section 13 Flashcards
Nylon-6 is a
a. polyamide
b. thermosetting resin
c. polyester
d. none of these
Enzymes are
a. proteins with high molecular weight
(around 10, 000).
b. derived from living organisms.
c. catalyst for temperature sensitive reactions.
d. all (a), (b) and (c).
Multistage catalytic converter is not used in the
a. conversion of SO2 to SO3
b. NH3 synthesis reaction.
c. both (a) & (b).
d. neither (a) nor (b).
The main product of high temperature
carbonisation of coal is
a. coke
b. ammonia
c. tar
d. Phenol
__________ is a thermosetting plastic.
a. Polythene
b. Epoxy polymer
c. P.V.C.
d. Polystyrene
In an integrated steel plant, NH3 present in coke
oven gas is normally recovered as
a. (NH4)2SO4
b. NH4Cl
c. (NH4)2 NO3
d. liquid NH3
Flexible foam (for mattresses) is usually made of
a. PVC
b. silicone
c. polyurethanes
d. Polyamides
Glycerine is a by-product of the __________
a. soap
b. detergent
c. oil hydrogenation
d. Paint
One of the steps during refining of cane sugar
consists of addition of hydrated lime to the sugar
syrup followed by carbonation of the resulting
solution. The purpose of this step is to
a. adjust the pH of the syrup.
b. remove the coloring matter from the syrup.
c. reduce the viscosity of the syrup.
d. improve the rate of crystallisation of sugar.
Permanent hardness of water can be removed by
a. addition of soda ash to it.
b. treating it with zeolites.
c. passing it through sodium
d. all (a), (b), and (c).
Chalcopyrite is the main ore of
a. copper
b. lead
c. tin
d. Iron
The end bleaching agent used to move last
traces of colour bodies from the pulp is
a. chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
b. MgO
c. SO2 gas
d. Mercaptans
Bio-degradable detergents
a. can be readily oxidised.
b. pose problem in sewerage plant.
c. have an isoparaffinic structure.
d. should not be used as it spoils the cloth.
Sea water contains about __________ ppm of
a. 5
b. 70
c. 500
d. 1700
Which allotrope of sulphur is insoluble in
carbon disulphide?
a. Rhombic sulphur
b. Monoclinic sulphur
c. Plastic sulphur
d. Milk of sulphur
Lubricating greases are a mixture of
a. mineral oil, soap and additives.
b. mineral oil and metallic soap.
c. mineral oil and fatty oil.
d. fatty oil and metallic soap.
Metallic soap is __________ salt of fatty acids.
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. both sodium & potassium
d. aluminium or calcium
Cation exchanger is regenerated usually with
a. NaOH
b. H2SO4
c. hydrazine
d. alum solution
In contact process, SO3 is absorbed in 97%
H2SO4 and not in water, because
a. SO3 gas is sparingly soluble in water.
b. water forms an acid mist, which is difficult
to absorb.
c. the purity of acid is affected.
d. scale formation in the absorber is to be
Bitterns is a/an
a. unsaturated fat.
b. starting material for the production of
c. by-product of chlor-alkali industry.
d. none of these.