Section 1-What is a business? Flashcards
Why set a missions statement?
- Motivates staff
- provides focus
- makes decision making easier
What is a corporate objective?
The goals the business has as a whole,depend on size of business
What’s a functional objective?
The objectives that each department has specifically for them,each manager of the department looks at how they can help meet the corporate objective
What should functional objectives be in order to be affective?
What does SMART mean?
Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Timely
What is a profit objective?
An objective set by a business that may be currently making a loss
-Functional objectives may be set to minimise costs or increase sales
What is a growth objective?
May be based on increasing revenue or expanding the business
What’s a not for profit organisation?
A shop e.g charity that are set to achieve social do ethical objectives
What’s a for profit organisation?
A business that focus’ on making a profit,however social and ethical objectives are becoming more important as more people are now able to view them
What is a missions statement?
A qualitative statement of an organisations aims that describes the general purpose of an organisation
What is revenue?
The money a business makes from sales before any deductions are made
Difference between fixed and variable costs?
Fixed DONT change with output e.g new machinery
Variable DO change as output changes e.g costs of raw materials
Characteristics of a publicly owned business?
Owned&run by the government and aims to provide services to the public rather than make a profit
Private business characteristics?
Owned and run by private individuals & most aim to make a profit
What is unlimited liability?
- When a business and owner are seems as one
- the debts become personal of the owner
- high financial risk