Section 110 Construction Documents Flashcards
What is the purpose of Construction Documents?
- Graphic and verbal instructions to a contractor
- Used by a contractor for the purpose of bidding and constructing a proposed design
What are included in Specifications?
General Conditions
What document(s) specify:
- Detail the type of material(s)
- Procedures of fabrication
- Applications of the products and material
How does a contractor develop a cost estimate?
Contractors use Construction Drawings and Specifications to put together bids
Construction Drawings are translated by the contractor into:
Various operations
Personnel decisions
Equipment needs
The construction operations organized by activity:
Preliminary Surveying Tree Protection, temporary conditions, erosion control, and transplanting Clearing, grubbing, and demolition Topsoil stripping and stockpiling Rough grading Finish grading Installation of site improvements Planting and seeding
Contractor verifies:
Major dimensions Roadway geometry Property boundaries Construction limit line Stockpiling areas Horizontal measurements
Preliminary Surveying
Wrapped or enclosed
As described in the Specifications
Temporary moving trees to avoid construction damage
Tree protection, Transplanting, Temporary Conditions
Prevent Silting of Streams and drains as regulated by the EPA specifications
Erosion Control Methods
The removal of trees, shrubs, stumps, and rubbish from a site
Often from the site on which a transportation or utility corridor
What is Topsoil Stripping and Stockpiling
- Contractor removes all topsoil within the grading limits
- Stockpiles the soil in an area that is convenient for future respreading
What activity consists of:
- Blasting, trenching, backfilling, and cutting to the proposed new subgrade
- Preparation of all subgrade surfaces (Subbase materials for below or on-grade structures, Footings)
- Trenching for utility lines
- Top elevations (Manholes and drains at approximate grades.)
- Exterior surfaces (Cut and filled to specified rough-grade tolerances (6-12”))
- Preparation for final grading (Prior to placing topsoil and the wearing surfaces (Concrete, asphalt, brick, etc))
Rough Grading
What activity consists of:
- Staked out and re-surveyed (Establish finished geometry, Elevations of walks, roads, and other edges)
- Topsoil spread over rough grades in planted areas (Within 1” to 3”)
Finish Grading
What is included in a drawings Title Block
Sheet Title Client's name Name: Name of Consulting Firm and their information: Date: Drawn by: Checked by: Revision block: Job Number: Sheet Number:
What is included in a drawings sheet information?
Title Block Border with appropriate space for binding sheets North Arrow Written and graphic scale Registration seal Appropriate legend, notes, and labels References to Copyright
What are Primary Drawings?
Cover or Index Sheet Existing Conditions Demolition Plan Site Preparation Plan Layout (Dimensioning) and Materials Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Planting Plan and Details Utility Plan Site Details and Sections
A record of how the design was actually built
Record (as-built)drawings
Provided by the contractor when required by the designer. In some cases more efficient and economical if requiring experienced craftsmanship
Shop Drawings
What is included on the Cover Sheet or Index Sheet?
Project Title Sponsor Consultants Names Index to Drawings by Title and Sheet Number Project Location Map Graphic key to the drawing symbols
What drawing includes:
- A reproduction of a registered survey plan for the site
- Forms the basis for: Horizontal controls presented in the layout plan, and Vertical controls shown in the Grading Plan
- Shows: Property Boundary line lengths and bearings, Total acres, The topographic configuration illustrated with the contours and significant spot elevations, Existing structures, Vegetation type and size, Utilities, Easements, Adjacent roads, Geodetic or DPW survey grid at 500 or 100 ft stations , A Location Map, Boring Data
Existing Conditions Plan
- Information often overlaid the existing condition plan
- Shows the items to be demolished, removed, relocated, or transplanted
Demolition Plan
- Information often overlaid the existing condition plan
- Illustrates the proposed development
Location of stockpiling areas
Trees to be removed and thinned
Limit of the work line
Employee parking and construction road access
Erosion control methods
Concrete truck washout areas
Staging areas
Storage areas
Stockpile areas
Trees to be protected
Location of dewatering trenches or construction siltation ponds
Site Preparation Plan
- Proposed development superimposed on existing conditions plan
- Quantities and Materials
- The proposed design is located horizontally on the ground by using
- Bearings and distances, station offsets, and coordinate points
Layout and Materials Plan
What drawing:
- Enables the contractor to establish vertical controls
- Elevation information(Spot elevations, contour lines)
- Surface Drainage (Locations, Rim elevations of structures receiving runoff)
- Limit of grading
- Coordinate building elevations, finish floor elevations, and Utilities
Grading and Drainage Plan
What drawing:
- Locations of all proposed plant materials
- Legend
- A note or clause in the specifications
Planting Plan and Details
What information is included in a Planting Legend
- Common name
- Botanical name(genus, species, variety)
- Quantity
- Size (height, spread, caliper, etc)
- Spacing
- Special requirements(Multistem, first branch height, etc)
What is included on the base of the Planting Plan?
Property Lines Match lines Limit of contract Buildings and overhangs Paved areas, terraces, and walls Surface and subsurface utilities Location and size of existing plant material Location, type, and size of proposed plant material Areas to receive seed or sod Planting list or schedule Existing and proposed topography Location of decorative lighting fixtures Irrigation
What drawing includes: Stormwater Drainage Surface and conduit system Subdrainage Tile fields, footings, etc Sewerage Sanitary sewer and septic systems Water Distribution Drinking, irrigation, fountains, and fire control Electrical layout Lighting and outlets Buried cables Telephone, electrical, optic, cable tv, etc Steam and heat lines Pipes, expansion joints, and heat cables Fuel Lines Natural gas and petroleum
Utility Plan
What plan is:
- Drawn on halftone grading plans so existing conditions
- Horizontal layout, and vertical dimensions are shown
Utility Plan
What drawing is:
Coordinated with other plans
Major plantings
Hard-surfaced areas
Utility Plan
Convey specific methods of construction to the contractor and scaled from 1:10 to 1:20 (1/2” = 1’-0” to 1 1/2” = 1’-0” )?
Site Details and Sections
Show detailed layouts in courtyards or entrances and 1:200 (1/16” = 1’-0” or 1” = 20’ - 0”) or 1:100 (1/8” = 1’ - 0” or 1” = 10’ - 0”)?
Plan Enlargements
Show a profile section along a roadway centerline
Road Profiles and Sections
What drawings show:
All vertical parabolic curves Horizontal curves by symbol Superelevation High and Low Points Top of Curb Bottom of gutter lines Existing grades at 50 to 100' stations along that line
Road Profiles and Sections
- Provided by the contractor when required by Designer
- Contractor is given latitude to design special features that require craftsmanship
- Landscape Architect has final approval
Shop Drawings
- Shows how the design was actually built
- Contractor notifies the landscape Architect so that changes can be added
Record (As-built) Drawings
- General, Product, Execution
Materials required
Fabrication procedures
Application of products and materials
Establish the procedure and performance standards