Section 13 Flashcards
vīcus -ī m.
village, hamlet
dīruō -ruere -ruī -rutum
tear asunder, demolish, destroy
pīnus -ī f.
pine tree
adgredior -gredī -gressus sum
begin, undertake
excidō -cīdere -cidī -cīsum
cut out; raze, destroy
antistes -itis m. and f.
presiding priest or priestess
obsistō -sistere -stitī -stitum
set one’s self against; oppose, resist
succīdō -cīdere -cīdī -cīsum
cut down, fell
sēdulus -a -um
busy, diligent, zealous, unremitting
commoneō -ēre -uī -itum
put in mind, admonish, impress upon
stīpes -itis m.
log, stem, trunk
dēdicō -dicāre
dedicate, consecrate
fīdūcia -ae f.
trust, confidence
ruō ruere ruī rūtum
throw down, overthrow; rush down
ēvādō -vādere -vāsī -vāsum
go forth, escape
cōnsentiō -sentīre -sēnsī -sēnsum
feel with; agree
sacrum -ī n.
religious act, sacrifice
obruō -ruere -ruī -rutum
overwhelm, cover, bury
acclīnis -e
leaning on, leaning against, inclined towards
corruō -ruere -ruī
fall, fall in a heap
vincio vincīre vinxī vinctum
laetitia -ae f.
joy, gladness
(adv.) at a distance
nūtō nūtāre
sway to and fro, totter, shake
ruīna -ae f.
downfall, collapse
minitor -ārī
threaten, menace
palleō -ēre -ui
grow pale
propior -ius
nearer, nigher
conterreō -terrēre
terrify, frighten
opperior -perīrī -pertus sum
wait for, await
fragor -ōris m.
crash, noise
concidō -cidere -cidī
fall down, tumble, collapse
(adv.) in the way; towards
oppōnō -pōnere -posuī -positum
set or place against, oppose
turbo -inis m.
whirlwind, tornado
(adv.) backwards, back;
stupeō stupēre stupuī
be stunned, be dazed
mīrāculum -ī n.
wonder, marvel, miracle
(adv. and prep.) in comparison with; on account of
immānis -e
vast, huge, immense, monstrous
impositiō -ōnis f.
the application
impietas -ātis f.
irreverence, impiety
convalēscō -lēscere -luī
grow strong, gain strength
repleō -plēre -plēvī -plētum
fill, fill up, refill
cōnstruō -struere -struxī -structum
construct, build