Section 2 & 3 - Wildland Fire & Private Managed Forest Land Flashcards
The MFLNRORD manages ______ to mitigate negative impacts to communities, critical infrastructure and natural resource inventories on both crown and private land base
Wildland fire
Wildland fire references any _______ fire that occurs in the wildland
Wildland fire types include
- Wildfire
- Wildland fire use
- Prescribed fire
A wildfire is:
Any unwanted wildland fire
Prescribed fire terminology can be found here:
National Wildfire Coordinating Group – Glossary of Wildland Fire Terminology – Oct 2006
Wildfire response and prevention is primarily focused on protecting:
- Lives
- Property
- Critical Infrastructure
- Government Forest Assets, particular timber
Fire management is defined by:
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre 2002 glossary
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre
Fire management is defined by the CIFCC as:
Activities concerned with protection of people, property and forest areas from wildfire and the use of prescribed burning for the attainment of forest management and other land use objectives, all conducted in a manner that considers environmental, social and economic criteria
Does forest management include prescribed burning?
Prescribed burning is used for:
Attainment of forest management and other land use objectives
Prescribed burning must consider _____, _____, and _____ criteria
- Environmental
- Social
- Economic
______ is a holistic approach that incorporates land management with integration of fire regimes and fire effects
Fire management
Fire management includes _____ treatments to achieve a stated reduction in wildfire risk or other objectives
Fuel management
Balancing natural role and benefits of wildland fire with risk of wildfires represents a complex challenge, made more difficult by;
- Public expectation of the role of wildfire
- Increasing wildfire threat
- Forest health
- Increased human settlement and activity in forested areas
- Effects of climate change
Managing wildland fire occurs in BC through a combination of ___ and ____
- policy
2. legislation
Main policy and legislation that covers wildland fire:
- Wildfire Act
2. Wildfire Regulation
Wildland fire management occurs primarily by ____ in partnership with ______
- BC Wildfire Service Branch
BC Wildfire Service
Professionals have a role to play including:
- Operating at a time and manner that does not contribute to start or spread or fire
- Planning and scheduling harvest and silviculture activities to mitigate impacts of wildfire on adjacent areas and timber supply
- Accessing and abating a fire hazard created during industrial or high risk activities
Vision of the BC Wildfire Service is to achieve excellence in:
- Wildfire mgmt.
2. Response services
BC Wildfire Service Strategic Plan (2012-2017) sets out the ____, ____, ____and _____ of the organization
- Mandate
- Vision
- Mission
- Values
BC Wildfire Service Strategic Plan (2012-2017) also provides _____ and _____ for wildfire management
- Strategic goals
2. Priorities
Landscape ________ has been identified as a priority in the BC Forest Sector Strategy
fire management planning
The overall goal of fire management planning is to create fire resilient _____ and _______
communities and landscapes
Fire management planning aims to create fire resilient communities and landscapes through coordinated ______to mitigate fire impacts on priority values
planning and implementation of treatments
Fire management as defined by CIFCC:
Systematic, technological and administrative mgmt. process of determining the org, facilities, resources and procedures required to protect people, property and forest areas from fire and to use fire to accomplish forest mgmt. and other land use objectives.
Fuel mgmt. refers to:
Mechanical biomass removal & site prep of forest stands in order to modify potential fire behavior in fire-prone stands
Appropriate fuel treatment depends on ___________
the forest type at hand
Fuel management treatments include:
- Thinning
- Pile burning
- Mulching
- Prescribed fire
- Stimulating growth of less flammable species such as deciduous
At the same time as managing fuel it is also important to balance other resources such as
- VQ
- Air quality
- Wildlife habitat
- Water
The long-term goal of the WFMS is to balance _____, ______, and _______ interests w/ the need to restore ecosystem resilience in areas w/ a recurring fire disturbance regime
- Social
- Economic
- Ecological
A strong paradigm shift in fire mgmt. practices will require _____ and _____
- Education
2. Public support
Implementation of the WFMS will result in
healthier forest and range ecosystems
Healthier forest and range ecosystems create
- Communities that are less at risk from wildfire impacts
2. More cost-effective fire suppression program
A WFMS will be achieved by adopting a proactive approach to:
- Reduce fire hazards & risks
- Carefully use controlled burning
- Monitor & manage, rather than suppress, forest that are of minimal risk to communities, infrastructure or resource values.
- Implement land, NR & community planning that incorporates mgmt. of wildland fire
- Develop a high level of public awareness and support for wildland fire mgmt.
Can allowing or starting fires in a planned way help Canadians avoid catastrophic fire daamge?
The Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy was established by
Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM)
Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy
CWFS is based on improving & implementing well-developed and emerging techniques & tech from Canada & other countries. It includes:
- Public education
- National FireSmart program
- Fuel mgmt. through strategic fire use
- Training, infrastructure and tech
Proactively dealing w/ fire threat requires ___, ____ and ____
- Policy dev
- Investment
- Broad participation
Do obligations under the Wildfire Act and Regulation apply to private land?
Yes. Wildfire Act & Regulations apply to both Crown and private land.
The key objective of the Wildfire Act is to clearly define the specific responsibilities of all users of forest lands & grasslands w/ respect to wildfire mgmt. including ____, ____, ____ and _____
- Fire use
- Prevention
- Control operations
- Rehabilitation
The Wildfire act allows the minister to establish policies and priorities for________
the efficient use of fire-fighting resources of the gov’t
The Wildfire Act establishes a _______ approach to fire prevention and limits prescriptive regulations for industrial activities
The Wildfire Regulation provides the following:
- Interpretation
- Fire prevention prescriptions
- Control responsibilities
- Direction on the use of fire
The Wildfire Act & Regulation applies to:
- Crown land, including Provincial Parks & protected areas
- Private lands not regulated by govt bylaws w/ respect to the use of open fire
- All industrial ops including forest industry, utility transmission, mining & railway ops
Key objective of the Wildfire Act is to clearly define the specific responsibilities of all users of forest lands and grass lands w/ respect to wildfire mgmt. including _____, _____, _____ and _____
- Fire use
- Prevention
- Control operations
- Rehabilitations
Wildfire Act sec. 7 defines a requirement for a person carrying out an industrial activity to both ____ and _____ fire hazards to have been created by the industrial activity
assess and abate
A primary harvester is relieved from having to abate an area if there is a _____ or a _____ issued to a secondary harvester on a portion of the same tenure area
- Residue Forestry Licence to Cut
2. Fibre Recovery Permit
Wildfire Regulation secs. 11, 12, 12.1 & 12.2 define prescribed _____, _____, and _____ for which the fire hazard must be assessed and abated for specified categories of persons
- Activities
- Circumstances
- Intervals
Specific categories of persons include
- General pop
- Qualified holders
- Fibre recovery tenure holders
Does the Wildfire Regulation sec 11 state hazards assessments were amended to relieve the primary tenure holder from having to conduct hazard assessments if a secondary tenure has been issued?
Wildfire Reg sec 12.2 sets out the obligations for secondary harvesters with respect to the ____ and extent to which a fibre recovery tenure holder must abate
Limitation periods
Wildfire Reg sec 33 has been amended to specify the amount that can be awarded in the event there is a contravention of the Wildfire Act with respect to the terms of _____
Hazard abatement obligations and responsibilitites