Section 3 Deffinitions Flashcards
human movement system (HMS)
muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems work together to create movement
kinetic chain
concept that describes the body as a chain of independent links that work together to perform movement
nervous system
network of neurons that transmit and coordinate signals, providing a communication network within the body. provides sensory information to the brain (sight, taste, pain), stimulating movement through muscular contractions and keeping heart and organs functioning
specialized cell, functional unit of the nervous system
organelle which contains the majority of genetic material as chromosomes
tiny parts within a cell each performing particular functions. mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum
convert nutrients into energy. powerhouse of the cell
effector sites
part of muscle organ that receives signal from the neuron to produce a physiological response
minerals that have an electrical charge, allows neurons to transmit signals within the body. sodium, potassium, magnesium
central nervous system (CNS)
division of nervous system that consists of brain and spinal coordinates all bits of the body
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
nerves that connect the rest of the body to the CNS
afferent pathway
sensory pathway that relays information to the CNS. sensory input,
efferent pathway
sensory pathway that relays information from the CNS to the rest of the body. motor output
neurons only located in the spinal cord and brain that transmit impulses between the afferent and efferent neurons
somatic nervous system
nerves that serve the outer areas of the body: skeletal muscles. largely control voluntary movement
autonomic nervous system
division of PNS that supplies neural input to the organs that run the involuntary processes of the body: heartbeat, digestions, hormone production
sympathetic nervous system
division of autonomic, increased neural activity and body in a heightened state
parasympathetic nervous system
division of the autonomic, decreased neural activity and put the body in a more relaxed state
sensory function
sense changes in the internal or external environment
the body’s ability to sense its general orientation in space and the relative position of its parts.
integrative functions
ability of nervous system to analyze and interpret sensory information for appropriate decision making, leading to an appropriate response
motor function
neuromuscular response to integrated information
muscle spindles
sensory organs in skeletal muscle, sensitive to muscle fiber length changes and rate of the change
stretch reflex
neurological signal from the muscle spindle causing the muscle to contract to prevent excessive lengthening
golgi tendon organ (GTO)
located in the tendon where muscle attaches, track changes in muscles tension, and rate of change. activation causes muscle to relax (protection from ripping your bicep off your humerus)
joint receptors
in and around the joint capsule, respond to pressure as well as acceleration and deceleration within the joint
the concept that the brain will continue to change and grow, reforming neural pathways throughout lifetime
interconnection of neurons in the brain and spinal cord
motor skills
specific movements through a coordinated effort between the sensory and motor subsystems
skeletal system
bones of the body
condition of reduce bone mineral density, increased risk of bone fracture
junctions of bones connected by muscles and connective tissue. movement occurs here as a result of muscle contractions
axial skeleton
comprised of the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column
appendicular skeleton
comprised of the limbs and pelvic girdle
rigid rod where muscles attach
reabsorption and formation of bone tissue by specialized cells
specialized cells that breakdown and remove old bone tissue
specialized cells that for, and lay down new bone tissue
Wolff’s Law
scientific explanation of how new bone growth occurs along lines of stress placed on a bone
flattened or indented portions of bone
projections protruding from bone where tendons or ligaments attach
vertebral column
bones that house the spinal cord
cervical spine
neck, 7 vertebrae
thoracic spine
upper middle back, 12 vertebrae
low-back, 5 vertebrae
fused 5 vertebrae
tailbone, fused 3-5 vertebrae
spinal cord
bundle of nerves housed withing the vertebrae
intervertebral discs
fibrous cartilage structures between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers and assist with movement
neutral spine
a position where the vertebrae and associated structures are under the least amount of load and can most optimally support functional movement
connective tissue that surrounds muscle fibers and bones
inner layer of fascia that directly surrounds entire muscle
bundles of fibers within a muscle - surrounded by perimysium
fascia surrounding the muscle fascicles
fascia that surrounds individual muscle fibers within a fascicle
glucose deposited and stored in bodily tissues (liver and muscle cells), the storage form of carbohydrate/glucose
protein-based molecule that carries oxygen to muscles
contractile components of a muscle cell, contain myofilaments
actin and myosin, filaments of a myofibril
thin stringlike myofilament that acts with myosin to produce muscular contraction
thick myofilament that acts with actin to produce muscular contraction
structural unit of myofibril composed of actin and myosin filaments between two Z-lines
meeting point of each sarcomere
neural activation
signal from nervous system telling muscle to contract, communication link between nervous and muscular systems
neuromuscular junction
specialized site where nervous system communicates directly with muscle fibers
motor unit
motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates
action potential
nerve impulse from CNS through PNS and into muscle at neuromuscular junctions
chemical messengers that cross synapse (gap between motor neuron and muscle fiber) assisting with nerve transmission
acetylcholine (ACh)
neurotransmitter assisting action potential cross synapse into muscle, which initiates muscle contraction
sliding filament theory
series of steps in muscle contraction involving how myosin and actin filaments slide past one another to produce muscle contraction, shortening entire length of sarcomere
excitation-contraction coupling
physiological process of converting an electrical stimulus to muscle contraction
power stroke
the myosin heads bind to actin and pull them toward the sarcomere center, slides filaments past each other, shortening muscle
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
high energy molecule that serves as the main form of energy in human body, body’s energy currency
resting length
length of a muscle when it is not actively contracting or being stretched
type I muscle fibers
small in size, generate lower amounts of force and are more resistance to fatigue
type II muscle fibers
larger in size, generate higher amounts of force, faster to fatigue
all-or-nothing principle
motor units cannot vary the amount of force generated, maximal contraction or not at all
smallest blood vessels, exchange site for elements between blood and tissues
cardiorespiratory system
consists of he heart, blood. blood vessels, lungs and airways
cardiovascular system
aka circulatory system, transports blood of tissues of the body
thoracic cavity
chamber within the chest containing heart and lungs
space in chest between lungs containing other organs of the chest (heart, esophagus)
cardiac muscle
muscle of the heart, autonomic but similar to skeletal muscles with sarcomeres and myofibrils
skeletal muscle
muscles that connect to bones, create movement of skeletal system
smooth muscle
involuntary, nonstraited, make up organs
atrium (atria)
chambers on top of heart, receive blood returning from the body(right) and the lungs (left)
chambers on the bottom of the heart that send the blood from the heart to the lungs (right) and body (left)
intercalated discs
found throughout cardiac muscle, helps hold muscle cells together
resting heart rate (RHR)
number of heart beats per minute when at complete rest. can vary drastically by age, gender, size, fitness level, and health status
sinoatrial (SA) node
located in right atrium, initiates electrical signal from heart beat
atrioventricular (AV) node
located between atria and ventricles, delays the impulse from SA node before sending it to ventricles to contract
stroke volume
amount of blood pumped out with each contraction of heart
end-diastolic volume
volume of blood in ventricle before contraction
end-systolic volume
volume of blood remaining in ventricle after contraction (ejection of blood)
heart rate (HR)
number of times heart beats within a given amount of time, usually measure in BPM
HR >100BPM
cardiac output (Q)
volume of blood pumped by heart/min
heart performance = HR x stroke volume
fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, veins, carrying oxygen, and nutrients to the cells and tissues of the body, and removing waste products to be processed (liver) or excretion (kidneys)
growth factors
substances within blood that attach to cells, aid in growth and development, help with healing after injury
stem cells
cells that can be specialized into specific cells, such as brain, blood, heart, or bone cells
blood vessels
network of hollow tubes that carries blood to and from the heart
vessels that transport blood back to the heart
small arteries that eventually divide into capillaries
small veins that connect at the return side of the capillaries
formation of new capillaries
formation of new capillaries from existing vessels
venous pooling
swelling in extremities due to slow venous return or backflow
blood pressure (BP)
outward pressure exerted by blood on vessel walls. systolic/diastolic
peripheral resistance
amount of resistance in arteries that must be overcome for blood to flow
respiratory system
bodily system comprised of lungs, airways and respiratory muscles (pulmonary system)brings oxygen into lungs from breathed air and expels carbon dioxide from the lungs to the outside air
inhale, contraction of inpsiratory muscles to move air into the body
exhale, actively or passively, relaxing the inspiratory muscles to move air out of the body
valsalva maneuver
process of holding your breath while lifting heavy to increase rigidity of spine and intrabdominal pressure.increase blood pressure. danger with hypertension
the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body
fast breathing >24 breaths/min
slow breathing <8 breaths/min
shortness of breath or laboured breathing
diaphragmatic breathing
breathing deeply by allowing the expansion of the abdominal aread
oxygen consumption
process of the body using oxygen
breakdown and utilization of fat for energy
substance in the body that cases a specific reaction or change
cells that release substances in the bloodstream (such as hormones) or other surface of the body
chemical messenger released from a gland that travels to cells to activate a specific function
target (receptor) cell
cell that receives a message from a hormone or enzyme. target cells exert an action after being stimulated or activated
gland located in the brain that communicates information from the body to the pituitary gland
pineal gland
small gland in the brain that secretes the hormone melatonin
organ with numerous functions, including production of insulin, glucagon, and digestive juices
thyroid gland
endocrine gland, located in the anterior of the neck, secretes many hormones including thyroxin and calcitonin
pituitary glad
controls secretion of many hormones including growth hormone. 3 lobes: posterior, intermediate, and anterior
adrenal gland
located just above the kidneys, responsible for glucose metabolism (escort glucose to cells)
reproductive glands
testes, ovaries, serves sex-specific functions
hormone secreted by the pancreas, glucose metabolism
hormone secreted by the pancreas, induce stored glucose release into blood
intermediate forms of nutrients used in metabolic reactions to create ATP
stored form of glucose in body tissues
growth hormone
anabolic hormone produced by pituitary gland that is responsible for growth and development
hormones [epinephrine/adrenaline, norepinephrine] produced by medulla of adrenal glands that are part of the fight-or-flight stress response
metabolic process that breaks down molecules into smaller units used for energy. cortisol
formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources (proteins, fats)
excessive frequency, volume, intensity of training, resulting in reduction of performance, partially caused by lack of rest and recovery
produced in testes, and smaller amount produced in ovaries and adrenal glands, secondary male sex characteristics
metabolic process that synthesizes smaller molecules into larger units used for building and repairing tissues
insulin-like growth factors (IGF)
anabolic hormone produced by the liver, responsible for growth and development
basal metabolic rate (BMR)
amount of energy required to sustain body at rest. higher BMR means that increased catabolic hormones in blood to produce more energy for existance
thyroid hormone that helps the body use calcium effectively and to aid in maintaining bone mineral density
glucose intolerance
condition that results in elevated blood glucose levels
gall bladder
organ below liver RH side of body, received bile from the liver and secretes it into the duodenum
upper-right of abdominal cavity, many functions including secretion of bile into gall bladder for storage before being released into duodenum
in this context, refers to movements of anatomical structures that allow contents to pass through (chewing, swallowing, peristalsis)
chewing, mechanical breakdown of food
muscle action of GI that pushes food through body during digestion
multistep process of food moving through body
nutrients being absorbed into body during digestion
part of digestive tract, oral cavity to stomach
act of taking food, liquid or other substance into body, pre-digestion
result of digestion in the stomach, passes from the stomach into small intestine, semifluid
first segment of small intestine (10”)
midsection of small intestine
final section of small intestine, leads to large intestine
regional interdependence model
integrated functioning of multiple body systems or regions. movements must be coordinated to accomplish tasks
science concerned with the internal and external forces acting on the human body and the effects produced by these forces
study of movement as it relates to anatomy and physiology
anatomic position
mountain pose. position of reference for anatomic nomenclature
visible movement of a limb
description of movement at joint surface
3 major types: roll, slide, spin
sagittal plane
bisection into right and left halves, flexion and extension exercises
bending motion where the relative angle between two relative segments decreases: top of bicep curl
straightening movement where angle between adjacent segments increases - bottom of bicep curl. resting postion