Section 7: Cytoskeleton and microtubules Flashcards
What is the cytoskeleton?
What is it composed of?
- Cytoskeleton: an intricate network of protein filaments that extend throughout the cytoplasm of almost all cells
- Composed of 3 types of structures:
- Actin - makes microfilaments (smallest)
- Various proteins - make intermediate filaments (intermediate)
- αβ-tubulin dimer - makes microtubules (largest)
Describe some roles of the cytoskeleton
- Organelle/protein trafficking
- Cilia/flagella
- Karokinesis/cytokinesis
- Muscle contraction
- Cell adhesion
- Cell migration
- Extravasation
Structure of microtubules?
- Made up of 13 αβ-tubulin dimers
- 1 monomer of tubulin is 55 kDa (non-dimer form)
- Polarity
- The dimers polymerise into a long chain (protofilament)
- They polymerize at the β (+) end
- The tubes do not roll perfectly; a seam is present
- Results in a jagged end
Describe the α and β subunits and their GTP state
- α is permanently bound to GTP
- β can hydrolyse GTP, so it may be bound to GTP or GDP
- As the polymer grows, the GTP on the β (+) end is hydrolysed
State the 3 arrangements of microtubule protofilaments
What are the two types of microtubules?
- Cytoplasmic (everywhere, except…)
- Axonemal (cilia and flagella)
How are microtubules organised?
State the main types of organization
- Microtubules originate from a MTOC (microtubule organising centre)
- The (-) end is associated with the MTOC, but an exception is dendrites (no MTOC)
What are centrosomes?
What do they contain?
- Centrosomes are the major MTOC in non-mitotic cells
- Contain 2 centrioles inside (perpendicular barrel shaped structures)
- Centrioles divide, create a mother and daughter centriole (unknown why they differ)
- Centrioles are triplet microtubules not found in plants (likely due to large vacuoles that take up space)
Pericentriolar matrix/material surrounds the centrioles
- These are singlet molecules
- γ-tubulin and augmin complex trigger the singlet polymerisation
What is the function of γ-tubulin?
- The γ-tubulin ring provides nucleating sites for microtubules
- Nucleation sites accelerate initial polymerization
- Without a nucleus/nucleation sites, microtubule growth is slow and lagged (lag phase)
- It works with many other proteins (ex., augmin)
- It is located at the (-) end
How does the microtubule nucleus work?
- αβ dimers are rapidly added to the nuclei created by the γ-tubulin
- If the concentration of αβ dimers is above the Cc (critical concentration), polymerisation occurs
- If the concentration of αβ dimers is below the Cc (critical concentration), depolymerisation occurs
- Temperature is also a factor that determines polymerisation/depolymerisation (ex., microtubules disassemble at 4oC
Describe the dynamics of microtubules
- The (+) ends are constantly growing and shrinking (dynamic instability)
- They “provide new roads constantly” for the material they are transporting/moving
- Experiences catastrophe and rescue
- This is regulated by the concentration of αβ dimers and the critical concentration
- How it moves is specific to the microtubule environment
What does dynamic instability depend on?
- It depends on the presence of a GTP β-tubulin “cap”
- Recall that polymerisation requires GTP β-tubulin
- GTP β-tubulin prevents the ends of the microtubules from ‘fraying’ at the (+) end via lateral cohesion
- Smooth ends are GDP β-tubulin ends; smooth ends are what fray
- The hydrolysis and revitalisation of GTP β-tubulin is what causes the dynamic instability
State the 2 microtubule disrupting drugs
- Colchicine: depolymerises microtubules (can get rid of them)
- Taxol: stabilises microtubules (they won’t shrink or grow)
What are MAPs?
- Microtubule associated proteins
- They:
- Alter microtubule stability
- Bundle microtubules (via projection domains)
- Ex., MAP2 and Tau
- Tau has a smaller projection domain (for tighter bundling
- They have microtubule binding domains
- They are regulated (by phosphorylation)
What happens when a MAP is phosphorylated?
When MAPs are phosphorylated, they are released and decrease microtubule stability, leading to depolymerisation