Section 4 Insertion and Removal Flashcards
Practitioner insertion of RGPs:
- Wash and dry hands in the presence of the patient.
- Have the patient look at the floor or another object near the floor and instruct the patient to keep both eyes open.
- Pull the upper lid up from the base of the lashes with the fingers of your non-dominant hand. Pull the lower lid down with the middle finger of the opposite hand.
- With the contact lens on your index finger of the dominant hand, approach the cornea from the side to avoid blocking the patient’s view until the lens can be placed on to the cornea.
- Gently place the lens on the cornea and center by manipulating the eyelids.
Method for Practitioner Removal of a Rigid Lens:
- Wash and dry hands in the presence of your patient.
- Instruct the patient to open the eyes as wide as possible.
- Place your index finger at the outer canthus and pull back in the direction of the patient’s ear to increase the lid tension.
- The lens may be ejected by manipulating the lids to catch the lens edges or by having the patient blink.
- Cup the opposite hand in a position to catch the lens. Be sure to have a towel spread on the counter so that if the lens does not fall into your palm, it will not land directly on the counter’s surface.
Method for Practitioner Insertion: (Soft)
- fingernails short at all times.
- Wash hands with a non-cream based soap.
- Dry with a lint-free towel.
- Place the lens on the tip of the index finger on the right hand.
- Check that the soft lens is not inverted.
- Instruct the patient to look straight ahead while the left hand lifts the right upper lid at the base of the lashes. Hold the lashes against the brow to prevent forceful blinking.
- Instruct the patient to stare at a point on the ceiling. Using the right forefinger the lens is gently rolled on to the exposed sclera. A slight rotation of the lens may be performed to eliminate any air bubbles trapped under the lens.
- Have the patient close both eyes. Massaging the lids gently will help center the lens.
Method for Practitioner Removal: (Soft)
Wash hands with a non-cream based soap.
Dry with a lint-free towel.
Instruct the patient to look up.
Lower the bottom lid with the middle finger, and pull the lens down to the exposed sclera with the index finger.
Press the lens gently between the index finger and the thumb and fold it out.
How do you flip the models lid to reveal Palpebral Conjunctiva:
Have patient look down, place Q-tip at crease of lid, grasp lashes and evert lid. Release, if doesn’t come down have px look up and blink.
How do you properly clean soft lenses with all purpose solution?
Throughly wet both sides and rub lenses 20 seconds, rinse each side 10 sec with steady stream of solution. Fill case with fresh solution. Store lenses in closed case overnight or at least 6 hours (depending on Manufactures instruction). After soaking, lenses are ready to wear.