Section 3- 1970-79 Flashcards
What happened in the 1970 election?
Edward Heath won
when was the industrial relations act?
when was the UK accepted into the EEC
When did Wilson become PM for the 2nd time?
When was the referendum on EEC membership
who succeeded Wilson as PM?
1976- Callaghan
when was the Lib-Lab pact?
When was the winter of discontent?
When did Edward Heath become leader of the conservative party?
how many seats did Heath win with?
30 seats
what happened within the conservatives in 1974?
leadership contest- Thatcher won in 1975
what was Heath’s economic policy?
‘one-nation toryism’
end of public funding for ‘lame duck’ industries
Decimalisation of the british currency
Anthony Barber (Chancellor of the Exchequer), introduced cuts to public spending and taxes leading to inflation but NOT economic growth
Unemployment increased – unusual economic phenomenon became known as stagflation
what was Heath’s famous U-turn?
After aiming for less state intervention, unemployment reaching nearly a million meant they were forced into it – nationalisation of Rolls Royce in 1971 and funding for Upper Clyde Shipbuilders – Heath’s U-turn
what had unemployment decreased by in 1973
what economic effect did the Yom Kippur war have?
1973, OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) declared an oil embargo
What did NUM do in 1973 (national union of miners)
price of oil quadrupled and miners demanded a pay rise
industrial relations issues in 1970
dockers’ strike, pay settlement for dustmen, postal workers’ strike, ‘go-slow’ by power workers
what happened to the national board for prices and income?
Heath abolished it in 1970
what influence did Barbara Castle’s in place of strife 1971 do?
set up a Court to provide strike ballots and a ‘cooling-off period’ before strikes
TUC (Trades Union Congress) and CBI (Confederation of British Industry) opposed the act