Section 11 Flashcards
adgredior -gredī -gressus sum
begin, undertake
opīnio -ōnis f.
opinion, belief
cōnsepeliō -pelīre -pelīvī -pultum
bury with
martyr -yris m. or f.
witness; martyr
sācrō sacrāre
make sacred, devote, consecrate
altāre -āris n.
high altar
(adv.) recklessly, rashly
incertus -a -um
clēricus -ī m.
clergyman, priest
flāgitō -āre
demand fiercely or violently, solicit
passio -ōnis f.
suffering, enduring
grandis -e
large, great
scrūpulus -ī m.
uneasiness, doubt, scruple
permoveō -movēre -mōvī -mōtum
move throughout; to influence, persuade
abstineō -tinēre -tinuī -tentum
abstain, restrain
dērogō -āre
take away; disparage, dishonor
accommodō -commodāre
make fit to, adapt to, fit to
superstitiō -ōnis f.
unreasonable religious belief, superstition
convalēscō -lēscere -luī
grow strong, gain strength
(adv.) from here, hence
meritum -ī n.
merit, desert
sepeliō sepelīre sepelīvī sepultum
bury, inter
laevus -a -um
left, on the left side
sordidus -a -um
filthy, foul, unclean
trux -ucis
savage, fierce, ferocious, grim
latro -ōnis m.
a highwayman, bandit, brigand
scelus -eris n.
wicked deed, crime, sin
percutiō -cutere -cussī -cussum
strike through; slay, kill
submoveō -movēre -mōvī -mōtum
move from under; drive back