Section 3 - Radioactivity and Astronomy Flashcards
What is the solar system?
all the stuff that orbits our sun
What is included in the solar system?
Planets, Dwarf planets, Moons, Artificial satellites, Asteroids, Comets
Large objects that orbit a star.
What are the 8 planets in our solar system?
(from the sun, outwards)
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, Neptune
Dwarf Planets
Planet like objects that arent large enough to be planets.
Orbit planets wiht almost circular orbits, natural sattelites
Lumps of rock and metals that orbit the sun, they are usually found in the asteroid belt
Lumps of ice and dust that orbit the sun. highly eliptical orbits
What is alpha radiation
Alpha radiation is when an alpha particle is emmitted fromthe nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons)
How far do alpha particles travel?
Few cm in air and stopped by thin paper because they are strongly ionising
How are B- particles created
when a neuton decays into an electron and a proton. That electron is then thrown out of the nucleus
How far do B- particles travel?
Few meters and absorbed by a sheet of aluminium, moderately ionising
How are gamma rays created?
A neucleus decaying and releasing energy in form of gamma rays
How far do gamma rays go
A very long distance, can penetrade deeply into materials, weakly ionsiing. Cna be stopped by lead or meteres fo cncrete
When can an electron move up energy levels/shells?
if it absorbs EM radiation with the right amount of energy
What happens when an electron moves up to a higher energy level?
It moves up to a partially filled shell or empty and is said to be “exited”
It then quickly falls back to its original energy level
What happens when an exited electron falls back to its original energy level?
It will emit the same amount of energy it absorbed, this energy is carried away by EM radiation
What happens to electron shells as they move further out?
They get closer togethe, so the differrence in the energy levels between the shells gets smaller
What is a positron?
An anti-electron
Same mass, positive charge
Why is a positron made?
When a nucleus have too few neutrons, a proton will turn into a neutron and emit a fast-moving positron
What is a Becquerel?
1 decay per second
How is radioactive decay mesured?
In a geiger-muller tube
Half -life
The average time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei in an isotope to halve
Backround radiation
The low level radiation thats around us all the time
What are the 3 main exposures to backround radiation?
Naturally occuring isotopes - air, some foods, buildings and rocks
Space - Cosmic rays from the sun most blocked by the atmosphere
Human activity - fallout from nuclear explosions
What is exposure to radiation called?
How to prevent irradiation
Keeping sources in lead-lined boxes/ standing behind barriers or different room.
Unwanted Radioactive particles getting onto objects
How can radioactive contamination be harmfull?
if touching the object without gloves, you would them become contaminated. If the atoms may then decya, causing you harm
Radiation can enter living cells and ionise atoms and molecules within them leading to tissue damage