Section 1 - Particles and Radiation Flashcards
What is a Nucleon?
Collective term for Protons and Neutrons.
What is an Isotope?
A varied element with the same number of Protons and Electrons but a differing number of Neutrons.
Formula for Specific Charge
Specific Charge = Charge/Mass
What is Specific Charge measured in?
Coulombs per Kilogram (CKg^-1)
Charge of Particle
Mass of Particle
What is an Electron Antineutrino?
It is a form of energy given off during Beta Minus Decay.
What is the Electromagnetic force?
The force attempting to repel an atom’s components.
What is the Strong Nuclear Force?
The force that holds a nucleus together.
What is Alpha Decay?
Where two protons and neutrons are produced from decay.
What is Beta Minus Decay?
Where a neutron is changed into a proton, also producing an electron and an electron antineutrino.
What are Hadrons?
Where the strong force interacts.
What are Cosmic Ray Showers?
High energy particles produced from radiation from Space interacting with molecules from the atmosphere.
Types of Baryons
Neutron and Proton.
Type of Mesons
Kaons and Pions.