Section 2 Flashcards
What did Adams tell his wife he would rather be doing during the Revolutionary War?
studying art in Europe
What did Adams tell his wife it was his duty to devote himself to?
Science of Government
What did Adams say his sons would have the freedom to study?
Math, Philosophy, Commerce, Agriculture
What did Adams hope his grandchildren would be able to study? (7)
Painting, Poetry, Music, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry, Porcelain
When did the distinction between aesthetic and pragmatic literature come about?
second half of the nineteenth century
What was aesthetic literature called?
belles lettres
What quote is Sydney Smith credited with?
“In the four quarters of the globe, who reads an American book?”
What nationality was Sydney Smith?
What three people claimed that the US had no literature?
Sydney Smith, Alexis de Tocqueville, Harriet Martineau
Who defended Nathaniel Hawthorne?
Herman Melville
Who said “Shakespeares are this day being born on the banks of the Ohio?”
Herman Melville
Why were British books cheap to publish in the US?
No international copyright laws
Who wrote Letters from an American Farmer?
What word does Crevecoeur use to describe America?
What was Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography called?
What style did Common Sense use?
plain argument
Who wrote Ragged Dick?
Horatio Alger
When was Ragged Dick published?
What book is considered the apotheosis of the idea of meritocracy?
Ragged Dick
Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Who directed Citizen Kane?
Orson Welle
Who directed The Wolf of Wall Street?
Martin Scorsese
What four novels and movies that emphasize meritocracy are mentioned in the guide?
Ragged Dick, The Great Gatsby, Citizen Kane, The Wolf of Wall Street
What medieval author did the British identify with?
What two ancient authors did the British identify with?
Homer and Virgil
What did British writers look to for inspiration for their poems, plays, and novels?
human antiquities and ruins
Who wrote The Sketch-Book?
Washington Irving
What is the name of the main character in The Sketch Book?
Geoffrey Crayon
Where are most of the sketches and tales in The Sketch Book from?
Great Britain
What four tales and sketches did Irving write about America?
Rip Van Winkle, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Traits of Indian Character, Philip of Pokanoket
What two tales from The Sketch-Book are considered American classics?
Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Where are Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow set?
Catskill Mountains along the Hudson River
What are the names of the two sketches from The Sketch-Book that emphasize the American Indian?
The Traits of Indian Character, Philip of Pokanoket
What tribe and war are a part of A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mary Rowlandson?
King Philip’s War, Narragansett tribe
Who is famous for using the Mohegan nation as source material?
James Fenimore Cooper
What character from the Mohegan nation features in four of five of James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales?
What is the title of one of the Leatherstocking Tales?
The Last of the Mohicans
What did Jefferson say was causing a declining indigenous population in Notes on the State of Virginia?
declining birth rate
Who wrote the poem “The Prairies”?
William Cullen Bryant
When was The Prairies published?
What civilization does Bryant compare the American Indian to in The Prairies?
What topic became important in American politics in the 1830s related to The Prairies?
vanishing Indian myth
What three eastern tribes were removed from their land in the 1830s?
Creek, Choctaw, Cherokee
What nation protested their removal in the Supreme Court against Georgia?
What act removed all American tribes east of the Mississippi River?
Indian Removal Act of 1830
What nation is associated with the Trail of Tears?
Who created the “Join, or Die” cartoon?
Benjamin Franklin
What religion was associated with New England?
What was unique about Pennsylvania?
largely non-English
In what five states was slavery abolished following the Constitutional Convention in 1789?
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania
In what eight states was slavery legal following the Constitutional Convention in 1789?
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia
What three people wrote the Federalist Papers?
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John jay
What is a codex?
“A complete work or book”
Where were most of the Federalist Papers published?
New York
Who wrote “Columbia?”
Timothy Dwight
What does “Columbia” (Dwight) anticipate?
spread of American empire
What is one of the first anthologies to include verse by American writers that is mentioned in the guide?
The Beauties of Poetry
Where was The Beauties of Poetry published (and when)?
Philadelphia, 1791
Who published The Beauties of Poetry?
Mathew Carey
What three British writers are include in The Beauties of Poetry?
Alexander Pope, Oliver Goldsmith, James Thomson
What four American poets mentioned by name are included in The Beauties of Poetry?
Timothy Dwight, David Humphreys, John Trumbull, Joel Barlow
Where did Dwight, Humphreys, Trumbull and Barlow come from?
What were Dwight’s two occupations?
minister and president of Yale
What occupation is Humphreys best known for?
What is Trumbull best known for?
What is Barlow’s best known occupation?
Who was the author of The Columbiad?
Joel Barlow
For how long did Barlow work on the Columbiad, and when was it published?
two decades, 1807
What poem was marketed as an American epic in the model of homer and Virgil?
The Columbiad
What four poets were called the Connecticut wits?
Timothy Dwight, David Humphreys, John Trumbull, Joel Barlow
Were the Connecticut Wits supportive of or against the the constitution?
What four people wrote “The Anarchiad?”
Barlow, Humphreys, Trumbull, and Lemuel Hopkins
What is The Anarchiad?
mock epic
What did the Anarchiad condemn?
Articles of Confederation
What three states are in The Anarchiad?
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island
What did The Anarchiad make a case for?
stronger federal government
Who was often called the Poet of the American Revolution?
Philip Freneau
What poem is Freneau known for about his experiences during the Revolutionary War?
The British Prison Ship
What founding father did Freneau go to school with?
James Madison
What party was Freneau a part of?
What newspaper was Freneau the editor of?
National Gazette
What two people did Freneau criticze as the editor of the National Gazette?
Washington and Hamilton’s financial policies
What is the Latin word that Revolution is derived from?
What does revolutionem mean?
the rotation of the planets
Who first drafted the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Through what means did the Declaration spread throughout the colonines?
By 1775, how many pamphlets had been published in the colonies about relations with England?
How many pamphlets had been pulbished in the colonies about relations with England by the end of the Revolution?
What eighteenth century historian highlighted the role of the “pen and press” in the revolution?
David Ramsay
Where is the print revolution said to have begun (and when)?
London, end of the seventeenth century
What five materials were initially printed as a part of the print revolution/
books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, broadsides
Between 1763 and 1775, the number of American newspapers _____
Between 1775 and 1790, the number of American newspapers _____
What federal act helped newspapers reach large geographic areas?
Postal Act of 1792
Who notably praised the dissemination of literature in the US, despite his criticism of its quality?
What percentage of white men were. literate by the 1780s?
What standard work in children’s education, published in 1797, does Frederick Douglass describe in the guide?
Columbian Orator
What even from Columbian Orator does Douglass describe?
master voluntary frees his slave
What did Douglass notably link freedom to in the guide?
Until what year did the Constitution allow the US to participate in global slave trade?