Section 2 Flashcards
Which of the following are core-stabilization exercises designed to improve?
a) Maximal strength of the rectus abdominis and external obliques
b) Rate of force production of the core musculature
c) Neuromuscular efficiency and inerverebral stability
d) Anaerobic capacity of movement systems muscles
c) Neuromuscular efficiency and inerverebral stability
The Borg Scale measures what?
Rating of percived exertion.
The resistance training system that involves performing a set to failure, then removing a small percentage of the load and continuing with the set.
The process of using agonists and synergists to dynamically move the joint into a range of motion.
Active-isolated stretch
A group of consequtive repetitions
Factors for appropriate rest intervals
Training experience Training intensity Tolerance of short rest periods Muscle mass General fitness level Training goals Nutrition status Recoverability
Static and dynamic postural assessments is an example of
Objective information
According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines, what is the minimum amount of time per week an individual should engage in physical activity if performed at a moderate-intensity level?
a) 100 min
b) 200 min
c) 150 min
d) 250 min
c) 150 min
A variation of circuit training that uses different exercises (upper and lower body)for each set through the circuit.
Peripheral heart action
When performing an active kneeling hip flexor stretch, internally rotating the rear leg will place greater stretch on which of the following muscles?
a) Adductor brevis
b) Tensor fascia Latae
c) Psoas
d) Pecineaus
c) Psoas
Which of the following intensity ranges best describes someone just moving into a zone 3 cardiorespiratory training workout?
a) 75 - 79%
b) 66 - 70%
c) 80 - 85%
d) 86 - 90%
d) 86 - 90%
Overhead Squat (Lateral): LPHC low back arches overactive muscles
Hip flexor complex, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi
Skinfold measurements (Durnin-Womersley formula) take skin folds at
Right side of the body at Bicep, triceps, Subscapular, and iliac crest
Amount of physical training performed within a specificed period.
Training volume
When assessing a client’s overhead squat, which of the following is an indication of overactivity in the lateral gastrocnemius?
a) External rotation of the feet
c) Arms fall forward
c) Low back arches
d) Knees move inward
a) External rotation of the feet
What is the appropriate percentage to increase after each set when performing an upper-extremity (bench press) strength assessment?
a) 10 - 15%
b) 15 - 20%
c) 1 - 2%
d) 5 - 10%
d) 5 - 10%
Performing exercises on the OPT template one after the other, in a vertical manner down the template
Vertical loading
Briefly describe the Shark skill test
Nine 12 inch boxes
Client stands on one foot with hands on hips
Client hops to each box in a set pattern, hopping back to the center box each time
Record time and add 0.10-second penalty for non-hopping leg touch, hands off hips, foot goes into wrong square, foot does not return to center square.
A client has been performing cardiorespiratory exercise for four weeks. Which of the following physiologic adaptations should the personal trainer expect to observe in the client?
a) Decreased cardiac output
b) Improved ability of muscles to use oxygen
c) Increased resting heart rate
d) Decreased stroke volume
b) Improved ability of muscles to use oxygen
Pain or discomfort often felt 24 - 72 hours after intense exercise or unaccustomed physical activity.
Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
The push-up test assesses
Muscular endurance of the upper body
States that soft tissue models along the lines of stress.
Davis’s law
What technique uses a co-contraction of global muscles to enhance global trunk stability?
a) Horizontal adduction
b) Bracing
c) Flexion
d) Extension
b) Bracing
The time taken to recuperate betwen sets.
Rest interval
A maneuvre used to recruit the local core stabilizers by drawing the navel in toward the spine.
Drawing-in maneuver
The kinetic chain checkpoints include
foot and ankle, knee, lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC), shoulders, and head and cervical spine
The concept of muscle inhibition, caused by a tight agonist, which inhibits its functional antagonist.
Altered reciprocal inhibition
Which of the following is a factor of the FITTE principle used to determine exercise training programs for each individual?
a) Fitness
b) Tolerance
c) Efficiency
d) Frequency
d) Frequency
Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that mimic those that will be included in the more intense exercise that is to follow.
Specific warm-up
Essential body fat for women
8 - 12%
Diastolic blood pressure represents which of the following?
a) The top number in the blood pressure reading
b) The larger of the two numbers
c) Pressure within the arterial system after the heart contracts
d) Pressure within the arterial system when the heart is resting and filling with blood
d) Pressure within the arterial system when the heart is resting and filling with blood
What is designed ot increase join range of motion (ROM), improve muscle imbalances, and correct altered joint mothion, and is used in Phase 1 of the OPT model?
a) Relative flexibility
b) Corrective flexibility
c) Functional flexibility
d) Active flexibility
b) Corrective flexibility
The resistance training system that involves performing two exercises in rapid succession with minimal rest.
The speed with which each repetition is performed.
Repetition tempo
Ruby performs self-myofascial release and static stretching on her client, following which she performs an overhead squat assessment. Which of the following indicates the need for static standing TFL stretch?
a) The client’s knees fall inward
b) The client’s knees bow out.
c) The client’s toes turn out
d) The client leans forward excessively
a) The client’s knees fall inward
The single leg squat assessment assesses
Dynamic flexibility
Core strength
Overall neuromuscular control
The pushing assessment assesses
Movement efficiency
Potential muscle imbalances
The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen-rich blood to skeletal muscles during sustaned physical activity.
Cardiorespratory fitness
How many weeks should a client spend during the Stabilzation Phase of core training?
a) 10
b) 8
c) 4
d) 9
c) 4
Designed to increase joint ROM, improve muscle imbalances, and correct altered joint motion
Corrective flexibility
What effect do beta-blockers have on a client?
a) Decrease blood pressure
b) Blocks mechanoreceptors from overstimulating muscles
c) Increase blood pressure
d) Has no effect
a) Decrease blood pressure
Recommended body fat for women over 55
25 - 38%
Recommended body fat for women 34 or less
20 - 35%
The following muscles make up what core system?
- Quadratus lumorum, psoas major, external oblique, portions of the internal oblique, rectus abdominis, gluteus medius, and tha adductor complex
Global Stabilization System
Athletic body fat for women
12 - 22%
Overhead Squat (Anterior): Feet turn out overactive muscles
Soleus, lateral gastrocnemius, biceps femoris
A term used to describe how the body responds and adapts to stress.
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Performance assessments is an example of
Objective information
An individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximal effort, which is usually expressed as a percentage.
Training intensity
The resistance training system that involves performing a series of exercises, on after the other, with minimal rest.
Circuit training
The number of strides taken in a given amount of time (or distance).
Stride rate
The structures that make up the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC), including the pevic girdle, abdomen, and the hip joint.
Recommended body fat for women 35 - 55
23 - 38%
Which of the following is recorded on the palm side of the wrist?
a) Brachial pulse
b) Carotid pulse
c) Axillary pulse
d) Radial pulse
d) Radial pulse
Which method of cardio should be avoided for a client who demonstrates low-back arching as a movement compensation?
a) Bicycles
b) Group exercise classes
c) Treadmills
d) Elliptical trainers
a) Bicycles
Proper alignment of the lead leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, hip flexion, and neutral pelvis.
Frontside mechanics
Increased force output of the synergists for hip extension to compensate for the weakened gluteus maximus is an example of which of the following?
a) Autogenic inhibition
b) Davis’s law
c) Synergistic dominance
d) Wolff’s law
c) Synergistic dominance
The active extension of muscle, using force production and momentum, to move the joint through the full available range of motion.
Dynamic stretch
The ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonists, antagonists, and stabilzers to work synergistically to produce, reduce, and dynamically stabilize the entire kinetic chain in all three planes of motion.
Neuromuscular efficiency
A purposeful system or plan put together to help an individual achieve a specific goal.
Program design
The length of time an individual is engaged in a given actvity.
For which of the following are Stage I cardiorespiratory training programs designed?
a) To help improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels in apparently healthy sedentary clients.
b) For clients with low-to-moderate cardiorespiratory fitness levels who are ready to begin training at higher intensity levels
c) To help clients improve anaerobic power and sprinting capabilities
d) For advanced clients who have a moderately high cardiorespiratory fitness level base.
a) To help improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels in apparently healthy sedentary clients.
The process of passively taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding the stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Statics stretching
One complete movement of a single exercise.
Repetition or rep
Pushing Assessment: Head migrates forward overactive muscles
Upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae
The Shark skill test assesses
Lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control
Which of the following requires a client to perform cardiorespiratory exercise at maximal effort while monitoring ventilation response?
a) Karvonen method
b) Peak VO2 method
c) Straight percentage method
d) VO2 rest method
b) Peak VO2 method
The YMCA 3-minute step test is used to assess
Cardiovascular fitness
How long does NASM suggest the cardiorespiratory portion of the warm-up should last?
a) 5 - 10 minutes
b) 3 - 5 minutes
c) 0 - 3 minutes
d) 10 - 15 minutes
a) 5 - 10 minutes
Which of the following has the objective of uniformly strengthening the deep and superficial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body?
a) Core training
b) Flexibility training
c) Interval training
d) Volume training
a) Core training
The initial reaction to a stressor.
Alarm reaction
Physiologic assessments is an example of
Objective information
The level of demand that a given activity places on the body.
Which of the following is appropriate tempo for a core exercise when training for hypertrophy?
a) Medium
b) Slow
c) Fast
d) Explosive
a) Medium
A routine that trains different body parts on separate days
The following muscles make up what core system?
- Latissimus dorsi, hip flexors, hamstring complex, and quadriceps
Movement System