Section 7 - Debranning and Peeling Flashcards
Label the peritec diagram
Page 35
Advantages of debranning
Improved flour quality
Improved flour purity
Nutritional content improved due to inclusion of more aleurone
Reduced bran contamination
Flour produces larger volume loaves due to increased falling number value
Reduction in number of mill passages required
Ability to integrate with host mills
Longer interval between refluting of rollermills
Disadvantages of debranning
Power consumption is increased
Moisture loss of flour due to friction process in debranning
Loss of germ due to abrasion of outer skin of the wheat
Noisy due to impact and abrasion from machines
High moisture in the peeled bran can cause problems with handling, storage and disposal
Higher ash content due to greater quantity of aleurone layer present
What are the 4 basic elements of a peritec debranning
Autoweight system
Co-product handling
What is the moisture addition rate in pre conditioning debranning
up to 1% of wheat feed rate
Does debranning pre condition affect finished flour moisture?
Label the satake debranning machine
Page 36 fig 18
How does the Satake Debranning machine work
1) Wheat enters the top
2) A rotating abrasion distribution scroll distributes the wheat evenly around the top of the abrasion chamber
3) The wheat travels down between rotating abrasive wheels and a slotted screen
4) 4 adjustable resistance bars are mounted vertically inside the abrasion chamber, as the wheat spirals down in the chamber it must squeeze between the 5-6mm gap between the bars and wheels
5) The abrasion chamber has a suction exhaust and air is drawn down the hollow section of the main shaft
6) The shaft has holes in it so the air is drawn through the working zone and out the slotted screen carrying bran with it
7) There is a weighted flap on the outlet of the chamber which sets the degree of debranning action by holding the wheat inside the chamber
8) Operator adjusts weight to achieve correct degree of debranning
9) Can have an autoweight fitted
10) The wheat is then carried to the bottom of the friction chamber - same basics as abrasion chamber but with lighter action
Should the wheat surface be smooth or rough after debranning?
Rough - obvious patches of endosperm and aleurone layer
Where is the peeling process found
In the second cleaning section after dampening and tempering
What is removed during peeling
The outmost layers - the pericarp
How does peeling work
Alternating friction between the special rotor and the screen, and friction between individual grains
Advantages of peeling
Improved flour colour
Less specks
Higher yield of low ash white flour
Tendency for improvement of the falling number
Tendency for improvement of the baking volume
Reduction of the total microbial count up to 90%
Disadvantages of peeling
Equipment requires more overall power than a conventional mill
Loss of germ due to abrasion of outer skin of wheat
How does the DC Peeler remove the outermost bran layer
In the form of strips which are removed through a screen
How does a Buhler DC Peeler work
The peeler is preceded by a dampener where a small amount of water is added to allow the slight separation of bran layers
The outmost bran layers are removed through the action of the grain with each other, the rotor and the screen
The peelings are aspirated away through the screen with the finished wheat as overtails
Level of peeling is controlled by grain time in the body of machine
How are the satake debranner and buhler peeler different
The debranner is more complete and severe due to abrasive discs
peeler is much lighter cleaning the outer bran skin
What happens if non-debranned wheat enters 1bk
The fluting cuts into the wheat and drags it to the nip of the roll and shears it into pieces. If the fluting is worn the wheat is just flattened as the bran hold the kernel together
What happens when debranned wheat enters 1bk
the wheat grain shatters into fragments
Does debranned or non debranned wheat use less power
Does debranned wheat produce more coarse semolina on 1bk than a conventional mill