section 3 Flashcards
why do we lie
to avoid conflict
how much communication is in body language
effective communication
active listening skills
open ended questions
feedback, paraphrasing
lack of attention/interest
differences in perception/viewpoint
physical disabilities
physical barriers to nonverbal cues (texting)
language differences
can police lie in interviews/interrogations
ethics and deception
can lie during interviews/interrogations
cannot make promises
cannot lie for voluntary consent
cannot threaten, coerce, put in fear, bargain
who can make promises
legal as an investigative tool
cannot be used in court for any reason
checks heart rate and stuttering
can only ask 2-3 questions in same area/subject
pre-interview, test, post-interview
officers investigating cannot tell the results
what is a polygraph
lie detector test
why shouldn’t you interview everyone at once
opposing views
pressure to be the same
begin doubting themselves
prevent the same story being given due to pressure
fit the Miranda, not necessary
not in custody, but not free to leave, asking questions
in custody, not asking questions, probable cause
in custody, but not under arrest
some information concerning elements of a crime
points themselves at the scene, explains some evidence
information supporting elements of a crime, given by a person involved/committing the crime
when is miranda not needed
asking for ID
sobriety tests
field interviews (general questions)
during booking
routine traffic stop
undercover status
when is miranda needed
when in custody
waiver of rights
you control the interview/interrogation location
verbal confirmation of miranda rights
why interrogate
getting someone to confess to the crime
confess or get rid of the suspect
confession to keep the victim off the stand
no eye witness/physical evidence, cannot sell crime without a confession
interrogation guidelines
always attempt to interview/interrogate in a setting you can control
get them out of their comfort zone
always interview by themselves
never allow friends/family to use as a crutch
interview location
private room, essential
no barriers between you and the suspect
chair with wheels for you, stationary chair for them
turn off/leave phone
pre-interview prep
go over facts
gather as much background information as possible
make miranda conversational
free to leave unless admissions present
don’t minimize
non accusatory
lock in a story
body language
okay to take notes
flip from interview, watch camera
grab a file, reports, no longer nice, stop
develop a theme
minimize the crime
justify the crime
excuses why suspects didnt commit the crime
can get girls
response to excuses
flip it against them
you can be better for god
spur of moment
something went wrong