Section 4- neuropsych of emotion Flashcards
what were the views on emotions in antiquity (ancient times)?
Emotions (pathos) were often linked to reason (logos)
Aristotle viewed that it was essential for young to develop feeling in order to make good decisions
what were modernity views on emotions (Descartes, Spinoza, Hume, Kant)?
Descartes- emotions as animal spirits, separate from the soul (maintaining a dualism)
Spinoza- Emotions are useful and a part of our natural striving
Hume- Desire governs behaviour
Kant- Emotions distort access to objective truths
What were early universalist views on emotion (Spencer, Duchane)
Spencer- emotional state sand cognition were not different, simple feelings combine to produce complex states
Duschane- mechanisms of emotion
- used electrical probes
- studied facial experssions
- disocvered 13 primary emotions all of which were controlled by one or two muscles
What was Darwins universalist view on emotion?
Emotions were biologically determined and universal to human culture
they were maintained from animal pasts of survival
- assumed that emotional expressions were habits of reflexes that occurd automatically and unconsciously
Within experimental psychology, what was William James theory on emotion?
William James coined Somatic theory-
Somatic theory refers to bodily symptoms
Thus, the physical reaction that occurs as a result of. stimulus IS the emotion itself.
After improvement in lab studies after the technological boom- What did John. H. Jackson theorise?
theorised the Hierarchy of the brain
= higher cognitive functions were located in the frontal cortex
= emotional in the lower cortex
(this is still consistent with modern accounts)
what did Charles.k Mills hypothesise about the left/right brain duality?
The right side of the brain was solely responsible for emotional processes
- the Left/Right brain myth still persists today
- however, evidence against this as most behaviours require both left and right brain functions to work
What was Walter Cannons inputs on emotion (1915)
He discovered that the thalamus region played a significant role in the expression of emotion (emotion cannot be exceultively in the cortex
- conducted psychological studies on cats
- discovered the fight or flights response
- developed the concept of homeostasis (adjusting for survival)
- tested James/Lange’s theories of emotion (bodily symptoms first then emotion)
what was the cannon/brad theory?
Emotion is the result of the THALAMUS recieving sensory info about a stimulus
This information is then routed to the ATM (Automatic nervous system and the cerebral cortex)
What date and what was the Papez Circuit?
Input from the situmli goes to 2 pathways
- the upper cognitive path- linked to the sense region in the cortex
- the lower emotional path- this is quicker and activation of emotion
what was MacLean’s (1949) Limbic system?
A new model of the brains anatomy and its relationship with emotion
- primate emotions belonged to the repitlian brain
- The new mammalian brain (the neo-cotrex was responsible for the cognitive control of emotion
- The limbic system evolved to mediate behvaiours in the brain like (feeding, defence and reproduction)
A widely appealing account however speculated
What did Paul Ekman say about emotion?
Emotion is constant across culture
There are 6 basic and universal emotions
Tomkins affect theory
Emotions are preprogrammed mechanisms which are triggered by events
9 affects
Arnolds Apraisal theory
Emotions as action tendencies based upon evaluation
perception- apraisal- emotion
Schachter-Singer Model:
2 factor theory of emotion
emotions are a result of two factors
- physiological arousal
- cognitive interpretation
these two factors work together to determine emotions