Section 5-2 Flashcards
A mixture of milk or milk subsitutes, water, and essential nutrients
A doctor who specializes in treating children.
Advantages of Breast-Feed
🔹best source of nutrition for baby
🔸gives the baby immunity to some diseases
🔹is conveniently available at all times
Disadvantages of Breast-Feed
🔸prevents father from participating in feeding
🔹 baby has to to be fed more often
🔸may be painful for some mothers
Advantages of Bottle-Feed
🔸allows father to participate in feeding
🔹 babies need feeding less often
🔸 allows mother to have a more flexible schedule
Disadvantages of Bottle-Feed
🔹can be expensive
🔸 doesn’t give the baby any natural immunities to disease
🔹 involves a greater risk of baby developing allergies
Fixed expenses
Such as car payments, housing payments, and expenses, and taxes that generally can’t be changed
Flexible expenses
Such as food costs, household items, clothes, and entertainment, can be reduced if necessary
Maternity or paternity leave
Under a federal law called the Family Medical Leave Act, employers with more than 50 workers must offer 12 weeks of unpaid family or medical leave to new mothers and fathers.