SECTION 1 - SYSTEMS Flashcards
When was the RQ-1 Predator built?
January 1994
Armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long endurance.
This mode will guide the missile directly to the target along the launch line of sight.
LOAL Direct
A change in wind speed and/or direction over a short distance.
Wind shear
Utilizes a Rotax 914 turbo charged four-cylinder engine. (115 HP)
When was the RQ-1 used operationally?
July 1995
The most common upper level clouds.
Secures the area and notifies the disaster response team for any dropped or partially armed munitions.
On-Scene Commander
Composed of four sections guidance warhead propulsion and control.
AGM 114
ISR, CAS, CSAR, precision strike, buddy lase, friendly force overwatch, route clearance and target development.
Contain the most severe weather hazards to flight.
Equipped with a Honeywell TPE331-10 turboprop engine capable of reverse thrust.
A HEAT warhead designed to defeat reactive armor targets.
P warhead
Improved sensor suite used on the MQ-9.
Joint service weapon that uses an onboard GPS and INS guidance set with the MK 82 warhead.
This configuration for the hellfire guidance allows for engagement of targets located behind the aircraft.
Hellfire P+
This aircraft uses aviation gas.
Abrupt variations in wind speed and direction.
This is declared for any aircraft experiencing an aircraft fire hung ordinance.
DTV and IR nose cameras are mounted in the nose of the aircraft. (pilot’s view)
Maneuverable freefall weapon that guides to a spot of reflected laser energy.
What was GA’s earlier RPA called?
Has a payload of 3000 lbs, a maximum ceiling of 50,000 ft and endurance of 36 hrs.
This positively prevents AGM-114 missile firing.
Wingtip safety pin
A MAC warhead that that needs after target penetration.
N warhead
Aircrew report of weather conditions at altitude.
USAF pushed for what role?
Hunter-Killer role
Changed its designation in 2002 with the addition of the AGM-114 Hellfire missiles.
This mode will alter the trajectory of the missile to cause a steep impact angle at weapons impact
What was the first MQ-9 and when was it’s first flight?
Predator B-001 and 2 February 2001
Endurance of 14 hours when fully loaded with four AGM 114’s and two GBU 12s.
This mode will alter the trajectory of the missile to cause a shallow impact angle at weapons impact.
An all electric aircraft with the exception of the hydraulic braking system.
The use of this mode is limited.
Missiles designed to receive target location data from the RPA.
Hellfire IIP
What requires and tracks targets using reflected laser energy?
The seeker
Equipped with seven hard points.
These missiles are the most restrictive and require that the target be located within +/-4° of the aircraft heading.
Hellfire II
Maximum altitude of 25,000 feet.
Larger WEZ than the Hellfire II.
Hellfire IIP
Missiles that will have a 3-axis IMU.
Hellfire P+
When you may have encountered a munition.
First ever weaponized RPA and features precision a/g weapons delivery capability.
Provide steering commands used by the control section to direct the weapon.
Guidance Electronic Group
BFWH that includes a built in fuse delay.
M warhead
Contains a metal fuel that optimizes over pressure performance.
N warhead
All electric aircraft with control surfaces that are moved by servos.
This engagement requires an aircraft to serve as a launch platform, providing a missile for another aircraft or a ground observer
Missile that accelerates the missile to a maximum speed of Mach 1.4.
AGM 114
These provide actual steering of the missile.
The fins
This mode is used for many tactical situations that require precise impact angles in moderate dispersal fragmentation.
LOAL Direct
Two engagement methods by which the missile can be guided to the target.
Self-lase and remote-lase
Allows kinetic penetration of a target, such as an automobile, prior to warhead detonation.
M warhead
This mode is ideal for personnel targets.
This engagement requires the aircraft launching the missile to guide it all the way to the target after the missile is away.
Aircrews will not take off if greater than:
Moderate turbulence
This section processes decodes the electric signal.
Computer section
This section is responsible for developing mechanical power necessary to actuate the control fins that guides the weapon.
Control section
Location of the MQ-9’s seven hard points.
Three under each wing and one under the fuselage
Currently in use on the GBU-12.
The standard Mk82 general-purpose blast fragmentation bomb
Does not have an off-boresight capability.
Commonly referred to as a buddy lase.
Do not touch move or disturb.
Similar to light turbulence but of greater intensity.
Moderate turbulence
Secures the area and notifies the disaster response team.
On-Scene Commander
Safe withdrawal distance for a dropped or partially armed munitions, not involving fire.
300 ft
Relatively flat bases, dome shaped tops and a cauliflower appearance.
Notify the appropriate personnel.
Set to a Mode 3a of 7700.
Aircraft IFF/SIF transponder
All personnel must remain clear of the aircraft for one hour after the last attempt to fire a hung weapon.
Hung ordinance
Prevents the laser from firing.
Laser safety pins
RPA operation in turbulence is permitted if the aircraft is operated within:
Maneuvering speed limitations
Summation of sky cover up to 2/8ths.
Large abrupt changes in altitude and/or attitude.
Severe turbulence
Summation of sky cover of 3/8ths through 4/8ths.
Lightning can also interrupt the:
Ku-band datalink
Display a wealth of information about present and approaching weather and provide you visible evidence of atmospheric motions, water content and stability.
Aircraft violently tossed around with control virtually impossible.
Extreme turbulence
Large, dense, towering clouds with cauliflower-like tops which can range from as low as 500 feet to generally no higher than 15,000 unless in extreme cases.
A term used to describe the absence of clouds or obscuring phenomena.
Summation of sky cover a 5/8ths through less than total cloud cover of an area.
Summation of total sky cover.
Low-level cloud with clearly defined edges and are generally found below 6,500 feet but could reach altitudes of 8,000 feet.
Fire is involved, the withdrawal distance extends to:
4,000 ft
When precipitation evaporates completely in dry air beneath the cloud base.
Equipped with surge protection systems.
Has no lightning protection.
The distance the supported unit needs the aircraft to stay away from the target.
This slant range standoff will produce the best picture quality while also minimizing aircraft noise signature.
3 to 6 nm
Can mostly be found between 16,000 feet and 45,000 feet.
Three-dimensional science.
The only real way to improve sensor performance in high atmospheric attenuation environments is to:
Get closer to the target and reduce the slant range
Place the aircraft:
Between the target and the sun
Aids in maintaining target PID in a heavily congested area.
Narrower FOVs
Thin feathery clouds in patches or narrow bands.
Slight and erratic changes in altitude and/or attitude.
Lift turbulence