Working in “a d____ environment” keeps things exciting.
A dynamic environment
Mối quan hệ lâu dài với
I have “l______ relationships with” my coworkers.”
Lasting relationships with
Đồng nghiệp
I enjoy working with my c______.
Colleagues /ˈkɒliːɡz/
Đạt được mục tiêu nghề nghiệp của tôi
Setting clear plans helps me “a____ my career goals”.
Achieve my career goals
Đăng ký vào
I will “e______ in” the program.
Enrol in
Tạo ra sự khác biệt có ý nghĩa trong …,
I want to “make a meaningful d____ in” education.”
Make a meaningful difference in …
Chăm sóc
I “care ____” my grandmother.”
Care for
Tôi mong được nghe từ bạn sớm
I look f_____ to hearing from you soon.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Khỏe mạnh nhé (kết thư)
S____ well
Stay well
Không chỉ… mà còn …
It’s “not ___” important, “but also” necessary.”
Not only … but also …
Đầy tài năng
He is a s______ musician.
Sức khỏe thể chất
Exercise is good for “p______ health”.
Physical health
Sức khỏe tinh thần
Talking to friends helps support “m___ health”.
Mental health
“Thái độ
She has a positive a________ towards learning.”