Section 4 unit 6 B Flashcards
They used to visit us during their trips to the United States.
Ellas nos visitaban durante sus viajes a Estados Unidos.
Did you use to visit your families frequently?
Ustedes visitaban a sus familias frecuentemente?
Laura used to visit me during here vacations.
Laura me visitaban durante sus vacaciones.
He used to visit his friend each summer.
El visitaban a sus amingo cada verano.
I am very interested in Spanish traditions.
Me interesan mucho las traditiones españolas.
They used to play during the afternoon.
Ellos jugaban durante la tarde.
I read books about traditions during lunch.
Yo leo libros sobre tradicions durante el almuerzo.
My Spanish grandparents used to eat very late at night.
Mis abuelos españoles comían muy tarde en la noche.
Our grandfather used to have family in France.
Nuestro abuelo tenía familia en Francia.
They used to live in a country with interesting traditions.
Ellas vivían en un país con traditiones interesantes.
Where did your grandparents used to live?
Dónde vivían tus abuelos?
Did you use to have a lot of parties every summer?
Ustedes tenían muchas fiestas cada verano?
In What part of Mexico did you use to live?
En qué parte de México vivían ustedes?
She always used to eat grilled chicken for New Years Eve.
Ella siempre comía pollo asado para la Nochevieja.
The children used to have a lot of birthday gifts.
Los niños tenian muchos regalos de cumpleaños.
Did you always use to eat together?
Ustedes siempre comian juntos.
Christmas was really fun with them.
La Nacidad era divertidísima con ellos.
I always cook Christmas Eve dinner.
Yo siempre cocino la cena de Nochebuena.
Were they your best friends?
Ellos eran tus mejores amigos?
We always have a party for Christmas Eve.
Siempre hacemos una fiesta para la Nochebuena.