Section 3 (Lines 41-64) Flashcards
His rebus adducti [41]
Influenced by these things
et auctoritate Orgetorigis permoti [41]
and thoroughly moved by the leadership of Orgetorix,
constituerunt…comparare [42]
they decided to gather together
ea quae ad proficiscendum pertinerent [42]
the things that relate to departing,
quam maximum numerum coemere, [43-44]
to buy up as great a number…as possible
iumentorum et carrorum [43]
of beasts of burden and carts
sementes quam maximas facere, [44]
to make their plantings as large as possible
ut in itinere [44-45]
so that on their trip
copia frumenti suppeteret, [45]
the supply of grain would suffice,
cum proximis civitatibus [45]
with the closest states
pacem et amicitiam confirmare. [46]
to strengthen peace and friendship
Ad eas res conficiendas [46]
For accomplishing these things
biennium sibi satis esse duxerunt; [47]
they deemed a two-year period of time to be enough for them;
in tertium annum [47]
for the third year
profectionem lege confirmant. [48]
they establish by law their departure.
Ad eas res conficiendas [48]
For accomplishing these things
N. B. - Yes, you have seen this before. Line 46, in fact. This is a stylistic feature.
Orgetorix deligitur. [49]
Orgetorix is selected.
Is sibi…suscipit. [49]
He undertakes for himself
legationem ad civitates [49]
the embassy to the states