Section 1 Keratometry and Rx Interpretation Flashcards
Determine Spherical equivalent: -1.00 +1.00 x090 -2.00 -1.00 x180 \+1.00+1.00 x090 -5.50+2.00 x090 \+1.00-1.00x 180
Determine Base Curve:
- 00/41.00@090 fit on K
- 00/44.00@090 fit on K
- 00/44.00@090 fit 1/2 D steeper
- 00/41.00@090 fit 1/2 D flatter
- 00
- 00
- 50
- 50
Convert D to mm:
- 00
- 00
- 50
- 50
- 5/41.00= 8.23mm
- 04
- 94
- 33
To determine the diameter for an Intrapalpebral fit:
Diameter = Vertical lid aperature (VLD)-0.2mm
Iris visable between open lids up and down
To determine the diameter for an Upper lid attachment (corneal alignment)
Diameter = Visable Iris Diameter - 2.3mm
(whole size of iris) side to side.
What is the vertex distance adjustment formula?
Fc= Fs/1-dFs
WITH the Rule:
Horizontal 180 is flatter (lower#) Minus cylinder in 180 deg
AGAINST the Rule:
Vertical 90 flatter, Minus cylinder in 90 deg
Determine base curve:
K 42.75/44.25@090
Lens diameter = 9.2mm (use chart)
Flat K = 42.75
Delta K = 44.25-42.75=1.50D
1.50D @ 9.2mm =0.25 Steeper
BC= 42.75 + 0.25 = 43.00D
Determine Power: K 42.75/44.25@090 -6.00+1.00 x090 BC = 43.00 Diam=9.2mm
-5.00 @ 12mm = -4.75 corrected for vertex
Adjust for tear lens: BC is steeper than Flat K, plus tear film, compensate for this Add Minus Power SAM Flat K 42.75 BC 43.00 Tear comp = 0.25
Adjusted power-5.00
Rx +3.00+1.00x090
Contact Diameter 8.7mm
K 43.00/44.50 @090
Calculate final parameters for order
BC 43.50D
Diam 8.7mm
Calculate Residual Astigmatism:
Delta K = 1.50 (Corneal)
Refracted 2.50
Residual 1.00
Correct with Front toric
Calculate Residual Astigmatism:
- 00-2.00x180
- 50/42.00@090
Delta K 2.50
Refract 2.00
Residual 0.50
Correct with Back Toric
With a Back toric what are you correcting:
Corneal Astigmatism of 2.50D or higher
With a Front toric what are you correcting:
Residual Astigmatism of 0.75 or higher
For a Bitoric lens what are you correcting:
Corneal astig of 2.50D AND Residual astig of 0.75 or more.
To properly adjust the eyepiece, turn the knob all the way _______. Slowly turn the knob ______ until proper focus is achieved.
The test balls are generally in the range of 44.00 D, 42.50 and 40.75. The central ball, equivalent to a ___ corneal refracting power, is the one generally used for basic calibration tests.
42.50 D
Remember that if the cornea is _____, it will be _____ to get the plus and minus signs, (both principal meridians) in focus at one time. For greater accuracy, focus the plus or horizontal mires sharply then ____ for the minus or vertical readings.