Section 4 Flashcards
What does technological innovation allow for
It allows designers to collaborate on more complex projects
list a way of quickly visually communicating an idea to others
2d or 3d sketches
What is a perspective drawing
A 3d sketching technique that shows objects in proportion
Explain 1 point 2 and 3 point perspective drawings
1 point: lines converge at a point(aka vanishing point)
2 point:used to create believable sketches and uses 2 vanishing points
3 point: used in architecture and is the exact translation of the real life situation
why arent perspective drawings used in engineering and why are they found useful by designers
Moving the vanishing point will change the appearance of it .
designers can easily communicate ideas with stakeholders and clients using them
What is an isometric drawing
Way of presenting drawings or designs in 3d and using 3d technique where parallel lines are at 30 degrees and are applied to the side of the drawn object
It allows for all parts to be at right angles
what is the reason for adding details to sketches at later sketches
to give a more realistic view of the product ( how it will be used /size) or user needs and choices of material
what is an iterative design
process based on cyclical process of prototyping , testing , reflecting , analysing , evaluating and refining a product or process which can be repeated to ensure an optimum design
What is an oblique drawing
A 3d sketch that shows one face of the item square on and other angled line to show depth
what do working drawings need and what are they
they require
component details
assembly instructions
and they are often 2d sketches that show different views(orthographic, plan front side and sectional views)
Nowadays designers architects and engineers tend to use Cad
What materials are commonly used for sketch models?
Soft, low-cost materials like cardboard and foamboard.
What are schematic diagrams used for?
To show the arrangement of components in systems.
What are the different sources of information designers can use when problem-solving?
Questionnaires and interviews
Observations and surveys
Solutions to similar problems
Nature (biomimicry)
Data from magazines and reference books
What is user-centered design (UCD)?
A design approach focused on understanding users and their environments.
How does user-centered design involve users?
Users are involved at every stage of design and development