Section 4 unit 4 B Flashcards
La mesera va a servir las ensaladas pronto.
The waitress is going to serve the salads soon.
Did you cook fish yesterday?
Cocinaste pescado ayer?
I would like to order a drink without alcohol.
Me gustaría pedir una bebida sin alcohol.
My mom is the chef at this restaurant.
Mi mamá es la chef en este restaurante.
This restaurants wines are wonderful.
Los vinos de este restaurante son estupendos.
This restaurant also serves vegetarian food.
Este restaurante también sirve comida vegetariana.
Here is your food, enjoy your meal.
Aquí tiene su comida, buen provecho.
Lets eat, enjoy your meal.
Vamos a comer, buen provecho
Our children always order pizza.
Nuestros hijos siempre piden pizza.
The chef is serving the food to the children.
El chef sirve la comida a los niños.
These cups are full of water.
Estas tazas están llenas de agua.
That restaurant serves healthy dishes.
Aquel restaurante sirve platos saludables.
We do not order vegetarian dishes.
Nostros no pedimos los platos vegetarianos.
Do you want anything else?
Quieren algo más?
What is the special of the day?
Cuál es el especial del día?
I would like my rice with extra sausage, Please.
Quisiera mi arroz con chorizo extra, por favor.
We serve vegetarian dishes at out restaurant.
Servimos platos vegetarianos en nuestro restaurante.
What time do you eat breakfast?
A qué hora desayuna ustedes?
What time did you eat dinner?
A qué hora cenaron ustedes?
Our bread is excellent.
Nuestros panes son excelentes.