Section 4 - Biological Electron Transfer Flashcards
Where does the energy of life stem from? How is it harvested?
- the sun
- directly via photosynthesis or indirectly using photosynthesising organisms as fuel
How is energy defined in electrochemistry?
a flow of electrons from fuel to oxidant
Give examples of fuels and oxidants
Fuels: Fats, sugars, hydrogen
oxidants: oxygen, nitrates, H+
What are the threee types of protein use for electron transfer?
- Blue Copper
- Iron-Sulphur
- Cytochromes
How can the reduction potential of a redox couple be tuned?
by altering the ligands coordinated to a metal centre
What are the reduction potentials of:
1) 0.77 V
2) 0.36 V
3) 1.03 V
How can you lower reduction potential?
Use strong donors to stabilise a high oxidation state
What increases reduction potential?
Weak donors, pi acceptors and protons which stabilise low oxidation states
What affects reduction potential other than ligands?
- relative permativity
- media
- hydrogen bonding interactions
- neighbouring charges
How is the rate of electron transfer explained?
- Marcus Theory
- Consideres organisation energy
- low reorganisation energy means a faster rate
Describe type 1 blue copper proteins
- Small proteins that bind to a single Cu atom
- give intense blue colour in the oxidised state
Give examples of type 1 blue copper proteins
- Plant chloroplastoc plastocynins, transport electrons from Photosystem 1 to Photosystem 2 in photosynthesis
- Azurin which is found in bacteria and helps convert [NO3]- to N2
Describe the structure of spinach plastocyanin
- Three closely bound donors (2 His and 1 Cys)
- one weaker Met donor
Describe the structure of azurin
- similar to a spinach plastocyanin
- additional weak coordination from a Gly O atoms
How is the Cu centre protected in azurin and plastocyanin?
- Cu centre is protected from water by the protien
Describe the secondary structure of a Type 1 blue copper protien
- Beta barrel structure holds the Cu coordination sphere in a very rigid geometry
- coordination sphere suits both Cu (I) and Cu (II) to facilitate rapid transfer
How does bond length increase from Cu(II) to Cu (I) (generally)?
5-10 pm
How does bond length change from Cu(II) to Cu (I) in plastocyanin?
Cu-N-His37: 2.04-2.12
Cu-S-Cys84: 2.13-2.11
Cu-N-His87: 2.10-2.25
Cu-S-Met92: 2.9-2.9
How does bond length change from Cu(II) to Cu (I) in azurin?
Cu-N-His46: 2.08-2.13 Cu-S-Cys112: 2.15-2.26 Cu-N-His117: 2.00-2.15 Cu-S-Met121: 3.11-3.23 Cu-O-Gly45: 3.13-3.22
What is the distinctive feature of a Type 1 Blue Cu protein in UV-Vis?
What causes it?
- intense peak at 600 nm in the blue oxidised state
- caused by S(Cys) to Cu (II) LMCT
What is the distinctive feature of a Type 1 Blue Cu protein in EPR?
What causes it?
- Simple Cu(II) complexes have large EPR hyperfine coupling to the Cu (I = 3/2 for 65Cu and 67Cu).
- Blue copper proteins have smaller coupling
- The electron is delocalised onto the Cys S and “spends more time” away from the Cu centre. Calculated to be 40% of the time on the S(Cys) leading to a highly covalent Cu- S(Cys) bond.
What is the reduction potential of a Type 1 Blue Copper Protein?
- High but variable
- 350 mV compared to less than 100 mV for a typical Cu Complex
Describe the general structure of an Iron Sulpher Protein
- High spin Fe(III) or Fe(II) centres tetrahedrally coordinated by sulphur
- either S2- or S(Cys)-
How are Iron-Sulpher proteins classified?
- according to the number of iron and sulphur atoms they contain
What are the two main types of Iron Sulphur Proteins?
- Rubredoxins (one centre)
- Ferredoxins (di, tri or tetra iron centres)
Where are Fe-S proteins used in biology?
- essential in photosynthesis and cell respiration
- used in nitrogen fixation
- catalytic sites in hydrogenases
Describe/ Draw the structure of Rubredoxin
High spin Fe coordinated to 4 Cys residues in a distorted tetrahedron
Where is Rubredoxin used?
In some types of bacteria
What is the reduction potential of a Rubredoxin centre?
- 0.05 V to -0.05 V
- sensitive to the conformation of the protein chain
What are the bond lengths for Fe(III) and Fe (II) in Rubredoxin?
Fe(III) - 2.24-2.33
Fe(II) - 2.3-2.38
Where are [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxins found?
mammals, plants and bacteria
Describe the structure of [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxins
- Two tetrahedral Fe centres, bridged by 2 S2- ions
- each bonded to two S(Cys)-
[2Fe-2S] Ferredoxins and single electron transfers
- Fe(III).Fe(III) + e-
goes to Fe(III).Fe(II) - Eo = -0.27 to -0.42 V
- change from S=0 to S=0.5
- extra centre allows a range of reduction potentials
- Negative reduction potential means that in their reduced form they are good reducing agents
Why do [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxins change spin state when there is a single electron transfer?
In the oxidised form the two high spin d5 Fe atoms couple antiferromagnetically to give a diamagnetic complex (S = 0)
The added electron is localised on one Fe atom in the mixed valence state to give a high spin d6–d5 complex (S = 1⁄2).
Describe the structure of the [2Fe-2S] Rieske protein
- Two tetrahedral Fe centres, bridged by 2 S2- ions
- One Fe bonded to two S(Cys)
- One Fe bonded to two N(His) groups
How does the change in structure between the 2Fe-2S] Ferredoxin and [2Fe-2S] Rieske protein affect the Rieske proteins properties?
- Stabilisation of Fe(II)
- Reduction potential raised to 0.29 V
Describe the [4Fe-4S] Ferridoxin structure
- Cubic with Fe and S2- in alternate corners
- Fe further coordinated by Cys or sometimes His residues
Describe the single electron transfer of [4Fe-4S] Ferridoxin
- 2Fe(III).2Fe(II) + e- goes to Fe(III).3Fe(II)
- S=0 to S= 0.5
- Eo = -0.20 to -0.45 V
Why is [4Fe-4S] Ferridoxin electron transfer fast?
- The electrons are delocalised over all four Fe centres.
- Good electron delocalisation results in minimal bond length changes
- decreased the organization energy and fast electron transfer.
What is found in High Potential Proteins? (HiPIP)
3Fe(III).Fe(II) highly oxidised form of [4Fe-4S] Ferridoxin
What are HiPIPs used for?
Anaerobic electron transport in photosynthetic bacteria
What is the single electron transfer reduction potential in HiPIPs?
- 3Fe(III).Fe(II) + e- to 2Fe(III).2Fe(II)
- S=0.5 to S=0
- Eo = +0.35 V
What Ferridoxins are not know biologically?
- 4Fe(II) clusters
- a single ferredoxin can access all three known oxidation states.
Describe the structure of a [3Fe-4S] Ferredoxins
- Cubic with one corner missing
Describe the single electron transfer in [3Fe-4S] Ferredoxins
- 3Fe(III) + e- to 2Fe(III).Fe(II)
- S=0.5 to S=2
- Eo = +0.1 to -0.4 V
Why are model systems used?
- as the study of whole metalloprotiens is difficult
- smaller iron sulphur compounds often used to understand structural, magnetic and electronic properties
What are the challenges of model systems?
- the tendancy of iron thiolate systems to undergo redox or polymerisation reactions
- 2Fe(3+) +2RS(-) to 2Fe(2+) + 2RSSR
- n Fe(2+) + 2n RS(-) to [Fe(SR)2]n
How can model [4F-4S]2+ units be prepared?
4 FeCl3 + 12 RS-Na+ goes to 4 Fe(SR)3 + 4NaOMe + 4NaHS goes to Na2[Fe4S4(SR)4] + RSSR + 6NaSR + 4 MeOH
What are the properties of model [4F-4S]2+
- Formally 2 Fe(II) and 2 Fe(III) centres
- Spectroscopically all Fe are equal due to the delocalisation of electrons within the cage
What are cytochromes?
- Haem proteins which can acts as one electron transfer centres
Describe the electron transfer in a cytochrome
- Typically between Fe(II) and Fe (III) forms
- Potential in the range -0.3 to 0.4 V
- little change in ligand conformation on reduction/oxidation
- fast et process
Describe the structure of a cytochrome
- Six coordinate
- 2 stable axial bonds to amino acid donors
- Fe is normally low spin
How does orbital overlap affect the rate of electron transfer in cytochromes?
- The t2g non-bonding orbitals form a π-overlap with the π* antibonding MO of the ring system.
- extends the d-orbitals out to the edge of the porphyrin ring increasing ET
- The extension of the d-orbitals also means the distance over which an electron must transfer between redox centres is reduced.
How do the main types of cytochromes differ?
- types of peripheral groups on the porphyrin rings
- mode of attachment of the porphyrin to the protein.
Describe an example of a cytochrome
- mitochondrial cytochrome c which is found in the mitochondrial intramembrane space where it supplies electrons to cytochrome c oxidase at the end of the respiratory chain.
- His and Met are the axial ligands
- Fe (II) is stabilised by the soft Met group giving a reduction potential of 0.26 V
- The exposed edge of the porphyrin ring is the likely site for electrons to add or leave
- electrostatic interactions allow the protein to “dock” with the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme and transfer its electron.