Section 5 Flashcards
Jean’s Criterion
GM/L^2 ρL > ρkT/m
GρL ≥ kT/m =cs^2
cs = sound speed
Jeans length
L ~ √ cs^2/ρG
Jeans mass
M ~ cs^3/(ρ^1/2 G^3/2)
Solution for small perturbations of non-expanding universe
assume ρ1 has the form of a plane wave
ρ¨1 = (−iω)^2 ρ1 = −ω^2 ρ1
∇^2 ρ1 = (ik)^2 ρ1 = −k^2 ρ1
ω^2 ρ1 − ρ0 4πG ρ1 + kT/µmH k^2 ρ1 = 0
criterion for instability occurs when ^ <0
k^2 < 4πG ρ0 / cs^2
giving critical-scale length
λJ = √(πcs^2/Gρ0) = √(πkT/Gρ0µmH)
If the characteristic length, L, of the perturbation is larger than Jeans Length then
the Jeans instability Criterion reveals that gravitational collapse will occur
Jeans Mass
MJ = ρ0λ^3 = π^(3/2)cs^3 ρ0^(−1/2) G^(−3/2)
sound speed
cs = dP/dρ = γρ^( γ-1)
Evolution of density pertubation
flat universe
ρ = 3H^2/8πG
4πGρ =3H^2/2 = 2/3t^2
cs^2 = dP/dρ and P = Poργ
cs^2 ~ ρ^( γ-1) ~ t^(-2(γ-1))
s(double dot) +4/3t s(dot) + (η^2/t^(2(γ-1/3)) - 2/3t^2) s = 0
cs at decoupling
= c/√3 for radiated-dominated
= √(kT/mH) for matter dominated
∇P1 =
cs^2 ∇p1
MJ definition
defines a maximum stable mass concentration in which stable density perturbations can be supported
Any mass M > MJ should gravitationally collapse
P ∝ p^γ
MJ ∝ (∂P/∂p)^(3/2) p0^(-1/2)
MJ ∝ (p0^(γ-1))^(3/2) p0^(-1/2)
γ < 4/3
new MJ decreases as p increases
the fragments lose heat in order for gravitational collapse to occur
γ > 4/3
new MJ increases as p increases
gravitational collapse halts
If Hubble flow is taken into account
produce time-dependent coefficients in the density evolution eq
experimental law is replaced by a power law
jeans mass persists but allowing for an expanding universe means that fragmentation is less plausiable as an explanation for the observed mass distribution in the universe
Newtonian cosmology
the study of the evolution of the Universe using only Newton’s laws to describe gravity
the epoch where the evolution of the universe is dominated by non-relativistic particles
the epoch where the evolution of the universe is dominated by relativistic particles
pm p,Ω
pm = pm,0/a^3 and pΩ = pΩ,0/a^2
pΩ,0/a^2 = pm,0/a^3
hence Ω(Ω,0)/a^4 = Ω(m,0)/a^3
a = Ω(R,0)/Ω(m,0)